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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑经典英语故事带翻译大全 故事是孩子们特殊喜爱的,他们的童年始终由故事陪伴着,故事教学同时也是学校英语教学的重要组成部分。我细心收集了经典英语故事带翻译,供大家观赏学习! 经典英语故事带翻译:老莱子戏彩娱亲 Lao Laizi was an anchorite in Spring and Autumn Period. He did farming at the south side of Meng Mountain to avoid the chaos in that period. 老莱子,春秋时期楚国隐士,为躲避世乱,自耕于蒙山南麓。 He held gr

2、eat filiality to his parents. 他孝顺父母 He fed the parents with the most delicious food; entertained them with drum-shaped rattle playing when he was in his 70s, wearing colored clothes just like a child. 尽拣美味供奉双亲,70岁尚不言老,常穿着五颜色衣,手持拨浪鼓如小孩子般玩耍,以博父母开怀。 Once, when he was on his way to bring water to his pa

3、rents, he tumbled. 一次为双亲送水,进屋时跌了一跤 He thought the parents might be worried about him, he just cried on the floor like a child, which made the parents laughed. 他怕父母难过,干脆躺在地上学小孩子哭,二老大笑。 经典英语故事带翻译:老莱子戏彩娱亲 Lao Laizi was an anchorite in Spring and Autumn Period. He did farming at the south side of Meng M

4、ountain to avoid the chaos in that period. 老莱子,春秋时期楚国隐士,为躲避世乱,自耕于蒙山南麓。 He held great filiality to his parents. 他孝顺父母 He fed the parents with the most delicious food; entertained them with drum-shaped rattle playing when he was in his 70s, wearing colored clothes just like a child. 尽拣美味供奉双亲,70岁尚不言老,常

5、穿着五颜色衣,手持拨浪鼓如小孩子般玩耍,以博父母开怀。 Once, when he was on his way to bring water to his parents, he tumbled. 一次为双亲送水,进屋时跌了一跤 He thought the parents might be worried about him, he just cried on the floor like a child, which made the parents laughed. 他怕父母难过,干脆躺在地上学小孩子哭,二老大笑。 经典英语故事带翻译:郯子鹿乳奉亲 Tan Tzu was a man

6、in the Spring and Autumn Period. 郯子,春秋时期人。 As his parents were very old and suffered from eye disease, they need to drink deers milk fortreatment. 父母年老,患眼疾,需饮鹿乳疗治。 Tan Tzu wore a piece of deerskin and groped into the mountains; he sneaked into herds of deerand squeezed deers milk to serve parents. 他

7、便披鹿皮进入深山,钻进鹿群中,挤取鹿乳,供奉双亲。 On one occasion when he was taking milk, he saw a hunter was going to shoot a muntjac deer,Tan Tzu lifted deerskin and appeared in a hurry, and then he told this hunter about the facts ofsqueezing deers milk to cure patients disease. 一次取乳时,观察猎人刚要射杀一只麂鹿,郯子赶忙掀起鹿皮现身走出,将挤取鹿乳为双亲医病的实情告知猎人 The hunter respect his filial piety and donated deers milk. Finally, the hunter escorted him outof the mountains. 猎人敬他孝顺,以鹿乳相赠,护送他出山。 看了经典英语故事带翻译的人还看了: 1.英语短文故事十篇带翻译 2.经典励志英语故事带翻译 3.带翻译的英语故事大全 4.励志经典小故事英文版带翻译 5.经典英语寓言故事带翻译第 1 页 共 1 页


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