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1、运动与健康佳词妙句1. Wear your hat and gloves, and you will not catch a cold. 戴上你的帽子和手套,这样你就不会感冒啦。2. Are you any better today? 你今天好点了吗?3. Have you been to see a doctor? 你看过医生了没?4. Have a good rest and you will be fine soon.好好休息一下,你很快就会好起来的。5. Wish you to be better soon. 祝你早日健康。精彩品读1) M: You look fine today.

2、W: Yes, I feel better. Thank you. M: What did the doctor say? W: He told me to have a good rest. M: Wish you to be better soon. W: Thank you.2) M: Hello, Jenny. You look very tired. W: Yes, I have had a bad cold for several days. It is difficult to get to sleep. M: Oh, that is too bad. Have you been

3、 to see a doctor? W: Yes, I thought perhaps I had a more serious illness. But the doctor said it was just a cold and would be over soon. M: That is good to know. I hope you will feel better soon. W: Thank you.拓展操练. 乔治打喷嚏了, 妈妈让他多穿衣服,不要着凉。. 苏珊父亲生病了,她送父亲去医院。结果苏珊上课迟到,老师得知情况后祝她父亲早日康复。Key:. M: Brr-r-r-r-.

4、 W: Bless you! You are sneezing. M: Yes. W: You should put on more clothes. M: Oh, I will. Mum, I must be off now. W: A minute, please. Put on your hat and gloves. Its cold outside. Be careful not to catch a cold. M: Susan, you are late today. W: Im very sorry, sir. But my father is ill. I sent him

5、to hospital this morning. M: Sorry to hear that. Is it serious? W: Yes. The doctor said he had better be operated on. M: Poor man. Tell him I wish he would recover soon. W: Thank you. Its very kind of you.精品短文First of all,you should make sure never eat less than1200 calories.And you should do exerci

6、ses every day.You should be happy and friendly.This is the most important thing to be a healthy person.I. 口语项目:谈论健康时的常用表达方式集锦 1. Playing sport is good for us. 2. It is good for you to have breakfast. 3. -How often do you eat vegetables? -I eat vegetables every day.Eating vegetables is good for our h

7、ealth. 4. -How much exercise do you need? -I need about 20 minutes of exercise three times a week. 5. Take care of yourself. 6. -How is your brother these days? -He is fine. Thank you. 7. Dont work too hard. II. 背景知识介绍 1. 在西方,与朋友或家人道别时,一般要说Take care of yourself.(自己多保重。)一方面因为他们工作压力很大、生活节奏很快,身体健康就显得特别

8、重要;另一方面,英美等国的私人诊所大都收费颇高,是人们最不喜欢的去处。 2. 在英美国家,看望病人时习惯上带鲜花或者是慰问卡片,有时送本书或送张唱片,礼物很轻,但很有意义。比如送本幽默故事书,让呆在病床上心烦意乱的病人读后哈哈一笑,不就使他的心情也为之轻松起来了吗? III. 口语聊吧 和你的同伴练习下列对话。 A: Good morning,Jim ! B: Good morning,Jack. How are you these days? A: I am fine,thank you. And you? B: I am not too well. A: Oh,I am sorry to

9、hear that. Whats wrong? B: I feel tired all the time. A: Are you eating properly? Do you have breakfast in the morning? B: I dont like having breakfast. A: It is bad for you not to have breakfast. Why not get up early and do some sport? That will make you feel better, too. B: I get up late in the morning. A: It is not a good habit(习惯). I think you need to get some exercise. B: You are right. I have to do some sports for exercise !


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