重庆市高二级英语--Unit-16-This-is-my-sister-Section-A全套教案(DOC 7页)

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《重庆市高二级英语--Unit-16-This-is-my-sister-Section-A全套教案(DOC 7页)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《重庆市高二级英语--Unit-16-This-is-my-sister-Section-A全套教案(DOC 7页)(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、精品教育资料+学习K12重庆市高二级英语 Unit 16 This is my sister Section A全套教案Unit 2This is my sister.根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词(5分)1Is she your sister?No, she is my uncles daughter. Shes my c_2My fathers sister is my a_3Grandfather and grandmother are my g_4My fathers brothers are my u_. 5W_ is the girl?She is Linda.根据句意和汉语提

2、示写出所缺的单词(5分)1These are his _(父母)2Lets go to the _(下一个) room.3They have two _(儿子)4Im my mothers _(女儿)5Here are four _(照片) of my family.根据汉语意思完成句子(20分)1玛丽,这是我妈妈。This is _ _, Mary.2那是我的(外)祖父母。_ _ my grandparents.3那是我的家庭。_ my _4祝你过得愉快!_ _ _ _!5这是他的两个漂亮女儿。Here _ his two beautiful _6我的弟弟汤姆和妹妹琳达在第一张照片里。My

3、younger brother Tom and younger sister Linda are _ _ _ _7这是一张我的全家福。Here is a _ _ _ _8那个女孩是谁?Whos _ _?9那些是你的兄弟们吗?_ _ your _?10“她是谁?”“她是我的妹妹。”_ she? _ _ my _.单项选择(10分)()1.Kate is Jims sister. Jim is Kates _Ason BbrotherCfather Dsister()2.This _ my sister and these _ my parents.Ais; is Bare; areCis; ar

4、e Dare; is ()3._ is the girl?She is my sister. AWhat BHowCWho DWhere()4.These are my _ and that is my _ Aparent; friend Bparents; friendCparent; friends Dparents; friends ()5.Here _ two photos of my family.Ahave Bhas Care Dis .补全对话,方框中有两个选项多余(10分)Jane: Hello, Mary!Mary: Hello, Jane! 1._Jane: Nice to

5、 meet you, Tom.Tom: 2._ Look! Jane, this is my family photo.Jane: Oh, are these your parents?Tom: 3._Jane: 4._Mary: No, it isnt. She is my uncles daughter. Jane: I see. She is your cousin. 5._Mary: Her name is Gina.Jane: Thank you. Bye.Mary: Bye.AWhats her name?BThis is my brother, Tom.CNice to meet

6、 you, too.DYes, they are.E. Im fine, thank you.F. Whats that in English?G. Is this your sister, Mary? .阅读理解(20分)()1.John Brown and Anna Brown are Sallys _AparentsBgrandparentsCbrother and sisterDuncle and aunt()2.Mary is Sallys _Aaunt BmotherCsister Dgrandmother()3.Ann is John Browns _Ason Bgranddau

7、ghter(孙女)Cdaughter Dsister()4.Tom and Kate are Anns _AcousinsBuncle and auntCbrother and sisterDfather and mother()5.Sally has(有)_ cousins.Atwo BthreeCfour Dfive.任务型阅读(15分)Hi, Im Mark. This is a photo of my family. These are my grandparentsJim and Anna. Theyre my dads parents. My dad is Leo White an

8、d my mom is Lily White. The girl is my sister Sue and the boy is my brother Eric. This is my uncle Jerry. (1)他是爸爸的兄弟。And Mary is his wife(妻子). Thats their dog Peter. Where am I? Ha! (2)Im_not_in_the_photo.根据短文内容完成任务。任务一:根据短文内容回答问题。1Whats the last name of Marks dad?_2Who is Peter?_3How many people ar

9、e there(有) in the photo?_任务二:将短文中画线句子(1)翻译成英语。4_任务三:将短文中画线部分(2)翻译成汉语。5_.书面表达(15分)请根据下面照片内容,以“My Family”为题,写一篇作文,介绍你的家庭成员, 不少于30词。My Family_.1.cousin2.aunt3.grandparents4uncles5.Who.1.parents2.next3.sons4.daughter5photos/pictures.1.my mother2.Those are3Thats; family4.Have a good/nice day5are; daughte

10、rs6.in the first photo/picture7photo of my family8.that girl9Are those; brothers10Whos; She is; sister.15BCCBC.15BCDGA.15BACCB.1.His last name is White. 2Its Jerry and Marys dog. 3There are eight/8 people in the photo. 4He is my dads/fathers brother.5我不在照片中。 .One possible version:My FamilyHello, boys and girls. My name is Cin


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