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1、 资料编号DDY016,内部学习,传播必究!一 简介1 修饰 mputer i an idisensbeitem i mlife, which s fairly _or e o d with thschoo ssignts(Computer)I assue th proting ree is ou responsiiliy, which s xtree _rmantainin aeoogical balane. (Tres)For chldren, cooking i abasc living skil,hich is quite _ them to leadaber lfe i the ne

2、ar fture(cookg)Indee, you onot ndo go utsid ancn easyfind lotof gos with loer pice ysppngonln, whch is so _o some youg peopeo prefer aying at home amost al a lng. (Shopping)I ftn hngot hopping with my rieds n eeens, whichis very _(spar ie)Iove myhomton a lot,wchis always _ inery son(hometown)Fre, cc

3、l i myourie wy t relax, chis alsmuch oo_ m to eeris ybody (cylig) I feel ver ntereted in ome V ommerias like heartsemes orKFC, whch are lws ey_(adeiseent)I kn nwatcigcedies ,frexamle“M Bean”,which nirely _(movie) wuldik to tak bus to my worpla instea ofdriving my car,wich is asoltely _(ranpor)参照答案:

4、useful 2 meninful importat4 covin5 enyabe pictureqe 7 helpful8fy 9awesom 10oe conomical2功能1.I wuld reommendhioto ole who mjed n accoutancy.hs lps hem t put therknoweg ino practic (job)2. wa very apy o choe major. Thsve me many ancesto see diferet wrld(major)3. am surrounb ll kinds f advertisments ev

5、erday. Mnofwhch n offer m a lt oreasons to buy somethg (advetisemnt)4 Cking prrmms i m county ar veryinerestn Thee canpvid you withmany oo way to cook iefoo (coking)5. I often hav timetable i my obie pone. Thanalow me t mk my schedl ar an resob (imemaagemet). Iuse emil o vryday. Thi bris m alof ew i

6、nformti fomthrs (mail)7.I lke eeiving ifts rom y miy members ths norgeseto ork hrde and ohav beter le(gift)8.I uedto be s fnd of ating esecily ktchi aimal antres. This slaedm to loenatre (Paitin)9 eig ptient isbsoutly imortt Tisn enable me t calmdwn when methin ugen happes. (Paten)1. More a mor te a

7、re beng cu ownevey mute and or envronmet is etting woe an worse hpush ustootect tr inrdr to hae a greenr word. (Tr)二 举例1 特性.o yulke beig busy? (Bin busy)ell,t raly deds,someime; I lebeing bsy especiallywe Iave low pirit, becaus wan t stop myself tinking bd hings2.How d youet he news?(news)y faritewa

8、y fgng theess from te rio,escial we am drivingi the car3. D u ikhe clots ou war?(Clohes)Ye,I le the lthesI wear, scy as soen tol e hey lookgd on me. s importan t bepolte? (olitness)e, I do believ s ve importnt, especially osoe forma ccans, sch a metngs or ceemones.h d yu snd ti whyoufamly? (Fmiy)Iua

9、lly spen ie wth myfmily meslatei the y, eecally afer dner, w oftn wach tethe.6.o yuprefero lk in thecuntysido i the ty? (tryide)I ver muchrerwalking in the countyide, eecialy to places ith good scenry, and then I can feltotllelaxed . hatdoou l tod i sunsine?(Sushine) lke playing otbal r admntin esun

10、shine, partiular wthmy bates,siply ecause we all njyt 8. Do you thn itis important to rlax? (Relax)Yes, I dothik so,epecialywenyofeel quite ired, wth pope relaatin, yuwould eel vey ucomortable 9. Do youeer ide a bicyc? (Cyclin)Yes I do,I rieicyle almot evy ay, secillynthe weeends 10 Dopeople i yu co

11、untry likeusin mobile phons?(obile phoe)s, they do, in fact, amobilehon hasbcm necessity in epledaily ife, yung peoe are espeillyfondo ig bile phes, ily ecase they use oil phoneotjt for ontactirien nd family, t also o paygmso watchovs.2 回忆1.How do yo tae otographs? (Phtograph)Iue t tkepotogra uingca

12、meraand I had tospe a lotofie deveoping fim to e th phtoButnow,I usuallytaephotos o my pone, ichsmore onenien.2 oyo thk ti importat o resevememories? (Memry)Yes, I think o, merie alwayvalalead we,from whic I ofe et hapness. WhenI ws much younger, I iked writig diaris now, okin at hem, I ca fe teod oming


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