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1、班级 姓名 学号 密封线2015年下学期八年级期中考试英语试卷一、知识运用(每题1分,共计15分)( )1、-Which do you like , tea, coffee or juice? -Coffee.A、good B、better C、best( )2、Susan goes to the movies ?A、twice every week B、once every day C、four times a month( )3、-What you last weekend? -I went to the library.A、do; did B、did; do C、did; did( )4

2、、I am boy in our class.A、outgoing B、more outgoing C、the most outgoing( )5、My grandfather fishing on weekends.A、likes going B、like going C、likes go( )6、There are sports in the world, such as ball games, swimming and running.A、kind of B、all kind of C、all kinds of( )7、He likes to do the same things me.

3、A、in B、on C、as( )8、- do you the movie? -Its wonderful.I think the actors are great.A、How, like about B、What, think of C、What, like( )9、this story is than that one. A、as interesting as B、interesting than C、as interesting( )10、 went fishing last weekend because of the bad weather.A、Someone B、No one C、

4、Everyone( )11、There is with my computer. It doesnt work now.A、wrong something B、something wrong C、anything wrong( )12、He was late for school the school bus didnt arrive on time.A、because of B、because C、so( )13、 do you go to the movies? Once a week.A、How long B、How many C、How often( )14、Many people a

5、re good playing Taijiquan, because they think it is good their health.A、for; at B、at; to C、at; for( )15、Jim than his brother.A、is tall B、is taller C、are taller二、完形填空。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)I dont do well in my study. Most of my classmates are much better than me. So I get very 16 . You know, 17 is diffic

6、ult to keep on working hard. And I think 18 I spend much time studying for the tests, I cant get good grades. Luckily my father 19 gives me some help. He tells me not to 20 about it. He says many 21 people are not so good at their subjects. Edison, the famous scientist, 22 a bad headache when he was

7、 a 12-year-old boy. But everyone knows that he did a lot for the people in the world. And Newton, had the same story like 23 . After hearing that, I believe I shouldnt give up(放弃)。I 24 try my best. And if I keep on studying hard, I can do much 25 . My father is very happy to hear that and he says he

8、 will always help me and be with me.( ) 16. A. happyB. sadC. hungry( ) 17. A. thatB. thereC. it( ) 18. A. althoughB. butC. because( ) 19. A. hardlyB. twiceC. often( ) 20. A. worryB. forgetC. talk( ) 21. A. interestingB. AmericanC. famous( ) 22. A. haveB. hadC. has( ) 23. A. youB. himC. them ( ) 24.

9、A. shouldB. canC. may( ) 25. A. worseB. bestC. better三、阅读技能。(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)(A)How did they spend their vacation?AlanI went to Singapore for my vacation. I lived with my uncles family. They live in Singapore .It was sunny most days. I visited many places and ate many kinds of food. They were nice.

10、BettyI spent my vacation in Bali. I had a great time there. The beaches were beautiful and the weather was OK. I had lots of delicious food. People there were friendly.BenI didnt enjoy my vacation. It was boring. After I arrived in the city, it rained almost every day, so I stayed at the hotel for s

11、ix days. On the last day, I went shopping. But the shops were crowded and the things were expensive.( )26. When Alan visited Singapore .he lived in _.A. a hotel B. many places C. his uncles house( )27.“It was sunny most days.” means “_”.A.Sometimes it was sunny. B. Sometimes it rained. C. It was sun

12、ny every day.( )28.In Bettys eyes, Bali was _.A. great B. not good or bad C. terrible( )29. Ben stayed in the city for _days. A.six B. seven C. eight ( )30.Ben thought his vacation was _. A.relaxing B. expensive C. boring (B)A good breakfast is important. You can easily understand it. Before breakfa

13、st you dont eat anything for twelve hours. Your body needs food for morning activities. One good breakfast should be rice or bread, an egg, milk and fruit. On a cold morning a cup of hot drinks is necessary. A good breakfast helps you to smile more easily. It helps you to be more friendly and also to work better and play more happily. Your whole day will be more fun after you finish enjoying a good breakfast. 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。( )31.Its very important to have a good breakfast every morning.( )32.We may feel full before we eat breakfast in the morning.( )33.Only milk or egg i


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