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1、2010-10-30.WASHINGTON In his weekly address, President Obama called the recent comments by the GOP leadership, which put scoring political points over solving the problems facing the country, “troubling,” and asked Democrats and Republicans to work together to move the country forward. Regardless of

2、 the outcome of Tuesdays elections, leaders on both sides of the aisle owe it to the American people to put aside politics and work together on a number of issues that have traditionally had bipartisan support, like tax breaks for middle-class families and investing in infrastructure.Prepared Remark

3、s of President BarackObama Weekly Address Saturday,October 30th, 2010Tuesday is Election Day, and here in Washington, the talk is all about who will win and who will lose about parties and politics.But around kitchen tables, Im pretty sure youre talking about other things: about your family finances

4、, or maybe the state of the economy in your hometown; about your kids, and what their futures will bring. And your hope is that once this election is over, the folks you choose to represent you will put the politics aside for a while, and work together to solve problems.Thats my hope, too.Whatever t

5、he outcome on Tuesday, we need to come together to help put people who are still looking for jobs back to work. And there are some practical steps we can take right away to promote growth and encourage businesses to hire and expand. These are steps we should allbe able to agree on not Democratic or

6、Republican ideas, but proposals that have traditionally been supported by both parties.We ought to provide continued tax relief for middle class families who have borne the brunt of the recession. We ought to allow businesses to defer taxes on the equipment they buy next year. And we ought to make t

7、he research and experimentation tax credit bigger and permanent to spur innovation and foster new products and technologies.Beyond these near-term steps, we should work together to tackle the broader challenges facing our country so that we remain competitive and prosperous in a global economy. That

8、 means ensuring that our young people have the skills and education to fill the jobs of a new age. That means building new infrastructure from high-speed trains to high-speed internet so that our economy has room to grow. And that means fostering a climate of innovation and entrepreneurship that wil

9、l allow American businesses and American workers to lead in growth industries like clean energy.On these issues issues that will determine our success or failure in this new century I believe its the fundamental responsibility of all who hold elective office to seek out common ground. It may not alw

10、ays be easy to find agreement; at times well have legitimate philosophical differences. And it may not always be the best politics. But it is the right thing to do for our country.Thats why I found the recent comments by the top two Republican in Congress so troubling. The Republican leader of the H

11、ouse actually said that “this is not the time for compromise.” And the Republican leader of the Senate said his main goal after this election is simply to win the next one.I know that were in the final days of a campaign. So its not surprising that were seeing this heated rhetoric. Thats politics. B

12、ut when the ballots are cast and the voting is done, we need to put this kind of partisanship aside win, lose, or draw.In the end, it comes down to a simple choice. We can spend the next two years arguing with one another, trapped in stale debates, mired in gridlock, unable to make progress in solvi

13、ng the serious problems facing our country. We can stand still while our competitors like China and others around the world try to pass us by, making the critical decisions that will allow them to gain an edge in new industries.Or we can do what the American people are demanding that we do. We can m

14、ove forward. We can promote new jobs and businesses by harnessing the talents and ingenuity of our people. We can take the necessary steps to help the next generation instead of just worrying about the next election. We can live up to an allegiance far stronger than our membership in any political party. And thats the allegiance we hold to our country.Thanks .



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