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1、(外研社版三年级起第四册)Module 3 Unit 1 Will you take your kite?.一、教材分析本单元是以Picnic为题的对话,要求学生会用Will you ? Will you take? 和 Will you taketo? 以及回答Yes, I will. No, I wont.来制定并谈论计划。前面学生已经接触过一般将来时态以及be going to句型。本模块学习起来相对简单一些,但学生必须通过大量的操练才能熟练的掌握。二教学目标:知识目标:学习功能问句 Will you take your kite to the picnic tomorrow ? Wil

2、l you take your ball tomorrow? No, I wont. 新授单词:take, tomorrow, why(not)。技能目标:能够听懂会说本模块句型,能灵活运用功能句谈论将来的行为。情感目标:在积极参与教学活动及小组合作中中体会到学习的快乐。运用目标:运用所复习工具的Will you.?结构,询问小组同学,周六全班野餐将带什么东西。2教学重、难点:灵活运用Will you take? 和 Will you taketo? 以及回答Yes, I will. No, I wont.来谈论计划。三、学情分析本模块内容适合四年级学生,他们经过一年的学习初步具备一定的听说读

3、的技能,有较好的模仿能力,在老师的引导下,能运用所学基本句型进行语言操练,在课堂教学中能积极参与,互动交流。并且一般将来时态前面已经学习接触过,学习起来难度会降低一些。本课运用will 对对方将来要做的事情进行提问,对于大多数学生来说比较容易掌握。但是,要灵活自如地运用重点句型进行语言交流、制定计划,还需要大量的操练。四教学方法:五步教学法,小组合作学习五、教具:课件、CD-ROM六、教学过程Step 1 Review1. Sing the song of weekdays.T: wonderful, you are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday g

4、roup. Each group can get a star. The winner group each one can get a sticker. Try hard! 2. Lead-inT: What day is today? Ss: Today is Tuesday.T: Tomorrow is Wednesday. Whats the meaning of “tomorrow”? Ss: Tomorrow means _.Read the word “tomorrow”.T: look at this picture, what are they doing? They are

5、 having a picnic. Learn “picnic”. Another picture, whats this? Yes, its a ball. Learn”ball”. T: lets sing a chant.Tomorrow, tomorrow What will you do tomorrow? Picnic, picnic, Ill have a picnic.Take, take, What will you take?Ball, ball, Ill take a ball.【设计意图】在歌曲中引入本模块的重点单词,学习了新授词“tomorrow” ball, pic

6、nic,为新授课做好准备。通过chant进一步进行巩固。Step 2 Presentation1. Show a picture of Sam and Amy.(Sam 和 Amy非常高兴的样子.)T: Look! How happy they are! Why are they so happy? What are they going to do? Please watch and listen.Get the answer: They are going to have a picnic.T: When are they going to have a picnic?Get the an

7、swer: On Saturday. 2. Watch the video again and learn the main sentences.Pre-watching questions:(1) Will Amy take the kite to the picnic tomorrow? (2) Will Amy take the ball tomorrow?Get the answer: No, she wont. No, she wont.T: How does Sam ask Amy? Bb: Will you take your kite to the picnic tomorro

8、w?Will you take your ball tomorrow?Ss: No, I wont.【设计意图】本环节主要是帮助学生理解对话大意,呈现重点知识。学生带着不同问题,两次观看CD-ROM,问题难度不断递增,使学生对课文的理解逐渐加深。寻找答案的过程就是理解课文和呈现重点的过程。Step 3: Drills 1. Listen and repeat, try to imitate. (Watch the video and repeat)2. Read the dialogue in roles and show.【设计意图】充足的机械操练帮助学生熟悉文本,使新授语言材料更容易上口。

9、Step 4: practiceT: This Saturday well have a picnic. Are you happy? Yes, Im very happy, too. But you should think about what you will take to the picnic. I need three students to help me.T to S1: Will you take some apples tomorrow? S1: Yes, I will./ No, I wont.S1: S2, Will you take a card? S2: No, I

10、 wont. I willT: Now, discuss in groups. Several minutes later, let one or two groups show their dialogues, and ask other students say what they will take.【设计意图】创设情境,布置任务,设置信息差,在任务驱动之下,师生之间、生生之间展开对话。既操练了Will you take?,等重点句型,又提高了语用能力。当学生在猜测、讨论的过程中会用到大量的物品,同时对所学名词进行回顾和运用。Step5. ConsolidationT:Lets play

11、 a game! Look! These are weekdays. Lets read the words together. (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,) Each day has 2 pictures. Guided Practice.T: Lets play together first.Sunday-T: Will you take your T-shirt to Hainan?Ss: Yes, I will.T: Why?Ss: Hainan is very hot.Monday-

12、T: Will you take your dog to school?Ss: No, I wont.T: Why not?Ss: 然后放手让学生问答:S1 choose, Ss ask him/her.Ss: Will you taketo?S1: Yes, I will. / No, I wont.Ss: Why? / Why not?【设计意图】此游戏是在教师引导下的学生之间的互动。目的是操练重点知识will you taketo?教师在此环节可以较好地把握生成,使学生获取更多的语言表达机会,培养学生的语用能力。另外,七个单词是星期名词,在游戏的同时,可以不断地复习巩固这几个单词。这一游

13、戏具有语言性、学习性、趣味性。Step 5: Homeworkand Summary 1HomeworkListen to the dialogue and read it. Remember the main sentences.2Look at the Bb and summarize.T: What have you learned today? (Let Ss say one by one.) Then count the stars together. The winner group isT: Congratulations. Give you the stickers.Bb de

14、sign: Module 3 Unit 1 Will you take your kite?Will you take your kite tomorrow?Will you take your ball?No, I wont.Reflection: 本节课学生新接触一般将来时态的另一标志词“will”,难度不算很大,联系以前学过的“can”的用法,学生很快就知道will的用法,惟一的区别在于时态。但是,大部分学生对will和wont的读法发音不很准确。通过歌曲环节导入,极大地提高了学生的积极性,同时运用学过的星期来命名小组,可以很好地复习巩固新学单词。Chant环节学生积极性也很高,学习单词效果很好。课文内容趣味性强,学习起来不太费力。Practice部分对重点句型进行进一步的巩固与操练,有一部分学生掌握的还不到位,需要老师课下重点辅导。总体上,本节课能基本完成教学目标,达到教学要求。



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