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1、Module 3 Making plansUnit 3 Language in use【语法专练】一般将来时: be going to do的用法用be going to的适当形式填空1. Who_have a basketball lesson on Sunday?2. My son_play the piano this weekend.3._ there_ be two football matches on TV tomorrow evening?4. There_ be a sports meeting next week.5. I_ send an email to Tom thi

2、s evening.6. Tom_ not_clean his room tomorrow morning.7._ they_ have a picnic in the park this afternoon?8. They_ not_ have a party on Saturday evening.【综合演练】一、 阅读理解Today Im going to tell you a story about Christmas. Therere two Santa Clauses(圣诞老人) in a city. One is tall and the other is short. They

3、 live quite near each other, but they never speak to each other.Christmas is coming. The tall Santa gets a letter(信) from a little mouse. He wants a small hat. The tall Santa is worried, because he is too big and he cant send the present into the mouses home. And at this time, the short Santa also g

4、ets a letter. Its from a baby elephant. He wants a toy car. The short Santa doesnt know how to do it. He is too small to take the present to the elephant. But when they meet in front of their houses, they have a good idea. They exchange(交换) the two presents and help each other to send them.The two S

5、anta Clauses are very happy, because they finish(完成) their jobs well. They also find its great to have a friend.( )1. Who writes a letter to the tall Santa Claus?A. A little tiger.B. A little monkey.C. A little mouse.D. A little elephant.( )2. After reading the letter, the tall Santa Claus feels(感到)

6、_.A. luckyB. happyC. worriedD. tired( )3. What does the baby elephant want to have?A. A toy car.B. A toy pig.C. A book.D. A hat.( )4. Where do the two Santa Clauses meet?A. In a park.B. In a shop.C. Behind their houses.D. In front of their houses.( )5. What does the story tell us?A. We should be car

7、eful with our jobs.B. We should ask a good present during Christmas.C. We need friends and we should help each other.D. We should make friends with people living near us.二、根据汉语提示完成短文Hi, Im Mao Hongwei from Jinhua, Zhejiang. Im going to enjoy myself 1_(在期间) the New Year holiday.On 1st January, Im goi

8、ng to get up2_(早) and do my homework. On the morning of 2nd January, Im going to have a3_(野餐) with my friends. After that, were going to 4_(收集) the litter. In the afternoon, Im going to show Mr Smith around my school. In the evening, were going to have a 5_(欢迎) party for him. On the morn-ing of 3rd

9、January, Im going to ask Mr Smith to teach me to write with the 6_(左边) hand. Also Im going to help my mother do some 7_(家务劳动) in the afternoon.Oh, Im looking 8_(面向未来的) to my holiday. I think my New Year holiday is going to be 9_(极好的) and great10_(娱乐;乐趣).三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。In a

10、 small tree, there lives a squirrel(松鼠) and a bird. During the summer, the squirrel spends a lot of time 1_(look) for food. The bird plays and plays all day. One day, the bird says to the squirrel, “Squirrel, 2_do you work so 3_(hard)?” The squirrel says, “Because I need to make sure I have lots of

11、4_(food) to eat for winter.” The bird says to the squirrel, “You 5_(silly) squirrel!Winter is 6_long(长的) time away. There is a lot of time to look for food. You should play when the weather is nice.” The bird plays all summer when the squirrel works, and then winter 7_(come). The squirrel has a lot

12、to eat, but the bird has8_. The bird asks the squirrel 9 something to eat, but the squirrel tells him, “Sorry, you have time in summer, 10_you dont use it well.”四、书面表达Paul的周末计划出炉了。假如你是Paul,请根据下列提示内容,写一篇短文介绍自己周末的安排。写作要求:(1)短文必须包括所有要点,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;(2)词数:60左右(文章的结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。参考词汇:camel骆驼_The coming weekend will be great. Im looking forward to it.参考答案Unit 3 Language in use【语法专练】1. is going to 2. is going to 3. Are, going to4. is going to 5. am going to 6. is, going to7. Are, going to 8. are, going to【综合演练】一、15. CCADC二、1. during 2. early 3. picnic 4. collect 5. welc


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