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1、(Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister.)The Third Period Section B(1a-1e)Teaching aims(教学目标)1能够说出自己选择好朋友的标准。2能按要求完成听力任务并能对听力内容和同伴进行讨论。Language points(语言点)1.要求掌握以下句式: Who is your best friend? Why do you like him/her? Is he/she different from you in many ways? Is he/she a lot like you? I am a little

2、quieter.2要求掌握以下词汇及短语: talented, truly, care, care about, the same as, be different from, make me laugh, be talented inDifficulties(难点):表达清楚什么样的朋友才是真正的好朋友。Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Lead inT: Friends are very important in our life. Do you have a best friend? Say two to three sentences about your best fri

3、end. (教师把同学说出的关于好词板书在黑板上,以便下一步需要时参考)教学设计说明:通过同学们谈论自己的好朋友引出重要词汇和短语care about, make me laugh,为下一步讨论打下基础。2. Work on 1a & 1bT: Look at 1a. Wwhat kinds of things are important in a friend? Rank the things 1-7 (1 is the most important).A good friend _ a. has cool clothes._ b. is talented in music._ c. lik

4、es to do the same things as me._ d. is good at sports._ e. truly cares about me._ f. makes me laugh._ g. is a good listener.Talk about what you think a friend should be like.A: I think a good friend makes me laugh.B: For me, a good friend likes to do the same things as me. C: Yes, and a good friend

5、is talented in music, too.D: Thats not very important for me 教学设计说明:先让学生标出认为重要的,然后说出自己的择友标准,这种模仿式的表达观点比直接让学生说什么样的朋友才是好朋友降低了难度,让学生有话可说。3. Work on 1c & 1dBefore listening, have Ss look at the chart in 1c and answer the following questions:Who is Mollys best friend?Who is Marys friend?T: Different peop

6、le have different ideas about what a good friend should be like. Lets listen and fill in the first column of the chart.教学设计说明:听两遍并完成全部任务不容易,因此听前先设计两个简单的问题帮助学生理解。如果必要可以再放一遍录音,会的同学跟读,没得到答案的再听一遍,各个层次的同学都有收获。4. After listeningSimple explanations and summary about comparatives.Pair work: Work on 1eTalk a

7、bout Molly and Mary and their best friends.T: Use the chart in 1c to help you make conversations about Molly and Mary and their best friends.S1: Molly studies harder than her best friend.S2: Well, Mary and her best friend are both tall.Now, look at the screen and fill in the blanks.Peter is Mollys _

8、 friend. They are both_ and good at _. They like to do the same things. However, Molly studies _ than Peter. Peter plays baseball _than Molly. Molly is _ _ quieter although they are _ pretty _.教学设计说明:学了三节课,归纳总结一下比较级的基本用法,进一步巩固本节课所学内容。改编听力内容让学生听完能够根据自己理解和听的内容填写所缺的词(都是本节课的重要词汇)。5. HomeworkOral:Listen, then read the conversation aloud.Written:Write five sentences about your best friend and you. Use comparatives.教学设计说明:课后充分利用现有资源进行学习,模仿跟读磁带是最方便方便有效的方法。在课上模仿介绍Molly 和好朋友的异同点,课后写出自己和好朋友的异同点进一步巩固本节课内容。


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