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1、新概念英语一册期末考试试卷o 一、单项选择(本题共20分,每小题1分)从四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 ()1. How many _ of _ would you likeA. bottle ; milkB. bottles; milkC. bottles; milks D. bottle; milks()2. The students go to the park _ Day.A. in Children B. on Children C. in Childrens D. on Childrens()3. There arent _ books on the desk.B. muchC. s

2、omeD. any.() Arent you a student- _.A. Yes, Im notB. No, Im C. No, Im not D. No, I dont()5. Dont talk. Your brother _ his homework.A. doB. doingC. is doingD. does()6. _ Lily and Lucy like Beijing duckA. DoesB. DoC. Are D. is()7. - I dont like fish _ chicken.¥- I dont like fish, _ I like chicken.A. a

3、nd; and B. and; butC. or; butD. or; and()8.There is _ water in my glass. Will you please give me _A.little; some B. few; anyC.few; someD. little; any()9. Linda often _ her homework in the evening, but this evening she _ TV .A. does ; watches B. is doing; watchesC. does ; is watching D. is doing; is

4、watching()10. - _ does your father do - He is a worker.A. WhatB. WhoC. WhichD. How()11. Its time for Meimei and_ to work.A .I going B. I to goC. me goingD. me to go()12. Here is your coat. Please _ .A. put on it B. wear itC. put it onD. put away it()13. I_skate.Its too _.A. cant; hard B. can; hardC.

5、 cant ; easy D. am not; hard|() go to school_ Monday _ Friday, so we can have a good rest at weekends.A. from; to B. on; on C. at; onD. in; on()15. - Are you listening or writing-_.A. Yes, Im writing B. Im not writing C. Im listening D. No, Im not()16. - Can you _ Chinese, Mr. Smith - Yes, but only

6、a little.A. talk B. speakC. tell D. say、()17. -How many _ are there in the box - Theres only one.A. potatoB. potatoes C.tomatosD. radioes()18. Jill is from _ , she is American.A. Toronto B.Paris C.LondonD. New York()19. The Chinese people _ great and _.A. is ; friend B. is ;friendlyC. are; friend D.

7、 are; friendly()20. I want _ home.A. to goB. goingC. to go to D. go二、句子翻译 (15分)(局部翻译1分,整句翻译2分)21.你能帮我找自行车吗_ find my bike22.谁教你们英语_ you English23.星期天商店这时关门了。The shop _at this time of day on Sunday.%24.他没有铅笔。He_ pencils.25. 周杰伦是我最喜欢的歌星。Jay Chow is my_.26.步行有益于健康。_27.别这样传球。_28.妈妈正在整理床铺。_29.她非常喜欢游泳。_30.

8、这辆自行车的价格是多少_三、补全对话(本题共15分,每空1分在对话的空白处填入适当的话语(可能是句子、词组、词),使对话意思完整。、Dialogue 1A: Can I help youB: (31) _ . I want some pears.A: Certainly. (32) _ pears do you wantB: I want two kilos.A: Here you are. (33)_B: No. And someapples,please.A: How many applesB: Three kilos,please.A: Here you are.B:(34) _A: T

9、hey are 20 yuan 98 fen.B:(35)_.A: Thanks. Goodbye.Dialogue 2Zhang Hua:Hello! (36) _,Bill:My name is Bill. I am from London. (37) _Zhang Hua:I am from Shanghai.Bill:So you speak(38)_.Zhang Hua: Yes. Thats right. (39) _Bill:I like it very much. Its great.Zhang Hua: (40) _Bill:Oh, the people and the fo

10、od.Dialogue 3(Ann:There is a kite over there.Betty: (41) _Ann:Over there,in the tree.Betty: Lets go and see. Oh, its a kite.Ann:Yes, its a new one.Betty: (42) _ YoursAnn:No. My kite is at home. Its broken. I think its Mikes. He cant find his kite. Lets go and ask him.Betty: Mike, is this your kiteMi

11、ke: (43) _. Oh, yes, its mine.Betty: Here you are. You must(44)_it.Mike: Thank you very much.Betty and Ann: Thats right. Listen! Thats the bell.Mike: (45) _ for our English class.四、完形填空 (本题共10分,每空1分) 阅读短文,根据短文的意思,在每个空白处填入一个适当的词,使短文在结构和意义上完整。Lucy and Kate (46)_ good friends.:They are Lucy and Kate (47) _Americans.They spea


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