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1、Section CSection C needs 1 period. Section C需用1课时。The main activity is 1. 本课重点活动是1。. Aims and demands 目标要求1. Learn some new words: especially, hang, tear, fall asleep, thought, confident, earthquake, topic, noise2. Go on learning the sentence pattern: “make + object + v. / adj.” Sometimes it makes m

2、e feel happy. Red makes me active. Rock music always makes me want to dance.3. Talk about the influences of different things on feelings:I think the moon can affect my moods.The environment can change my feelings.I think the weather can affect my moods.Colors can affect my feelings and moods.Big eve

3、nts can affect me a lot.4. Express how things affect our feelings. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/歌曲磁带/多媒体课件/图片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5分钟)师生交谈,导入新课。(方案一)T: I will tell you a piece of bad news. My pet dog died yesterday. I feel sad. (教师在黑板上画简笔画表示悲伤。)Ss: Oh, thats too bad. We

4、are sad, too.(播放轻快音乐。)T: How do you feel now?Ss: We feel better now. (引导学生用简笔画表示开心。)T: Then do you know what can affect our moods? Thats to say, what can make us happy or sad?(让学生自由讨论两分钟左右,通过讨论检查学生作业完成情况,为引出新课作铺垫。)(方案二)1. (让学生表演Section B中的对话。)T: Ill ask some students to act out the dialog in Section

5、 B. Who wants to have a try? Come here, please.(组织三或四组学生表演对话。)2. (让学生根据教师提供的情景进行小组讨论并表达自己的情感,然后表演。)T: You see, different situations, different feelings. Different feelings, different actions. What actions will you do in the following situations? Do you want to express your feelings exactly? Well, ta

6、lk about the situations in groups first and then Ill ask someone in your group to act out. Now lets begin.I am going abroad!I just saw a UFO!I just found one million dollars!I just bought you a car!You are buying a house!Your pet dog died yesterday.You see your classmates making faces.Your father be

7、at you yesterday.(可以把材料写在纸上或用多媒体等展示出来。)T:OK. Act out your feelings in class. The others guess what his/her feeling is. Do you understand?Ss:Sure.T:OK. Group 1, who wants to try?(第一组选手表演完之后,老师面向全体学生)T: Whats her feeling?Ss:She feels surprised.T:Good, very good! OK, next group.(以下方式同上。)T:Many things c

8、an affect our feelings. Lets go to Section C.(引入下一步。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 10分钟)呈现并学习1。1. (出示一幅明月悬空图,通过师生问答,自然呈现1。)T:Boys and girls, please look at the picture. How do you feel when the moon is hanging in the sky?Ss:We feel happy/active/excited.T:Yes. At this time, if you are not with your

9、family, especially you are ill, how do you feel?Ss:We often feel very lonely/sad/upset.T:Yes, its an unhappy feeling. At that time, tears may come to your eyes.(教师边陈述边板书画线生词,让学生猜词义然后适当解释,用这种形式引入1。掌握: hang, especially;理解tear。)hang, especially, tear(告诉学生许多东西能影响人的情绪,让学生听1的录音,设置听力任务,找到问题的答案。)T: We know

10、many things can make our feelings change. Here are some examples. Please listen to 1 and answer the questions.(将设置好的听力问题呈现在黑板上。)(1) How does the girl feel when seeing the full moon?(2) How does the boy feel when he is in a different environment?(3) How does the boy feel when the sun shines brightly?

11、(4) What colors can make the girl confident or calm?(5) What else can affect our feelings?2. (播放1的录音,为降低听力难度,每播放一段录音呈现一个问题,让学生互相讨论后核对答案。)T: Listen to 1a and then check the answers after discussing with other classmates.3. (理解1中的重难点。尽量让学生提问,学生回答,不足之处由教师补充。掌握thought和fall asleep;理解earthquake, topic;了解c

12、onfident。)(板书)thought, fall asleep, earthquake, topic, confidentT:Do you have any questions about the passages?S1:Whats the meaning ofS2:(以上环节教师应注意补充学生未提出但应讲解的要点。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 12分钟)巩固1中的重难点。1. (再放1录音, 学生跟读。)T: Follow the tape please.2. (让学生在1中画出含有make/let+sb.+adj./v.的句子。进一步熟悉这一结构。

13、) T: Underline the sentences with the structure “make/let+sb.+adj./v.” in 1.3. (让学生重新阅读短文并找出关键词。)T: Boys and girls, please read the passages again and find out the key words.(教师总结关键词并板书。)Paragraph 1: the moonaffecthappy sad especially hang get together feel very lonelyParagraph 2: environmentchangen

14、oisy fall asleep clean and quiet happierParagraph 3: weatheraffectrains sad thoughts sun happyParagraph 4: colorsorange and yellowconfident; blue and white feel calm; green the color of nature energy; red make activeParagraph 5: eventsaffectearthquake sad Olympics excited and active4. (学生根据板书的关键词复述课

15、文。为降低难度,可分段复述。)T: Now, lets retell the text paragraph by paragraph.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 13分钟)练习完成2和3。1. (完成2。)T: Many things can affect our feelings. Please fill out the form in 2.(教师板书给出一些建议。)Some noise makes me bored.A noisy city makes me nervous.Sunny/Windy days make me happy/active.Blue makes me feel quieter and calmer.White can make me more helpful.A quiet/noisy/bad environment makes me happy/worried/bored.Loud/Soft music makes me angry/want to


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