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1、初中英语完形填空13篇及解析讲解七年级下完形填空完形填空 ( 1 )Carol and susan are very good friends they are in the same _1_ at school and they often visit _2_ home at weekends (周末 ). Now they are _3_ eight years old. Carols mother has got a new baby. Carol is very _14_ to have a little sister. so she is always talking about h

2、er to susan. At first she is very _5_ in the new baby because she doesnt have any brothers or sisters. But _6_ some time she begins to get tired of Carols endless talking喋(喋不休地讨论 ) about it. She also fells a little jealous (妒忌 ) of her friend.One morning when the two girls _7_ in the school ground,

3、Carol says to susan, Do you _8_,Sue, my baby sister has put on nearly half a pound in weight体(重增添了半磅 ) this week.That is not very _9_. answers Susan. I know a baby and he puts on ten pounds a day.Oh, that cant be _10_. answers Carol laughingly. Whose baby is it An elephantssaysSusan.1. a. gradeb. ta

4、blec. classd. group2. a. each othersb. theirc. theirsd. each other3. a. allb. twoc. bothd. either4. a. angryb. sorryc. surprisedd. glad5. a. interestingb. interestedc. happyd. satisfied6. a. beforeb. forc. afterd. at7. a. playb. meetc. weightd. walk8. a. hearb. thinkc. findd. know9. a. muchb. manyc.

5、 fewd. little10. a. impossibleb. wrongc. trued. sure完形填空 ( 3 )bob and sue are in the same school,1they are in different2. they go toschool on weekdays.3school , bob and sue often play games with4friends.classes begin5eight in the morning. now bob and sue are in their classrooms.they are listening to

6、 their6. bobs studying english. his teacher is talking7english. sues8a chinese class. her teacher is talking9writing. they studyhard. they love their teachers and they like their10.l. a. butb. andc. ord. when2. a. classesb. classc. lessond. lessons3. a. inb. whenc. tod. at4. a. hisb. herc. otherd. t

7、heir5. a. aboutb. inc. atd. on6. a. friendsb. fatherc. teacherd. teachers7. a. withb. atc. ind. for8. a. havingb. listeningc. gettingd. sitting in9. a. atb. aboutc. ford. like10. a. homeb. familyc. schoold. clothes / 完形填空 ( 4 )it is the _1_ day of a new term. everyone _2_ very happy. they came to sc

8、hool early. _3_ new english teacher is mr hu. he _4_ to his students. welcome _5_ to school. mr hu _6_ know their names. but he has _7_ on a piece _8_ paper(纸). he wants to call their names. after that, a boy comes in, he is _9_. mr hu asks him to come to school _10_ next time.() 1. a. firstb. onec.

9、 the firstd. 1th() 2. a. areb. bec. isd. look() 3. a. itsb. hisc. theird. our() 4. a. saysb. speaksc. doesn t sayd. wants() 5. a. backb. youc. usd. it() 6. a. dob. isn t c. doesntd. /() 7. a. itb. themc. himd. that() 8. a. ofb. toc. ind. on() 9. a. earlyb. tallc. shortd. late() 10. a. backb. earlyc.

10、 earlierd. late完形填空 ( 5 )mr. black 1 england. he works in a middle school. he likes has two children. they are 3 him in china. and they are in 4 like 5 china they say they like chinese food very much.2 in china a lot. he school. what do they1. a. fromb. comes fromc. come fromd. be from2. a. workingb

11、. worksc. workd. to working3. a. andb. ofc. atd. with4. a. sameb. a samec. the samed. two same5. a. aboutb. withc. /d. of完形填空 ( 6 )there are nineteen boys and twenty-eight girls in our class.1of the boys is english.his2is sam. hes thirteen. two of the3are american. they are twins.4names are jane and

12、 joy. they are twelve. they are my5. all of the other boys and girls are6.7all like the english boy and the american girls ,8they like us, too. weplay games together(一同 ). we help9and they help us.look, there come the twins! theyre10this way. lets say hello to them.l. a. oneb. twoc. threed. four2. a

13、. schoolb. sisterc. brotherd. name3. a. brothersb. sistersc. girlsd. boys4. a. yourb. theirc. ourd. her5. a. teachersb. friendsc. brothersd. students6. a. chineseb. englishc. americand. friends7. a. theyb. wec. themd. our8. a. butb. orc. andd. so9. a. her10. a. comeb. themb. goc. himc. comingd. youd

14、. going完形填空 ( 7 )this is my bedroom. i can see _1_ pictures on the wall. the light is _2_ the desk. the football is _3_ the chair. _4_ is the bed its near the table.my father and _5_ bedroom is near my bedroom. _6_ flowers and a bed _7_ in their room.some windows are _8_ the wall. a yellow door is in the wall, _9_.i like my bedroom an


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