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1、冀教版三年级英语下册期中试卷班级: 姓名: 一、 听音选词(10分)1. two nine 2. banana orange 3. rabbit tiger 4. chicken duck 5. pig sheep二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分)( )1.A. A wolf lives in a forest B. A mondey lives in a tree ( )2.A. A bird lives in a tree . B. A tiger eats meat . ( )3.A. There are ten monkeys . B. There are nine monke

2、ys . ( )4. A. Cows eat grass B. Monkey s eat bananas ( )5.A. Where does a fish live ? B. Where does a panda live ? 三、听录填空。 (10分) 1. I see two cows on the _2. A _ eats meat . 3. Can a _ swim . 4. Where does a _ live ? 5. _ live bananas . 笔试部分四、看图片,圈单词并写出来。(10分) hhorseou _ batrabbit _ lebirdie _donmon

3、key_cpandaat _ _五、 选出下列单词不同类的一项。(5分) 1、( )A.cat B.dog C.sheep D.wolf 2、( )A.sing B.dance C.can D.say 3、( )A.zoo B.monkey C.tiger D.panda 4、( )A.river B.lake C.tree D.love 5、( )A.thin B.tall C.fat D.pig六、完成下列单词的不同形式。(10分)1、fat(反义词) 2、lets (完全形式) 3、wolf(复数) 4、moo(发声的动物) 5、 have(第三人称单数) 6、sheep(复数) 9、d

4、o(第三人称单数) 10、big(反义词) 七、给下列句子选择出正确的答语。(10分)( )1、What can you do ? A. In a river( )2、What animal is long ? B.Yes .It is ( )3、Is this a cat ? C.I can say“Holley”( )4、Dose a wolf have a tail ? D.A snake ( )5、Where dose a fish live ? E.Yes.It has a tail 八、单项选择题。(15分)1、A farmer lives on a . A.farm B.scho

5、ol C.city 2、Sheep and goat(山羊) different(不同的) . A.is B.am C.are 3、 Is this a sheep ? No, It . A.is B.isnt C.arent4、What you do ? I can sing . A.can B.are C.does 5、 What can fish do ? can swim . A.A fish B.Fish C.Fishes 6、I see a bird , I love . A.birds B.bird C.cat 7、 Two little black bird, on a hil

6、l(小山上) . A.sit(坐在) B.sitting C.sits8、Let go to the zoo . A.we B.I C.us 9、 elephant has a truck (鼻子). A.A B.An C.There10、Dose a wolf fur(爪子) ? A.has B.have C.is 11、How many are there? A.tree B.trees C.a tree12、 Where a panda live? A .is B.dose C.do13、There ten monkeys at the zoo . A.is B.are C.do14、T

7、he wolf looks like(看起来像) a . A.dog B.bear C.tiger 15、But now he to eat me. A.want B.wants C.wanted九、连词成句。(10分)1. eat , grass , rabbits (.) _2. you, can , help , me (?) _3. A , can , horse , run _4.dog,see ,I ,a (.) _5.where , a ,dose , live , snake (?) 十、阅读短文,判断对错。对的用T表示,错的有F表示。(10分) This is Mikes s

8、chool. There are many boys in the playground (操场). The teachers are in the office(办公室). Nancy and Helen are under the tree near the classroom(教室). Mike is in the music room. There is a piano near the window. ( )1. The boys are in the office. ( )2. Nancy is near the classroom. ( )3. Helen is in the tree. ( )4. Mike is in the classroom. ( )5. There is a window near the piano.


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