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1、Unit 3 Where did you go ? A Lets learn解放小学 刘秘芳教学目标:1、能够听、说、读、写rode a horse, rode a bike, went camping, hurt my foot, went fishing.2、能够用Where did you go ? What did you do there?句型谈论周末或假日活动。3、能完成听力、书写活动。教学重难点:1、能够听、说、读、写rode a horse, rode a bike, went camping, hurt my foot, went fishing.2、能够用Where did

2、 you go ? What did you do there?教学过程: 一、 热身(Warm-up)1、Lets do2、review:clean stay play watch visit wash do have am/is go read see talk live want plan drinksleep3、Free talk:(用下列所给例词编对话)How was your weekend ? It was What did you do?二、新授(presentation)1、出示图片:教学rode a horse 教读ride (过去式)rode。What did you d

3、o?I rode a horseWhere did you go there?I went to a forest park。2、以同样的方法学习:road a bike went camping went fishing hurt my foot。3、听录音跟读,纠音。4、I do you guess/ missing。三、操练(Pratise) 1、Pair work A: Where did you go last Saturday? B:I 例词: stayed at home went to a forest park visited my uncle went to summer camp went to the beach visited museums2、listen ,answerand write四、课堂检测(Exercises) 练习册28页五、六题。五、作业(Homework)Write about your vacation in your exercise book.


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