深圳牛津英语 8 A chapter 1 复习

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1、学校 班级 姓名 考号 考场 /密封线内不要答题/8A Chapter1 water RevisionName _ Class _The first period- TextTarget(目标): 1. 回顾课文,掌握文章大意,熟悉水形成在过程; 2. 回忆课文中所出现的重点单词,词组; 3. 扩展阅读,补充说明文的阅读。Part I: Review the content of the textListen to the tap and fill in the blanks and read it.Water talked to Daisy while she was in the bath

2、room brushing her teeth. Daisy left the (1)_ on. Water was (2)_ into the sink. “Turn the tap off,” a voice said loudly. Daisy (3)_ . You are wasting water, The voice sounded (4)_. Daisy obeyed. Then she found out it was (5)_. Twenty-four days ago, it was in a cloud. Then the cloud (6)_ it into a str

3、eam and it flowed quickly down the (7)_ into the Dongjiang River. The river carried it to a (8)_. Workers cleaned it up. Then it traveled in the end. After meeting Daisy, it will go to a (8)_. Workers cleaned it up. Then it traveled in (9)_ under the street to Daisys home. It was quite a long (10)_.

4、 And it was not the end. After meeting Daisy, it will go to a (11)_plant. People there will (12)_ it into the river, and it will go back into the sea again. It is not (13)_ for water to travel so long. So water told Daisy not to (14)_ or pollute it, because water is (15)_, like liquid gold.一、 英英解释1.

5、 valuable =_ 2. in the first place =_3. clean sth up= _ 4. not enough= _5.several= _ 6. froze =_7. plant =_ 8.pour=_ 9. nod=_ 10 ordinary =_( ) 1. The house is worth a lot of money, so the young man cant buy it.A . beautiful B. valuable C. shiny D. cheap( )2. I didnt know what had happened in the be

6、ginning.A. in the end. B .at last C. in the middle D. in the first place.( )3. The classroom is very dirty. Lets clean it up.A make it clean B. make it possible. C. wake it up D. take it off( )4. There is not enough rice in the bag.A. too much B too many C too little D. too few( ) 5. It only took us

7、 a few minutes to get there. A several B. little C. no D. any( )6. Mary froze when she heard the surprising news. A stopped moving suddenly B. looked unhappy C felt cold D felt happy( )7 Jim set up this plant when he was just 29 years old.A flower B school C factory D. company( )8. After a heavy rai

8、n, water pours into stream. A. falls B. drops C. flows D. disappears( )9. The boy nodded and started to do his homework. A agreed B. refused C. decided D. disagreed( )10. Taking exercise is an ordinary but good way to keep healthy. A. special B. usual C. funny D. strange二、词形转换1. anger(形容词)_ 2. freez

9、e(过去式)_3. nod(现在分词)_ 4. treat (名次)_5.travel(过去式)_6. value(形容词)_7. shine(形容词)_8.own(名词)_9. obey (过去式)_10. three(序数词)_1. Do you know the name of the _ (own)?2. About one _ (three) of the students in our school are girls.3. Last time he went to the dentist, he had to have two _ (tooth) out.4. The thief

10、 _ (freeze) when he heard the police arrive.5. Jacks advice was really _ (value). It helped me a lot.6. The _ (treat) of waste water is very important to protect the environment.7. Dont forget _ (close) the door when you leave.8. We had a _ (real) good time last weekend.9. Chemical wastes used to _ (pollution) the rivers and streams there.10. It is dangerous for the children _ (climb) the tall tree.三、汉译英1. 流入_,流进_ 2 . (电器或灯等)开着_3. 环顾四周_ 4.关掉_5. 刷牙_ 6.浪费水_7. 听起来很生气_ 8. 使落进_9. 打扫干净_ 10. 起初_11. 从出来_ 12. 记得要做某事_13. 记得不要做某事_ 14. 摇头_17. 来自于_ 18. 三分之二_19. 足够_



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