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1、Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes(第1课时)导学案1.掌握单词和词组:mess,old peoples home,sleepy,reply,newsletter,obey, in the way, achieve, race, realistic, taught, importance, care about, succeed, point. 2.掌握含有情态动词should的被动结构。【学习重点】 同学习目标2,即:should + be allowed to do sth.。【预习导学】 一阅读课文

2、,从文中找出下列短语写下来并熟记。1.至少_2.养老院_3.演戏_4.一次美好的经历_5.为报社写文章_6.休假_ 7.帮助别人_ 8.回复_.9.做自己的决定 10.妨碍 11. 既然 . 12.练习跑步 13.成为一名专业运动员 14.实现梦想 15.有一个的机会 16. 考虑 17.的重要性 18.对认真 19.正确/唯一的事情 20.没有几个人 21.关心,在意 【活动探究】 一.学生自读课文p.23,完成1.。 二.再读课文,完成2.三、读课文p.24,划出重难,,并完成3a和3b。【知识点探究】1. get in the way of妨碍,阻挡 后跟名词,代词或动名词 。e.g.

3、Playing computer games can (妨碍)his study.get in ones way 挡着某人的路 e.g. Dont (挡我的路).2.But we do think that our son needs to be realistic. do常用在肯定句和祈使句中,放在动词之前,加强动词的语气,3.Now that he is getting older , he needs to think about in the end.now that 既然,引导原因状语从句。e.g. Now that its fine outside,why not have a p

4、icnic? think about 考虑 后接名词、动名词、疑问词+不定式拓展 think over 仔细考虑,think of 想起,有看法,为着想。e.g.: Please (考虑)how to tell him the bad news. I cant (想起)his name. Id like to it (好好想想).4. But they are always talking about what will happen if I dont succeed.succeed:v.成功,达到。常和介词in连用,即succeed in (doing )sth. 成功完成某事。 E.g.

5、:He succeeded in passing the exam. success: n. 成功 ,是不可数名词。E.g.:Failure is the mother of success.successful: adj.成功的。 E.g.:The game is very successful . 5.Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.当only修饰一个副词或副词短语时,被修饰的句子的主谓应倒装。其语序是: Only+状语或从句+系动词/助动词/情态动词+动词原形+其它。e.g. Only at night of a

6、fine day can you see the stars in the sky.【过关检测】一. 单选( )1.Parents all want to see their children their studies.A. success B. succeed C. success in D. succeed in( )2.Sometimes hobbies can schoolwork. A. get the way B. get in the way of C. get in the way on D. get in the way with( )3 .Only then his mi

7、stakes. A. he realize B. did he realized C. did he realize D. he realized( )4.Liu Xiang in the end, and his made us excited. A. succeeded, success B. succeeds, successful C. success, succeed D. successful, succeed ( )5. Children to swim in deep lakes. A.should allow B. should not allow C. should be allowed D. should not be allowed二用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. She wants to work hard to (realize) her dream. 2. Whats the main (point)of this passage. 3. English is (teach) widely in China. 4. Im serious about (run).


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