四下 Unit 6 Whose dress is this.docx

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《四下 Unit 6 Whose dress is this.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四下 Unit 6 Whose dress is this.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 四下 Unit 6 Whose dress is this?Step Free talk.Step Enjoy a song.T: We listened to a lovely song. Whats the song about?Ps: Its about “party”.【设计意图】选择Its party time这首节奏欢快的歌曲能够快速吸引学生的注意力,使学生感受party上欢乐的场景,在调动学生的学习积极性的同时引入本课的场景party。Step Lead inT: Yes. Its about party time. Look, Su Hai and Su Yang want

2、to have a party. What party is it?T: Its about a fancy dress party. (Teach: fancy dress party) Do you want to go to the party?Ps: Yes.T: Look, there is a ticket for the party. We should finish the tasks first.【设计意图】创设苏海和苏阳将要参加fancy dress party的情景,展示派对的入场券,为下面的任务环节设计做好铺垫。Step Presentation and practic

3、eT: There are three tasks here. Lets finish them one by one. Are you ready?Ps: Go.Task 1 Design1. T: First, lets design.What can I wear for the party? Can you design clothes for me?(1) T: If I want to be a princess, what can I wear?Ps: A dress.T: Yes. I can wear a dress. (Teach: dress)T: Look at the

4、 dress. What do you think of the dress?Ps: Its so beautiful.Teach: so beautiful “so” it means “如此,那么”(2) T: If I want to be a cool guy. What can I wear? Look!Ps: A coat.T: Yes. I can wear a cool coat.Teach: coat (并板书) The students read it one by one.T: And I also can wear a pair of cool trousers.Tea

5、ch: trousers (并板书)What do you think of these trousers?Ps: Theyre too long. Pay attention: “too” it means “太”(3) T: Now, I want to be Mickey Mouse. What can I wear?Ps: Gloves.T: How are the gloves?Ps: Theyre so big.The students try to read the sentence one by one.2. Lets thinkT: We need many clothes

6、for the party. Look at these shoes, socks, gloves, trousers. Why are they plus “s”?I have a tip here, please try to read it by yourselves.T: Are you clear?Ps: Yes.T: We can say these with this phrase “a pair of”. For example, a pair of shoes. Who can try to say?P1-3: A pair of socks/ gloves/ trouser

7、s.3. Lets classifyT: Look, I have two closets here. One is the “single” and the other is “in pairs”.I put the shirt here. We can say “Its a shirt”.And I can put the shorts there. We can say “Theyre shorts”.Now who can come here and try to classify.One student tries to classify them.Ps: Its a / Theyr

8、e s. (引导孩子们说一说)T: Youre done a good job.【设计意图】围绕化妆舞会展示不同的人物形象,让学生帮助设计搭配参加派对的服装,在任务过程中完成部分新知的教授。在接下来的环节中,引导学生发现部分单词后面有s,从而引入a pair of,并完成讲授,最后引导学生利用衣柜进行归类。本环节根据学生的特点,设计活动让学生参与其中,调动学生的积极性、主动性,加深了学生的体验,培养了学生的动手能力,使学生在体验的过程中完成对知识的学习和掌握。Task 2 Prepare a show.1. Lets guessT: We finished the task 1. Lets g

9、o to the task 2. Ready. Go.Im ready for the party. How about Su Hai and her friends? What do they want to wear? Lets try to guess.P1: Su Hai wants to wear a dress.P2: Su Yang wants to wear a pair of trousers.P3: Helen wants to wear a pair of gloves.2. Lets watchT: Maybe youre right. Lets watch a car

10、toon and find out.3. Lets talkT: Now who can tick what do they wear for the party?Ps: Gloves, dress and trousers.【设计意图】针对苏海和苏阳的化妆舞会,让学生先猜后看再讨论。围绕文本关键句型和重点单词设计任务,引导学生进一步感知文本内容,获取文本关键信息,并对多学知识点进行操练,促进学生对知识的理解吸收。Task 3 Try on the clothesT: The last task, lets go.1. Read and matchT: Now please open your

11、 books, turn to page 38. Read the story and match.Which clothes do they wear?P1: Su Yang wears trousers and gloves.P2: Su Hai wears a pink dress.P3: Helen wears a blue dress.T: Now please read the story again and find out whose clothes are they?2. Read and chooseT: We know Su Hai wears a pink dress.

12、 Whose dress is this?Su Yangs or Su Hais?Ps: Its Su Yangs.T: Yes. Whose trousers are they? Su Hais or Su Yangs?Ps: Theyre Su Hais.T: Whose dress is this? Helens or her cousins? Now youre Helen.P1: Its my cousins.T: Now you two please. Youre Su Yang.P2: Whose gloves are they?P3: Theyre my fathers.T:

13、Youre so great. They dont wear their own clothes. Why?T: Because these clothes dont fit well.At first, Su Hai wears a blue dress, but its too short.T: Look at Su Hais dress.P1: Its too short.3. T: Now, please work in pairs.(1) Look at Su Yangs trousers.(2) Look at Helens dress.(3) Look at Su Yangs g

14、loves. Theyre too long. Its so beautiful. Theyre so big.【设计意图】设计任务使学生再次走进文本,深入感知文本内容并利用关键信息完成相关联系并回答问题,在师生互动、生生互动、生本互动中完成对文本内容的学习掌握。Step Listen and repeatT: Excellent.【设计意图】听录音复述课文旨在引导学生抓住文本关键信息,进一步加深学生对文本内容的理解和掌握,为下一缓解的综合运用打下基础。Step Lets say1. T: Were ready for the party. What about our friends? Wh

15、o can ask and answer?P1: Look at the dogs trousers.P2: Theyre too long.2. T: Now, we finished the tasks. We can get the ticket for the party. Are you ready for the party? Lets look at your clothes.Now please wear your costumes and show yourselves.二人一组P1: Look at the P2: Its/ Theyre so/ too P1: Whose is this/ are these?P2: Its/ Theyre s.【设计意图】本环节旨在使学生对文本所学知识进行系统操练,培养学生的动手操作能力,锻炼了学生的口语表达能力,提高了学生的综合语用能力。Step Homework1. 听录音,指读Story 5遍,说中文并背。2. 抄Story 1+1.3. 展示服装,并赞美他人。


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