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1、Unit 9 I like music that I can dance toSectionB (1a2b). 根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。1. Pan Changjiang always _ (perform) in a funny way. 2. Mr. Jackson wrote the story _ (recall) his happy childhood. 3. Seans strong love for his country is _ (reflect) in his poems.4. Some chess _ (master) are going to visit t

2、he famous chess club tomorrow.5. Though Mary has seen the doctor several times, her arm is still _ (pain). 6. After the match, Victor went to the local hospital to have the _ (wound) dealt with. 7. My English has improved a lot and my English teacher _ (praise) me this morning!8. David had a feeling

3、 of _ (sad) when he heard that his best friend developed a serious illness. 9. When Ruby returned from a trip, she _ (sense) that something was wrong between Carla and her. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。1. 这次旅行总共花了7000元。This trip cost 7,000 yuan _ _.2. 那个男子在12岁时失明了。That man _ _ at the age of 12.3. 到七月底伯特

4、会读完那些书。_ _ _ _ _ Bert will finish reading those books. 4. 这是琼看过的最感人的电影之一。This is one of _ _ _ films that Jean has ever seen. 5. 妈妈,今晚请你带我去听音乐会好吗?Mom, could you please _ _ _ _ _ tonight?6. 遗憾的是不允许我们在博物馆拍照。 _ _ _ _ we werent allowed to take photos in the museum. 7. 在他的有生之年,马克吐温写了很多短篇小说。Mark Twain wrot

5、e many short novels _ _ _. 8. 很多年前那幅画作为国宝被故宫收藏了。That picture was collected by the Palace Museum as a(n) _ _ many years ago.答案:. 1. performs 2. to recall 3. reflected 4. masters 5. painful 6. wound(s) 7. praised 8. sadness 9. sensed. 1. in total 2. became blind 3. By the end of July 4. the most moving 5. take me to the concert 6. Its a pity that 7. during his lifetime 8. national treasure 1


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