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1、奉贤区调研测试 九年级英语试卷(. 1) (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) 考生注意:本卷有大题,共4小题。试题均采用持续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完毕,做在试卷上不给分。Pt 1 isening (第一部分 听力)I. Lenin comreenon(听力理解) (共0分)A. Lsten an chose teright pcture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) A B C D E F G H _ 2._ 3_ . _ ._ 6._. Liento th dlge andchose hebt answr to th quetin yo ha (根据你听到的对话

2、和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(分)7. . Ia hop.B. In lbrry. . In aresturant. DIn a office8. A. 7:50B. 7:5.C. :00D :05.9. A. A singranda stene. B A cusor aashop ssstat. C Adoctor an pint . father daughter.10. A. BytaiB. Ofo. C By bicyce. D. undergrud11. .Goto thenema B Take are fher mumC. Go over her school esson. D. H

3、elphrmum h the houseok.12. A. Because he lkes to send messags and aswe phons B.ecause e lkes to ye ettrs ndaangethings f others. C.Becau she lk to redseceboks. D. Becauseshe likeso ve poples livs 13. A Prt-im jobs. B.Wnr holidy lan. CMing money. D.Visitingte parent.14. A. e snt good cook. B. heishis

4、nt delcous. C. Hedosnt a o e mor. D. e wants to at more ish.C. isten o the pasae an ell whetethe foloing statents aretrueor fale(判断下列句子与否符合你所听到的内容,符合的用“T”表达, 不符合的用“”表达)(分)1. Sherck olmes i a ral perso ho was create yConn Dle. 6 Coan Dye se t be a mdcaldotorand succded n hs orin. 1. Be,ConaDole uivty

5、 thr, ws careful andcould ella tane oectyt hisirs sight8.The chracter o D. Watswa bsdonn Doyle himsef.9. Doyle joed writng etectioesan ding h edica wo awell.20 A mueu about Sherockolms s nowloated onakr Stret n Lndo. Lst to the paae and omlte the olowng sntns (听短文,完毕下列内容,每空格限填一词) (共10分). “eting alon

6、g” mean o adyortac have a w h wrks for _ _ yo22. Your teahr was o mese thtyu alwaysgtalong wih thesin a _ _.23. d sy metehes r _ rict ever shol.24.Its important to rememer hatmst f time or teacher s _ your _ .25. A teaceris ahyo by_ _ ourmsaks an helpng ou rrec hem.P 2 ocauary and Gamar(第二部分 词汇和语法)I

7、I Choe thebst nswer(选择最恰当的答案): (共20分). hic ofthefolwig word ceshesound f ? A. seem eat C. sese D saf 27.Wich ofhe followigunried parts is dffrnt n pruncation from oths?A. Tom nees some inoaton for is poje. . Ihae many quetos o ask yo.C Hs sitatin is ven wors th efr. Dar are a ajo source o polutio.28

8、. A comi tip isuuallybut _ inteeingsry th an unfrgettbleed.A. a B. a C. /D he29.The leers ofthe Chins anlad andTaiwamet in Singapore _ ember 7, .A.at B nC. onfo0. ack! Plee pass _the lasses.I wanto read hewspape A. me B hm C. herD. yu31. Tody, Ive ownloaded _ eful iformaionohentent.two ieces w piece

9、s. two pces f 32.Duringhis say inAmrica, he gaied muh _ of loca custms and culurs.A. dvice BknoledgCeD. messae. -How soon wil yu ave? - I t sur, probably in _ n minues.A. anothe B. ther . e oter D. others34.Look! aralothit t itt gir and the oman river semed _. A.frgh . rihen . figenedD. rgening _Mar

10、 _ hparents take eglar xercie n rder to kee f. A Not only ut so. Eithe or C NethernrD. ot onlys el36. InOzs eyes, nothingis_ tha e eams success. . me iptn B. the mostimporantly C. or mtanly Dthe most imprtant37The tudets rominjag ejoy staying iour school beause everyoe hr s _ to he.A.renl B.gntly .patienl D.apply38 Sop_ abut th haze(雾霾). ust think abouthtwecand tompre i. . ain to copan.omplaiingD. comlai39 R


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