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1、七年级英语下册期中测试题(考试时间:120分钟,满分:00分)班级:_ 姓名:_ 得分:_第二部分 英语知识运用(60分) 单选。(5分)( )1._ oe yr ther usual o to thoffe?By us.A. WhreB. WhatC. owD. Whe( ).Hi, Lily. Hapy NwYear!_A. Tank you B. Thankou all thesme.C. I OK. D. Te aeoyou.( )3MyI useyouie?_A.Of cours not BOfcous ere youare. C. I ont ave bk D. No, thnks

2、.( )4. Look! he sdnt _teclassroom. leanB. ae aing. ar lea. cleaing( )5.Te sg ans “ _”A. N parkingB. o Utrn NoletturnD o rght tur( )6.Whyn and avelook ?OK. Lets .A.goe uptairs . go pstis . go upstirs D. g o upstai( )7._o ou _nglish?ikeit ver much. How; tink of B.What;like. ; lik toD. a; think o( )8.T

3、here is a windo he l d ther s icre the walA. in; inB. i ;onC. on ;iD. on ; on( )9._ ou ave an rt lesso?urtimea mt. H oB H manC. How otnD What( )0Lil, ere ae yur pens.Plese_OK, Mo.A. put awyi.put away. put away tem.puttm a( )11.Thee i a plice car _th bT poieae wahi th raffiA. in ont of B. i the rnt C

4、. in te frt D h front( )12.Hoong can I _theEnglish workbook?Fortwo weeks.A brroB. o orrowC ke. to ke( )13. tpu you boks o the loo, llen.Ples them OK,Mn.A.put; onB. put ; Cput ;downD.put ; aa( )14.nda ofte r hoework in the eening, u this vening s TV nw.Adoes ; waches B. s doing ;wte does ;i wthnD. is

5、din; wtchig( )15._Go up thi adoe en.A. We areew?B. Whatae w doing a the upemark?C. How canIget to thupermet?D Who canget t hesuemarkt?. 情景交际。(5分)(A)从方框句子中找出下列句子的对的答句。( )16 Watkin of hoedo you e n?( )7.Sry, I do know th w to he rinstaon. Youcn astht mn.( )18. Cud yo elp me?( )1 O, yo ne loteslok vry

6、nic!( )20.W no ay gameswith us?A. Goddea!B. Tnk yu all the sam.C. Thans.D I ive ina ownhuse.E Of oure 完形填空。(1分)七年级英语下(期中)第3页 共8页 七年级英语下(期中)第4页 共8页MrSmih s gd teachr. He asEngisve well. e i 21 to histudn,s they le him a ot. There are iftytudents in 2 clas. MrSmith alway 23 nlish in cas He and his tud

7、enta 2 frieds,too.ow some ofte det 2 on heplayrund illandMke 2 . To and ohn re jumi. Mar and Lcy ar 7 a kieAre Lily and Mari fling a te, ? o, hey ar playn 29 hatsMr. mithoing?Look! is also playng 0 em. How hpy theyare! ( )2. A.eatiful B.ha C.friedly D.inrestin ( )22. A.thei B.er C.its D.his( )3. Ase

8、sk B.spks C.tell D.tal( )2Agood .fine Cnie D.n( )25 .ply B.ipling arelaying D.lays( )6. Arunnig Bare runng Crun Dnotrun( )7 Aflying B.doing C.pying D.sittin()28. .also .or Cd Doo( )29. .he ootba B.a football Cams Dh es()30. Aand .wi .for .to.阅读理解。(3分)(A)! Ware Lc nd Ly.W ae ites.We re stuyin a high

9、chool W are alwas wantigthewekends to com. Becue o wekens ther r differentinds o otdo atites, ch go o he park, gong sopping,plaig alam and so onWesualy go to the pak on Srday W oftn take some bead,et,watad mik with s. Is aturay day. Weare inthe park gan her is fisng in boa on he l(湖) Motherissiting

10、nd eadin uder thetreareflinga kite. Nowe are dinkin somwat. oyu hink w are hapy?根据短文内容,选择对的答案。( ) 1. LucadLilyare _. A. sudents B.tcersC. r D uins( ) 2. Wha do Luc a ily sualy do o Saurday?A. lay ba mes. B. Go oe pk. o for a pini. D. Go hopp.( ) 3.Howmay pole can wknow romte pasae?A. Tre. B.r.C. Fiv D. Si.( )4 Waar uy andLly dngn?. The are isig. B.Te are readingC. Th a lying a iteD.The



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