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1、 2022年12月英语四级写作思路和冲刺作文范文指导(3)作文话题: Model 2 Shopping on the Net 网上购物 近来在一些兴旺地区消失网上购物热。 一些人喜爱网上购物。 另一些人不喜爱网上购物。 四、六级作文类型:提纲式比照分析类谈论文。 考点分析: 本文属比照分析类谈论文,也有人将其归类于比照比拟类或匹配比照类作文。此类作文要求对同种或两种事物进展比拟,然后得出结论。严格地说比拟类的作文一般要求比拟一件事物正反、优劣等,然后下结论;而比照类作文大多是对两个事物或两种观点从两方面进展比拟,再提出自己的看法。 本文实际上是从客观公正的角度比照网上购物与传统购物。文章首先指

2、出如今网络时代我们在网上无所不能,网上购物悄然受到人们青睐。随即围绕网上购物这一中心议题提出两种不同态度。一些人喜爱网上购物,他们认为与传统购物方式相比,它快捷、便利、省时,选择面大。实际上他们是拿网上购物的特长比传统购物的短处。而另一些人对此不感兴趣,他们对假冒伪劣产品非常慎重,很怕上当受骗。这些人是拿传统购物特长比网上购物的短处,最终得出结论:网上购物势必会进展成不行抗拒的新的购物趋势。 审题构思: “网上购物“属提纲式作文。依据题中所给汉语提示句提示,本文可用三段式的谋篇形式。开篇段照顾提纲开门见山地指出目前不仅消失了“上网热”,而且消失了“网上购物热”Nowadays many peo

3、ple tend to shop on the net。随后在其次和第三段中说明对网上购物的两种不同观点,并就此绽开争论。最终用一句话得出结论。因此其次段的主题句应为:Some people prefer this new way of shopping。第三段主题句为:Others dislike the new trend of shopping。结论为:I believe it is an irresistible trend of shopping in the 21st century。全文和各段落详细框架构造如下: 全文构思: 1.Nowadays many people tend

4、 to shop on the Net. 2.Some people prefer this new way of shopping. 3.Others dislike the new trend of shopping. 段落构思 第一段:Topic Sentence Nowadays many people tend to shop on the Net. Developing Sentence 1 Internet is revolutionizing our world. Developing Sentence 2 We can do many things online. 其次段:

5、Topic Sentence Some people prefer this new way of shopping. Developing Sentence convenient and time-saving 第三段: Topic Sentence others dislike the new trend of shopping. Developing Sentence fear of buying fake commodities 新词拾贝 online网上;在线 on the WebNet网上 Website网站 Web page网页 e-commerce电子商务 e-business

6、电子商务 virtual shopping center网上虚构的购物中心 绝妙连接 Nowadays, As a matter of fact, To illustrate, However, SomeFirst, besides, Most important of all, However, othersFirst, Besides,Finally, However, 良好开端 Nowadays Internet is revolutionizing our world and greatly facilitating our modern life, so that we can do

7、 many things on the Net. Nowadays, with the arrival of knowledge economy age, we can do many things on the Web, such as conducting e-business, buying and selling stocks and even shopping at home via the Internet. Nowadays, we can do many things via Internet. To illustrate, we can conduct e-commerce

8、,buy and sell stocks, buy train or air tickets and even shop on the Net. Nowadays, shopping at home via Internet is becoming popular in many parts of the country. 胜利收口 Therefore, they dont think its the best way to shop on the Web. Therefore, they doubt whether its advantages can outweigh its disadv

9、antages, hence, they still continue their old practice. Therefore, they didnt show any interest in online shopping. Therefore, they find it difficult to adopt the new way of shopping and still stick to he old way. 组段成篇 读读范文,看看文章的谋篇方式。先谈悄然兴起的网上购物热,引出中心议题“人们对网上购物的两种不同观点”。最终从中得出自己的结论。 范文: Nowadays Inte

10、rnet is revolutionizing our world and greatly facilitating our modern life. As a matter of fact, we can do almost everything on the net. To illustrate, we can conduct E-business, advertise our products, book an air ticket, buy and sell stocks, even hunt job on the web. Recently, shopping on the Net

11、is gradually becoming popular in modern cities. However, people take different attitudes towards the new way of shopping. Some people who prefer shopping on the virtual shopping centers or the e-commerce portals, hold that the new way of shopping has many advantages. First ,the web-stores can keep c

12、ustomers updated about the best selling products. Besides, they can provide customers with a wider range of choices. Most important of all , it is very convenient and time-saving .People can stay at home shopping whatever they want online. However, others who stick to shopping in the real life store

13、s have their reasons. First, they argue that though time-saving, its a little bit complicated to pay on the Web. Besides, they think that customers can never rest assured of the quality of the commodities unless they see them with their own eyes. Finally, they believe the best way to be on guard aga

14、inst the fake and poor quality commodities is to shop in the traditional way. Therefore, they dont show any interest in shopping online. However, more and more people will prefer shopping on the Web. And its believed that it will eventually be an irresistible trend of shopping in the 21st century. 范文赏析: 本文属谈论文。文章立题新奇,紧扣时代进展的脉搏。语言清爽、流畅。思路清楚,笔墨洗练。构造完整,论述精当。 文章用现象法开篇指出因特网正在使我们的生活发生重大变化。如近来网上购物悄然兴起且日趋普及。 随后其次段开头通过论述人们对网上购物这一新生事物持两种不同态度,承上启下,自然过渡,进而引出两种不同观点:一些人认为网上购物便利省时、择物时选择面大,商品信息新奇快捷;相反另一些人则对网上购物持担忧、慎重态度。他们认为通过网上购物购置到的商品为假冒伪劣商品的可能性偏大。网上购物使人心中不托底。最终,分析后得出结论:网上购物这一新生事物必将成为21世纪购物进展的方向。


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