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1、 总第( 1 )个教案The first day at school课时:第 1 课时【教学目标】 1. 语言知识(1)能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写以下单词及句型: 单词:day, at school, all, a lot (of), a room, any 句型: How many are there ? Theres / There are Is there a / an ? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. Are there any ? Yes, there are. / No, there arent.(2)能听懂,会说和会读日常交际用语和句型:Im

2、not sure. Lets go and see. Lets go and have a look. 2. 语言技能(1)能熟练朗读课文内容,并尝试复述全文。(2)能灵活运用所学知识,向同伴介绍我们的新学校。3. 情感态度 (1)在学习过程中加深学生对学校的了解,并激发学生爱校之情。 (2)培养学生乐于用英语与伙伴们进行交流的兴趣。【教学重点】能正确地理解、掌握课文内容,并能熟练朗读、初步表演对话。【教学难点】灵活运用There be句型的一般疑问句及其回答,正确描述自己的新校园。【课前准备】1.教具准备:阅览室,乒乓球室图片、录音机、歌曲及课文磁带、校园平面图、多媒体或小黑板和挂图。2.板

3、书准备:预先写好课题Unit 1 The first day at school【先学提纲】1.读一读,查一查再写一写:(读所给单词及划线部分音标后,用词典或上网等方式查查新单词划线部分的音标,试着拼读后写出词组的意思,比一比谁最聪明。)may /e/day / /the first day girl /:/first / /teacher / i: /each / /each other brother / /other / / her /: /term / /a new term ball /:/all / /all the students black /back / /back at

4、school many /e/any / /any rooms 2.听一听,连一连:(请听听磁带或其它语音材料,看看下面的单词你会读几个,在相应的笑脸下面画“”,然后将单词与对应图片用线连起来。) computer room classroom reading room table tennis room building 我 会 读 2 个(有点失望哦)我 会 读 3 个(还要继续努力呢)我会读四个(很不错啦)我 会 读 5 个(你太聪明啦)3.听磁带,试着跟读课文两遍,看看你能不能模仿课文中的句子根据我校实际情况完成下面填空: (1) There (be) buildings in our

5、 school,and there (be) a new building.(2) there a table tennis room in our school? , there .(3) there any reading rooms in it? , there .(4) How classrooms in the new building? . 考考你:1. sure这个单词我们已经学过,联系本课上下文,看看下面两个句子中sure的意思是否相同,如果不同,分别表示什么呢?(仔细读一读,想一想哦,若是不同,请在横线上分别写上中文意思。)Im not sure. ( )Sure. Here

6、 you are. ( )仔细读过之后,我觉得sure在这两个句子中的意思 (相同/不相同)。2. Lets go and see.找一个意思和它一样的句子。我找到的是: 温馨提示:认真读一读书本的P6-7,细心的你一定会有答案的。【教学过程】Step1. Preparation1. Greetings:T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss Huang.T: Today is the first day of the new term. Ill be your English teacher. Im very happy t

7、o see you again. Today all the students are back at school. Welcome back to our school. Are you happy to see me? (边说边出示词组,指名学生朗读并理解语义)S: Yes.T: And I think youre happy to see each other. ( 出示词组, 检查个别学生朗读并说说什么意思)2. Sing the song together: In the classroom T: Can you answer me some questions?Whats in

8、the classroom?How many TVs are there in the classroom?Is there a computer in the classroom?Are there any desks and chairs in it? (检查单词any的朗读与意义) T: Can you ask some questions like this? (提示学生不必局限于教室这一个场景) 同桌之间互问互答 指名一生问,另一学生回答3. Check the homework A. T: This is our new school. We will study here for

9、 a long time. But do you know our school? (多媒体出示连线题,指名学生朗读单词及词组) (1)小组内交流你会读几个单词,哪些还不会。不会的组内同学之间互相帮助。 (2)指名学生朗读单词,对大部分发音不准或不会的,教师集体正音。 (3)分组或集体朗读单词。 (4)指名学生完成连线,错误的在组长的监督下纠正。 B. 出示填空题,请个别学生补全句子,根据学生回答及时板书。 (1) There (be) buildings in our school,and there (be) a new building.(2) there a table tennis

10、room in our school? , there .(3) there any reading rooms in it? , there .(4) How classrooms in the new building? .4. 教师评价学生预习作业后揭示课题。 Unit 1 The first day at schoolStep2. Presentation 1. Watch the cartoon carefully. Task 1: Watch and answer the questions. 1) How many classrooms are there? 2) Is ther

11、e a table tennis room? 3) Are there any computer rooms in the building? (指导学生认真观看课文动画,根据问题试着抓住课文的重点句型。)2. Task 2: Read and complete. (1) Read quietly. 默读课文引言部分,回答两个问题 Are they happy today? Why? 小组交流答案Discuss the two questions in groups. 指名小组代表发言。Check the answer. (2)Read loudly. 大声朗读课文左半边对话,理解句子意思。Y

12、ou should read the text loudly and try to understand. 指名学生根据课文内容进行提问。Ask some questions according to the text. The others find the key words or sentences.(教师根据学生的问题及回答随机板书) 教师补充问题。Are there any reading rooms in the building? Whats the meaning of “sure”? Lets go and see.你找到的同义句是什么? (3)Read and learn quickly in groups. Read P7 quickly and learn in the same way with your partner.(小组内用同样的方法快速学习右半边内容,教师及时巡视发现问题。)全班讨论交流,汇报


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