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1、. A brief analysis of Bathsheba in Far from the Madding CrowdAbstract:Tomas hardy is recognized as one of the most representative writer of realism in English literature in 19th century.In his major novels,the writer tried to reveal the plight of rural women during the period of transitionand the de

2、structive situation where human nature suffered in the brutal environment.Hardy paid special attention to the females plight,and showed much sympathy for them.His first famous novel Far from the madding Crowd presents the living conditions of the Victorian women fully and centrally. This thesis focu

3、ses on the female character in this novel and presents Hardys depiction of a Victorian woman-Bathsheba who surpasses the tradition under Patriarchy.She has extraordinary personality and abundant emotions,and shows thedistinctive female-consciousness in pursuing independence and freedom.Thus,the purp

4、ose of this thesis is to show Bathshebas resistance to patriarchy ends up with her surrender to it,then point out that this is a female tragedy and finally analyze its sources.Key word:Bathsheba;environment and personality;feminism;patriarchy-.评论和分析?远离尘嚣?中芭思希芭的性格摘要:托马斯哈代是19世纪英国文坛被公认的最具代表性的现实主义作家之一。在

5、他的小说中作家试图揭示出了历史转型时期乡村女性的生存困境,以及人的天性如何在残酷的环境中遭受摧残和毁灭的情形。哈代特别着重关注和审视女性的生存困境,以悲天怜人的情怀塑造了一系列女性形象。哈代的成名作远离尘嚣是一部全面,集中反映维多利亚时代妇女生存状态的力作。 本文从女性形象入手,展示了哈代对于一位在父权制度下超越传统的维多利亚妇女的形象芭丝谢吧。她有着不同于寻常的个性和丰富的情感。在追寻独立和自由的过程中,她显示出鲜明的女性意识。她以独立的性格对抗着父权制。本文的目的在于通过展现芭斯谢芭与父权制从对抗到屈从的过程,指出这是一部女性悲剧,并且进一步分析这一悲剧的根源:哈代的悲剧意识,宿命论和其思

6、想上的局限性。关键字:巴丝谢芭;环境与性格;女性主义;父权-.目录Abstracti摘要iiIntroduce11Bathshebas characters21.1The positive sides21.1.1Rebellious21.1.2 Independent.21.2 The negative sides.41.2.1 Vain41.2.2 Lost in love41.2.3 Wavering in emotion52The cause of the character62.1 Social environment62.2 Family background63 social in

7、fluence74 Conclusion8Bibliography9-.IntroductionFar from the Madding Crowd is a relatively early work of Hardy as a professional writer,its the fourth novel among his works that got published in the earlier years.It is also the first novel that centers around a single character,it is a kind of organ

8、izational structure that he used many times in his following novels.We can say “Far from the Madding Crowdis the cornerstone of Tomas Hardys novels. This novel of Hardy depict a kind of fit,brave and remarkably strong women who go beyond the traditional definition and fully present the novel-Far fro

9、m the Madding Crowd,we can get a detailed analyses on the sexual ideology between man and woman,and also s better understanding on the womans struggle in the process of being materialized and checked in the male-dominated society. Bathsheba,a central figure in the novel,can be understood in many dif

10、ferent ways.On the one hand,she is a woman of new era,and she has pursuit of love,freedom and independence.She hopes that women and men can have equal status, she fights against the patriarchal society.On the other hand,she is a girl crazy for love and has weak willpower.The following paragraphs wil

11、l give a full picture about who she is and what she is.-.1 Bathshebas characters Bathsheba,a central figure in the novel,can be understood in many different ways.She is a woman of new era,Now we will talking about her characters,she hae two different sides about her characters.1.1The positive sides

12、Bathsheba has many good qualities. Firstly, she is not willing to obey to the patriarchy,she revolts the patriarchal society and hopes to have equal status with the men.She always do what she can do to fight it. Secondly,she is brave and independent,she is longing for equality ,she also can pursue h

13、er love bravely and does not rely on others. 1.1.1Rebellious As the inheritor of her uncles property,Bathsheba possesses a large farm.At first,people had great suspicion on her capacity to manage the farm for she was only a woman.There is no woman farm owner in the town who manages the farm by herse

14、lf.Its unconventional in the patriarchal society.Men cannot bear it,they have a strong sense of superiority to women in nature,and despise women extremely.From these ,we can find out that they do not believe that a woman can finish something by herself without mens help.Nevertheless,Bathsheba shows

15、her capacity and strength.She makes great efforts to prove that with her wisdom and talent,she can manage the farm.She is unwilling to place herself in humble and passive position when she has to face men directly.Her independence consciousness is so strong that she persists in doing everything on h

16、er own.In her mind,women are not inferior to men.She dares to resist intensely against patriarchal power.And she has the spirit of modern time.As to love ,she would adopt active attitude to pursue it boldly.Bathsheba refuses Oaks proposal for reason is as she said, “I hate to be thought mens property in that way.All of above proves



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