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1、宝箴塞小学2013年上期三年级英语学案(总第5-6 节)主备:_李强 _ 执教: 课 题Module 2 Unit 1 They are monkeys.教学内容Module 2 Unit 1 They are monkeys.教学目标知识与技能能听、说、认读新单词:monkeys, tigers, lions, elephants, big, small, fat, they过程与方法能听懂、理解、会说句型,并能在实际生活中应用。What is this? Its a tiger. (lion, elephant, monkey)Its big.(small, fat)(描述动物征)What

2、 are they? They are monkeys .(tigers, lions, elephants )They are small. (描述动物征)情感、态度、价值观培养学生的观察力,认真思考的能力,自主学习的能力;培养学生自主合作、公平竞争的精神,挖掘学生运用语言的创造能力。重难点重点能听、说、认读新单词:monkeys, tigers, lions, elephants, big, small, fat, they难点1)What is this? Its 2)What are they? They are .教具、学具、课件准备卡片 多媒体课件 录音机教学环节教 学 活 动旁

3、批预 习复习导入Warm up (热身) Sing an English song: the song of Step 1: (利用卡片导入)T: Now ,look (一只小狗的图片)Whats this?S: Its a dog.T: Whats this?(一只小猫的图片)S: Its a cat.(师生用卡片互问)T: Whats this? (一只猴子的图片)S:猴子情景呈现 Presentation (新授内容)1、教授新单词tiger, tigers. 利用课件展示,学习其他新单词:lion(s),elephant(s),monkey(s),big,small,fat.在此过程中

4、,边学新单词边做动作,采用多种方法提高学生学习英语的乐趣。个别检查,小组合作学习,小组展示。2、运用多媒体,学习新句型,以对话的形式学习。1)Whats this? Its a tiger. Its big.2)What are they? They are monkeys. They are small.前两组对话着重学习,突出小组活动,发挥小组长的作用。小组自主合作学习,小组展示(每个小组都用自己创造的方式展示)展 示控制练习More practice (巩固练习)Game 1:拍手传卡片Game 2:猜动物Game 3:连连看,看谁说得又对又快自由练习Production (拓展练习)听

5、声音,辨别以前学过的动物词,运用新学句型。小组自主合作,把以前学过的动物词或其他物品,创造性地运用新学句型表达出来。反 馈兴趣提升Summary and homework(家庭作业,课后延伸)1、 Sing a song (Happy New Year的旋律)What are they? They are monkeys.What are they? They are tigers.They are singing. They are dancing.What are they? They are lions.动物使大自然更加和谐美丽,是人类的好朋友,爱护动物就是爱护我们自己。拓展训练Home

6、work把今天所认识的新动物画在卡片上,结合这些卡片,把今天新学的知识教给爸爸妈妈,看哪位同学教会的最多。教后记宝箴塞小学2013年上期三年级英语学案(总第 7-8 节)主备:_李强 _ 执教: 课 题Module2 Unit2 That man is short教学内容Module2 Unit2 That man is short教学目标知识与技能能听、说、认读新单词:monkeys, tigers, lions, elephants, big, small, fat, they过程与方法能听懂、理解、会说句型,并能在实际生活中应用。That man is short. This monke

7、y is small and thin.情感、态度、价值观培养学生的观察力,认真思考的能力,自主学习的能力;培养学生自主合作、公平竞争的精神,挖掘学生运用语言的创造能力。重难点重点能听、说、认读新单词:monkeys, tigers, lions, elephants, big, small, fat, they难点)What is this? Its 2)What are they? They are 教具、学具、课件准备卡片 多媒体课件 录音机教学环节教 学 活 动旁 批预 习复习导入Step 1 warm-up:1. Greet.2. Do it. Review the commands

8、 from Module 2 unit 1Look at the picture: What are they?Listen to the tape guess what the animal it is.3. Play a game. Sad face or happy face.情景呈现Step 2 learn a text 1. Take out two apples one is big the other is small say this is big and that is small.展 示控制练习2. Take out a picture of tree tell them

9、how to read “tree” and say “look at the trees. This tree is tall. That tree is short” Take out another picture of monkey tell them how to read “thin” and say “this monkey is fat. That monkey is thin.”自由练习Let students act animals let students guess what animals it is.反 馈兴趣提升let students listen to the tape follow the tape and then make groups read the chant拓展训练let students listen to the tape follow the tape to learn the song and then let student make voice let student sing a song.Step 3 homework1. Recites the text.2. Sing English song 教后记


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