高中英语 数 词解题题典.doc

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1、数 词1. Two_ died of cold last winter.A. hundreds old peoples B. hundred old peopleC. hundreds old people D. hundred old peoples答:B。hundred,thousand,million,score,dozen与数词连用或与many,several等词连用时,不用复数形式。people指人们,本身是具有复数意义的词,但若指不同国家、不同民族的人时,可用复数。如:We should deepen the friendship between the peoples of th

2、e two countries.我们应该加深两国人民之间的友谊。2. The hero of the story is an artist in his_.A. thirtieth B. thirty C. thirtys D. thirties答:D。inones twenties (thirties, forties)在某人二(三、四)十几岁的时候。in ones teens 在某人十三至十九年龄段的时候。3. In _ Marx began to learn Russian.A. the 1870s B. 1870s C. 1870s D. his 1870s答;A在“十九世纪七十年代”

3、可以说成in the 1870s 或 in the 1870s。4. In Pisa, there is_ leaning tower. A. an 180-foot-high B. a 180-feet high C. a 180-foot-high D. an 180 feet-high答:C。连字符所连的词做定语时,不用复数形式。5. Shortly after the accident, _ policemen were sent to the spot to keep order. A. dozens of B. dozen C. dozen of D. dozen答:A。dozen

4、s of 数十6. There were _ people in the room.A. two score of B. tv0o scores of C. two score D. two scores答:A。score与数词,many,several等词连用时,用单数形式score后常接of,如two score of eggs。但scores of 表示笼统的数字,意为“数十个”。7. _of the students in our class are from the north. A. Two nineth B. Two ninth C. Two ninths D. Two nine

5、tbs答:C分数词的表示法:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于l时,分母用复数的形式。9的序数词为ninth。8. She bought her son two _ pencils.A. dozen of B. dozens C. dozen D. dozens of答:Cdozen与数词连用,不用复数,另外dozen后一般不与of连用,若接of时,后应有the,these,those等限定词或them,如I want three dozen of the / these / those pencils或I want three dozen of theme。9. _cave that G

6、eorge has discovered in his lifetime is near the Alps. A. The hundredth B. The hundred C. Hundredth D. A hundredth答:A。第一百个,序数词前应用定冠同。10. Mr Smith_ me to buy several _ eggs for the dinner party. A. asked, dozen B. suggested, dozens of C. had, dozen D. persuaded, dozens答:A. dozen 与several, many及数词连用时,

7、不用复数形式,后也不接of,如three dozen pencils。11. The children often go to school_. A. by two and three B. by two or three C. by twos and threes D. by twos or threes答:C。 bytwosand threes 三三两两地12. She waters the flowerA. each three days B. every third daysC. every three days D. each other day答:C。每几天,不用each来表示,应

8、说every few days;每三天every three days 或every three days; 每隔一天every other day。13. He will be back in_.A. a or two days B. one or two daysC. one day and two D. one and two day答:B。“一两天”可以说成 one or two days 或 a day or two。14. Hes been here for_.A. one and a half hours B. one and half an hourC. one and hal

9、f hours D. one and a half hour答:A。“一个半小时”可以说成 an hour and a half或 one and a half hours,15. The working women in the city got paid_. A. by hours B. by an hour C. by hour D. by the hour答:D表示按小时、天、月、打等单位的词应这样表示:by the hour / day / month / dozen; 表示按长度、重量应这样表示:by length / weight.16. Ive already covered

10、_ pages of the book. A. he first twenty B. a twenty first C. the twenty first D. a flrst twenty答;A头二十页the first twenty pages,后二十页the last twenty pages,头几天the first few days。17Well stay here for_. A. other ten days B. another ten days C. another ten day D. ten another days答:B。“再用十天时间”可以说成another ten

11、days或ten more days18. _broke out in 1939.A World War Second B. The World War Second C. Second World War D. World War Two答:D。“第二次世界大战”可以说成World War Two或The Second World War。“第一单元”可说成Unit One或The First Unit。19He lives in_.A. Room 311 B. 311 RoomC. the 311 Room D. the Room 311答:A。表示“在几号房间”习惯上用“Room+房间号”。20The earth is nearly_the moon.A. 50 time the size of B. 50 times the size ofC. 50 times as bigger as D. as big as 50 times答:B。表示A是B的多少倍可以说A isk. times the size / length / height / weight / width of B。或A is . times as big / long / hight as B。


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