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1、 2022年3月公共英语考试三级模拟试题一及答案3Too often young people get themselves employed quite by accident, not knowing what lies in the way of opportunity for promotion, happiness and security. As a result, they are employed doing jobs that afford them little or no satisfaction. Our school leavers face so much comp

2、etition that they seldom care what they do as long as they can earn a living . Some stay long at a job and learn to like it ;others quite from one to another looking for something to suit them, the young graduates who leave the university look for jobs that offer a salary up to their expectation. Ve

3、ry few go out into the world knowing exactly what they want and realizing their own abilities. The reason behind all this confusion is that there never has been a proper vocational guidance in our educational institution. Nearly all grope(摸索) in the dark and their chief concern when they look for a

4、job is to ask what salary is like. They never bother to think whether they are suited for the job or, even more important, whether the job suits them, Having a job is more than merely providing yourself and your dependants with daily bread and some money for leisure and entertainment, It sets a patt

5、ern of life and, in many ways, determines social status in life, selection of friends, leisure and interest.In choosing a career you should first consider the type of work which will suit your interest .Noting is more pathetic than taking on a job in which you have no interest, for it will not only

6、discourage your desire to succeed in life but also ruin your talents and ultimately make you an emotional wreck (受到严峻损害的人)and a bitter person.56. The reason why some people are unlikely to succeed in life is that they _ .A. have ruined their talentsB. have taken on an unsuitable jobC. think of nothi

7、ng but their salaryD. are not aware of their own potential57. The difficulty in choosing a suitable job lies mainly in that_ .A. much competition has to be facedB. many employees have no working experienceC. the young people only care about how much they can earnD. schools fail to offer students app

8、ropriate vocational guidance58. Which of the following statements is most important according to the passage?A. Your job must suit your interest.B. Your job must set a pattern of life.C. Your job must offer you a high salary.D. Your job must not ruin your talents.59.The best title for this passage w

9、ould be _.A. What Can A Good Job OfferB. Earning A LivingC. Correct Attitude On Job-huntingD. How To Choose A Job60. The word “pathetic”in paragraph 2 most probably means _ .A. splendid B. miserableC. disgusted D. touchingPart BDirections:The 12,000 members of the Electricity Workers” Union on strik

10、e last week and since then there has been no electricity. For question 61-65, match the names with the statements below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Mr. Mike Smith:It wasn”t an easy decision, but we”ve been asking for a decent wage for years. Now at last people are beginning to listen to us.

11、 We”re only asking for a 25 percent increase in our wages. 250 dollars a week. That”s all. It”s pity so many people have to be inconvenienced by out strike. But please don”t blame us. Blame the government for refusing our claim.Mr. Tom Brown:It”s totally unreasonable to demand so much money when we

12、are trying desperately to control inflation. If wages go up, so do prices. If we gave in to the electricity workers, all the other unions would want more, with the inevitable result that the crisis would become uncontrollable. What we”re trying to impress upon everybody is that inflation hurts every

13、body, especially the poor people. We offer the electricity workers a 10 percent increase. And that”s already too much. My stand at this meeting will be to persuade the Union to see reason.Mr. Bob Davis:Everybody will be hurt by this strike, including the electricity workers themselves. The economy w

14、ill be destroyed and many people will lose their jobs. Already people are saying that the big unions have too much power and shouldn”t be allowed to strike. O course the electricity want to get more money. Don”t we all?Mr. Baker:My opinion is “Get the Army in”. All the power stations should be manag

15、ed by the army. The strikers should be thrown into prison. That”s what this country needs. Why must we all suffer just because a few men are greedy? If they don”t like their jobs, nobody ”s forcing them to work. They should try and live on 50 dollars a week like I have to. Perhaps they”d keep their mouths shut then.Miss Slater:Let”s face it. It”s neither here nor there. The electricity workers are in a strong position. Perhaps we can”t do anything bout it. What I say is: let them have their 250 dollars so we can return to work. I mean, the government


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