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1、Its magic time! (现在是见证奇迹的时刻!) 6A Unit 3 It was there!第一课时教学设计海师附小何海燕226600一、课题牛津小学英语6A Unit3 It was there! 二、教材简解本部分对话内容是围绕“寻找物品”展开的,从运动会入手,引出寻找物品这一话题,同时渗透了动词be的过去式was和were,语言的交际性和实用性较强。三、目标预设1、知识与技能目标(1)能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词和词组was,were,excited,a moment ago,just now。掌握动词be的过去式was和were的用法。(2)能听懂,会说,会读单词cam

2、era,film,ground,Sports Day,race,exciting。(3)能听懂,会说和会读日常交际用语It is Sports Day. Can I have them, please? Can you pick them up for me, please?(4)能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型Wheres ? Its It isnt there now. It was Where are ? They arent there now. Theyre They were 2、能力目标(1)进一步培养学生良好的语音,语感。(2)进一步培养学生把所学知识应用到日常生活情景中的能力。(

3、3)初步培养学生的预习能力,组织和合作能力。3、情感目标(1)激发学生帮助他人之心。(2)培养学生积极参与小组活动的意识,明白“团结就是力量”。四、教学重点和难点1、掌握动词be的过去式was和were的用法。2、能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词和词组was,were,excited,a moment ago,just now。3、能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型Wheres ? Its It isnt there now. It was Where are ? They arent there now. Theyre They were 五、设计理念本课以始终贯彻“玩中学”和“做中学”的理念,借助

4、视频,声频,图片,动画等教学媒体巧设情景,引导学生主动探究,创造性地学习,时时刻刻体验英语学习的快乐,让英语学习真正做到“为了一切的孩子,为了孩子的一切,一切为了孩子”。六、设计思路本课以魔术为切入点,通过自我介绍与动画展示,呈现was和were的用法及excited,然后切入课文,将所有的重点和难点均在游戏中层层分解,各个击破。七、教学过程Step1. Warming up and presentationT: Boys and girls, I want to know something about you. Please say something about you or your

5、classmate.S: T: Now, do you want to know something about me?S: Yes.T: (PPT呈现简短的自我介绍Im Ann. I like magic and travelling. Im very excited now.) Excited, do you know? Follow me, excited.S: Excited.T: Excited是形容人的。We can say, the boy in black is very excited. Who can make a sentence with this word?Ss: 【

6、设计意图】热身环节中自我介绍或互相介绍的设计正是贯彻了英语课程标准中在二级课程目标中提出的“能用简单的英语交换有关个人的简单信息”。同时让学生在老师的自我介绍中水到渠成地学习excited并用excited造句,有效体现出“词不离句”。T: (呈现两张图片) Look, this is Su Yangs photo. Where is she now?S: Shes in the classroom.T: (操作电脑,让苏阳从大屏幕上消失)Now, its magic time. Wheres she now?S: Sorry, I dont know.T: She isnt in the c

7、lassroom. But she was in the classroom a moment ago. (PPT呈现She was in the classroom a moment ago.) Was是am,is的过去式,a moment ago means片刻之前。S: Was, was, she was in the classroom.S: A moment ago, a moment ago, she was in the classroom a moment ago.T: Where are the students now?S: They are in the computer

8、 room.T: (操作电脑,让学生们从大屏幕上消失)Its magic time. Are they in the computer room?S: No, they arent in the computer room.T: They were(are的过去式) in the computer room just now(刚才). (PPT呈现)S: Were, were, they were in the computer room.S: Just now, just now, they were in the computer room just now. 【设计意图】从学生最感兴趣的

9、魔术切入新知识的学习,将学生对魔术的热情巧妙地转为学习的热情,并将本课的重点was, were的用法和重点词组a moment ago及just now进行渗透,为下个环节奠定坚实的基础。Step2. Presentation and practiceT: Su Yang isnt in the classroom, the students arent in the computer room. Where are they now . (镜头切换到本课插图)S: They are in the playground.T: Today is Sports Day.S: Sports Day.

10、T: On Sports Day, what are Su Hai and Su Yang doing in the playground? Lets learn Unit 3 It was there!S: It was there!T: On Sports Day, the twins and some students are watching the running race.S: Running race.T: Su Hai is looking for something. What is Su Hai looking for? Lets watch the cartoon and

11、 try to answer this question. (PPT呈现What are they looking for? A: The camera B: The glasses C: The films D: The bag Learning tip: 倾听有技巧,巧抓关键词)The students watch the cartoon.T: Who can answer this question?S: They are looking for the camera and the films.T: (PPT呈现film) Read after me, film.S: Film.【设计

12、意图】由热身环节的操练自然而然地过渡到课文,使每个环节之间严丝合缝。Learning tip的设置,正是体现了英语课程标准中的“教师要有意识地加强对学生学习策略的指导,让他们在学习和运用英语的过程中逐步学会如何学习。”T: Please read the text by yourselves, then according to the text and judge. (PPT呈现)Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the sentence is false. 1. There was an exciting (令人兴奋的,令人激动的) r

13、unning race. ( ) 2. Su Yang wanted to take some photos. ( ) 3. The camera is in Su Hais bag. ( ) 4. The films were on the ground(在地上). ( ) Learning tip: 略读有诀窍,注意关键句。T: Lets read these sentences. The students read the sentences. (在读句子的过程中学习exciting和on the ground )The students try to finish the exerci

14、ses.the cameranowjust nowthe filmsT: The camera isnt in Su Hais bag and the films werent on the ground. Where are the films and the camera? Please read after the cartoon and try to fill in the blanks. (PPT呈现) just nownowThe students read after the cartoon. 【设计意图】牛津小学英语教材的特点之一是从视听入手,注重听说训练,着重培养学生的语感。

15、基于这一点,我们应该让学生多听录音,多感知纯正的语音语调为他们良好的语音语调的形成夯实基础。The students read the text again and fill in the blanks.T: Who can tell me the answers?The students answer the questions.T: Please according to this and use these drills to make some sentences. (PPT呈现:The camera is But it isnt there now. It was The films are But they arent there now. They were Learning tip: 造句有讲究,巧借思路图) You can work in groups.老师在学生操练结束以后选择几位


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