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1、时政期刊需求分析与品牌定位研究 / 中文摘要随着改革开放和经济发展,人们生活水平提高,国际交往的扩大,大众外新闻时事越来越深入关注,期刊中的新闻时政浪潮渐渐兴起。中国的发展和社会的转型需要时政期刊这一媒介形态,它的发展空间是巨大的,然而中国的时政期刊与世界上强势的新闻周刊相比差距还很大。中国的时政期刊应该借鉴国外同类期刊的经营模式,适度将企业产品的营销理念引入办刊的过程当中,进行深层次的需求分析,明确办刊的动因、办刊的目的。为坚定不移的走期刊品牌之路打下基础,使期刊品牌的建设符合时代发展的规律和行业发展的趋势。本文重点就是基于中国期刊行业的现状,运用市场营销、工商管理相关专业的知识,结合作者本


3、势,使自身更具文化底蕴、知识含量和社会价值,最大限度的推动促进社会的改革发展。关键词: 期刊 营销 品牌 顾客,服务AbstractAlong with the opening to the out world and development of economic in China, the improvement of peoples living conditions, the reqirement of international communication, the public have much more interest in the news and current affa

4、irs, whether they are come from domestic or international. The new development wave about news and current affairs journals has gradually risen. Because of the development and social-transformation in Chinas, Public become needs such media like the current affairs journals, and the journalhas great

5、room for developing.However,to be compared with the leading news and journalin the world,There are considerable gap in many aspects between Chinas current affairs journals and the others.The people who are preparing the current affairs journals in China should learn from the business model used in t

6、he product of similar foreign news periodicals . It will be useful to introduce the concept which adopted in the practice of product and service marketing, so as to analysis the needs of customers deeply, then clarifyingthe goals, vision and purposes. Those are the foundation for firmly developing p

7、eriodicals brands, and would make the Journal brand building practices consistent with the law of development and trends in periodicals Journalindustry.The study in this thesis is based on the status of periodicals industry in China, usedthe theory of marketing and business management, and combined

8、with the authors practicein the body of China Newsweek. After I have thoughtdeeply and studied comprehensively and given out the research conclusions. Current affairs journals brand positioning is an important task forthe journals operation, and the brand position will become the guide for journals

9、developing and operating.The topic electing, editing, advertising, circulation of the publication and other work are restricted by the brand position, and thus the brand positioning is the core theme and process in the development of current affairs journals. The core concept and key process of curr

10、ent affairs journals brand positioning is that identify the focuses and difference in needs of the target readers and the other customers on Publications attributes, and trying to find out the competitive elementsand the gap among the interests of readers and the other customers, and then provided j

11、ournals, materialized and disseminated brand position in a creative, integrative manner. Through the case analysis on China Newsweek, including brand background, developing process and the status etc, and exploring how Chinese current affairs journals based on brand position to built and enhance the

12、 competitiveness of journals, studying how to raise the position in the periodicals journals market, finding the way how China Newsweek to become the most authoritative and most influential news journals in social development. in order to facilitate China Newsweek imposethe competitive advantage bui

13、lt up by their own culture, knowledge and social values by brand-building, and fully playing its role and give out the maximum contribution in the process of social reform and development.Key Words: journal,marketing brand, customer,service目 录1绪论11.1国外期刊行业现状与发展趋势11.1.1 世界期刊发展史11.1.2 国外期刊发展趋势21.1.3 国

14、期刊发展历程回顾31.1.4 国期刊发展趋势展望51.2论文研究容、目的、意义62理论研究72.1时政期刊的界定72.2时政期刊的需求72.3时政期刊品牌定位93实证研究中国新闻周刊123.1刊物背景研究123.2中国新闻周刊的背景、使命、目标133.2.1容与分析143.2.2品牌定位的框架和基点163.2.3品牌延伸与扩展183.3客户细分、客户需求与品牌市场定位213.3.1 读者需求分析213.3.2 读者群特征与定位233.3.3 广告客户特征与定位253.4栏目设置263.5组织结构与部门职责293.5.1 刊社组织与部门职责介绍分析293.5.2 广告、发行、采编互动的必要性31

15、3.5.3 客户服务职能进一步突出333.6从业人员353.7发行渠道研究373.8建议与总体改进措施394结论43参考文献I附录III1 绪论1.1 国外期刊行业现状与发展趋势1.1.1 世界期刊发展史从世界期刊发展史的角度而言,期刊萌芽出现在于17世纪。 1665年,在法国一高级官员科尔贝尔的支持下,法国著名的文学的科学期刊学者杂志(16651792年)创刊。这本刊物首次在刊名中采用Journal(定期刊物)一词。其主要容为报导法国本土与国外出版的各类图书的情况,有图书目录的性质。这本刊物被许多业专家认为是世界上第一份真正的期刊。世界期刊的长足发展始于19世纪,并在20世纪走向繁荣。在这个过程中期刊经历了最初的价格竞争阶段,用低廉的价格吸引读者,从而提高销售量。英国出现了例如一便士周刊杂志、一便士百科。低廉的价格促进了销售量的提升,吸引了公众,那么要想进一步维持销售量或有更好的发展,价格低廉只是一时之计,容上的保证才是关键。于是随后进入容竞争阶段,容的新鲜与独特是这一阶段取胜的关键。美国时代公司创办的生活可以做为这一阶段的典型。生活的办刊宗旨是:“看生活、看世界,作大事件的见证;注视着穷人的脸和富人傲相;遍览奇情怪事。” 容上主要刊登时事、生活、人物方面的图片。由于收音机已经成为当时重要的大众传播媒介,生活杂志提供了每周主要各类新闻的图片而填


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