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1、14-15学年冀教八年级上学期Unit2试题Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)一. 单项选择 (15分)( ) 1. What subject do you like best, Judy? . I can learn about famous mountains and rivers.A. Geography B. Music C. English D. History( ) 2. We all went mountain climbing Linda. She had to take care of her little sister at home.A. with

2、B. aroundC. except D. since( ) 3. Are these your runners, Li Tao? No, are white. Maybe theyre Jennys.A. I B. my C. mine D. me( ) 4. The old man is very . He doesnt have enough money to buy food.A. patient B. happy C. active D. poor( ) 5. This yellow dress made the woman younger.A. look B. to look C.

3、 looked D. looking ( ) 6. My sister is much at painting than me.A. good B. well C. betterD. best( ) 7. Your story me of my grandmother. I havent seen her for two years.A. discusses B. reminds C. surprises D. forgets( ) 8. is the third Sunday of June. Children usually buy gifts for their fathers.A. M

4、others DayB. Fathers Day C. Teachers Day D. Childrens Day( ) 9. Wheres your brother, Tim? I saw him the gym just now.A. to rush intoB. rushes into C. rushed into D. rush into( )10. Mike the book for two weeks. He will return it next week.A. keptB. has kept C. borrowed D. has borrowed( )11. “” is ano

5、ther way of saying “five forty-five”.A. A quarter past sixB. A quarter to six C. A quarter to five D. A quarter past five ( )12. What are you , Li Mei? My new skirt. I cant it everywhere.A. finding; findB. finding; look forC. looking for; look for D. looking for; find( )13. Lin Bo and I friends sinc

6、e we were at school.A. will be B. have becomeC. have been D. will become( )14. has your cousin lived in your home? Monday.A. How long; Since B. How often; On C. How soon; From D. How many days; For( )15. ? Its 8:00 now. Time for class. A. When do you go to school B. What day is it todayC. What time

7、is it D. Is it time for class 二. 完形填空 (10分)As an NBA star, Dwight Howard is busy. But he still 16 time to help others. 17 July, 2009, Howard went to South Africa with some other players for a special trip. Howard and the other NBA 18 were very busy. But when they were 19 , they went to meet some poo

8、r children there and stayed with them the whole 20 . They taught children how to play basketball in the morning 21 played with them in the afternoon.On the fourth day of the 22 , the players visited a small place near the city of Johannesburg (约翰内斯堡). The children were 23 when they saw the famous pl

9、ayers. The players 24 the children about their basketball experiences. Howard also 25 the children to be good players. The children in Africa liked Howard a lot and thought he was a real superman (超人).( )16. A. sees B. looks C. finds D. watches( )17. A. On B. In C. At D. Of( )18. A. teachers B. play

10、ersC. students D. balls( )19. A. tired B. fine C. interestedD. free ( )20. A. dayB. night C. eveningD. morning ( )21. A. but B. or C. andD. when( )22. A. studyB. place C. trip D. city( )23. A. tallB. bored C. sad D. happy ( )24. A. spoke B. told C. talkedD. said( )25. A. encouragedB. believed C. com

11、municatedD. realized三. 阅读理解 (20分)A Once a king asked a poor man Harold, “Why dont you work to make money?” Harold answered, “No one gives me a job. My enemies have told everyone that I never finish any work on time (准时).” The kind king said, “Today you can go to my treasury (金银财宝库) and get as much t

12、reasure as you can, till sunset (日落).” Harold ran home to tell his wife about it. She said, “Go and get the gold coins and diamonds now.” “I cannot go now. Im hungry. Cook lunch for me first.” After lunch, Harold took a rest for an hour. Then he took a bag and left home. On the way, Harold felt hot,

13、 so he sat under a tree to rest. Two hours later, it became cool. Harold got ready to go, but he saw a man showing some magic tricks (魔术). Harold stopped to watch him for an hour. When Harold reached the palace, it was already time for sunset. The palace gates had been closed. Harold lost a big chan

14、ce because he didnt realize the importance of time.根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。( )26. Harold couldnt finish work on time.( )27. Harold could get the treasure from the treasury at any time.( )28. Harold had a rest under a tree for an hour.( )29. Harold didnt get any gold coins at last.( )30. Harold didnt realize the importance of time. B Hello! Im Peter. My favourite subject at school is maths. It is very interesting and I


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