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1、 5.1劳动节中英文国旗下演讲稿5.1劳动节中英文国旗下演讲稿演讲人:冯昱杭(英文)、李熙萌(中文)国旗下讲话主题:5.1劳动节五月,春的季节;南雁北飞,鲜花满园。在19世纪80年月的那个五月,欧美工人为争取合法权益反对剥削压迫进行大罢工,才诞生了今日的五一劳动节。“北山种了种南山,相助力耕岂有偏?愿得人间皆似我,也应四海少荒田。”这首诗写了山区农夫的劳动生活,他们相互协作,表现出勤劳英勇的精神。劳动制造了人,制造了美,制造了我们美妙的生活。从古至今,中国人就依靠勤劳的双手制造了辉煌绚烂的华夏文明。劳动,给我们留下了弥足宝贵的物质精神财宝。我们的父母是劳动者,我们的教师是劳动者,我们的后勤保洁


3、,让我们的课堂布满活力,让我们的班级更加干净,让自己的宿舍更加美丽。让我们敬重劳动、喜爱劳动,我们的生活会更加焕发光荣。May is a symbol of Spring when the wild geese fly north and the gardens are full of flowers.The general strike of workers for eight-hour workday in 1880s in the western countries gave birth to Labour Day!We should sow the south mountain aft

4、er sowing the north mountain. How can we show our favoritism when help our neighbors sow? There will be less wasteland if everyone does as what I do. This is a poem which described peoples working life in the mountain area. Their collaboration in working shows their diligent and brave spirit. Work c

5、reates man, work creates beauty, and it is also work that creates our better life. Since ancient times, the Chinese create our splendid Chinese civilization with their hands. It is work that gives us the precious material and spiritual wealth.It is the sweat and diligent work of thousands of workers

6、 that build the modern buildings and highways and change wastelands into fertile fields.() These workers include our parents, our teachers as well as the cleaners in our school. On the coming of Labor Day, please give our sincere wishes to all the workers when we enjoy this lovely spring and our hap

7、py life.However, there are many students who hate working, they dont think that learning or tidy up our bedrooms is also a kind of working. If we dont grasp these little trivial skills, we cant be an eligible worker in the future. Attitude is everything! If we treat work as making a dish, the proper

8、 attitude towards it is the core ingredient of the dish which can make the dish more delicious.My dear fellow students, lets take actions from now on to make our classroom full of vitality, keep our classrooms tidy and decorate our dormitories to be more beautiful and comfortable. Lets learn to respect and love working, I believe our life will be more meaningful for us!


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