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1、 毕业论文On Interpreting Training Models学 院: 外国语学院专 业: 姓 名: 指导老师: 英语佟婷廷 学 号: 职 称: 0610211008吴文梅讲师中国珠海二一 年 五 月北京理工大学珠海学院2010届本科生毕业论文北京理工大学珠海学院毕业论文诚信承诺书本人郑重承诺:我所呈交的毕业论文On Interpreting Training Models 是在指导教师的指导下,独立开展研究取得的成果,文中引用他人的观点和材料,均在文后按顺序列出其参考文献,论文使用的数据真实可靠。承诺人签名: 日期: 2010 年 5 月 30 日On Interpreting T

2、raining ModelsABSTRACTInterpreting is the communicative activity under special circumstances. With the development of human society, interpreting enriches human verbal communication. In todays society, the demand for interpreters increases dramatically, and the requirements of interpreters qualifica

3、tion increases availably. Being the best way to cultivate the interpreter, the interpreting training models are the most fundamental part of interpreting training which can never be exaggerated. This thesis mainly discusses those famous interpreting training models. Besides researching Gile Model(in

4、cluding Effort Model and Comprehension Model), the author also gives a general discussion on those models presented by scholars in our country, Xiada Model, “3P” Model and APEC Model. Based on cognitive concepts, this article makes analytical studies on those interpreting training models mentioned a

5、bove, and gives an conclusion of each models characteristics.Keywords:Interpreting, Training Models, Study口译训练模式研究摘 要口译是特殊环境下的语言交际活动,随着人类社会的发展与进步,口译使得人类的语言交际更加丰富。现今社会对口译人才的需求量急剧增加,对口译人才的质量要求也越来越高。作为培养口译人才的最佳途径,口译训练模式是口译训练不可或缺的组成部分。本文主要针对口译训练模式进行讨论,除了研究著名的吉尔模式(包括多任务处理模式和口译理解模式),还对国内学者提出的著名的口译训练模式如厦大口

6、译训练模式、“3P”口译训练模式和APEC Model交替传译短时记忆训练模式进行了较为全面的探讨。从基础理论着手,对现有的口译训练模式进行梳理,并总结概括各自的特点。关键词:口译 训练模式 研究CONTENTSABSTRACTI摘 要IIChapter 1 Introduction11.1 Study Backgrounds11.2 Research Method and Significance1Chapter 2 Interpreting Training Models32.1 Gile Model32.1.1 Effort Model for Simultaneous Interpre

7、ting32.1.2 Consecutive Interpreting Model52.1.3 Comprehension Model62.2 Xiada Model62.3 “3P” Model82.3.1 Preparing102.3.2 Performing102.3.3 Packaging102.3.4 The Application of “3P” Model112.4 APEC Model112.4.1 Discourse Analysis112.4.2 Information Processing132.4.3 Meaning Encoding142.4.4 Tasks Coor

8、dinating14Chapter 3 Conclusion173.1 Major Findings173.2 The Lack of the Study173.3 The Promise of the Study18References19Acknowledgements21IVChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Study Backgrounds In todays world, Interpreting Studies has become a must. In Europe, for instance, these activities have been a part

9、 and parcel of universities offerings. The Paris Peace Conference in 1919 produced the first batch of formal interpreters. After world war, with the establishment of the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC), more and more peoples attentions are paid on the work of interpreting

10、. In China, it has been 2,000 years since interpreting become an occupation, however, it was until the beginning of the 20th century that it had eventually become a special profession with international recognition (XIAO Xiaoyan, 2002).During the period of time, interpreter being a profession alread

11、y got its own professional studies. While compared to the western countries, the investment of interpreting in China is far more backward since the interpreting training was just started about 20 years ago in our country. Now in the condition of desperate need of interpreters, the importance of inte

12、rpreting training models can never be doubted to cultivate an interpreter, not to mention it is also the direct way to improve the ability effectively (GUO Lanyin, 2007:74). The interpreting training models abroad will be the good references and development foundation for the interpreting training m

13、odels of our country. Bearing this in mind, the thesis will focus on those famous interpreting training models like, Gile model, Xiada model, “3P” model and APEC model, starts with different perspectives, focuses and goals of each model and give in-depth discussions.1.2 Research Method and Significa

14、nceInterpreting is a communicative behavior to transfer the information which has been perceived and understood accurately and rapidly from a language into another to reach out the purpose of timely information transfer and exchange through the oral expression, and it is additionally the basic way o

15、f cross-cultural communication in modern society. Along with the increasing development of Chinas internationalization degree, the demand for interpreters at all levels from all sectors of the community has been growing. Interpreting training models are the direct paths for training and enhance students interp


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