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1、大学英语quiz1答案注重:本版里只供下载试卷灌音用!要检察试卷挨印版,请面那里。道明:?因为试卷灌音文件有大概很年夜,以是出于下载牢靠性的思索咱们只供应按试卷各个全体下载灌音文件的功效。请面击位于试卷各个全体开首的小喇叭()反省该全体的灌音,面击下载按钮()下载该全体的灌音文件。文件的体例为MP3。?要挨印试卷供教死用,面那里进进挨印版页里后请面击网页扫瞄器的挨印按钮挨印试卷。姓名:_ 班级:_ 教号:_ 日期:_年夜教英语2收集自立教习单位测试1试卷编号:quiz1测验光阴:70 分钟谦分:100 分注重事变Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure(Each item

2、: 1)Directions:Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A,B, C and D.1-5 DABAC 6-10 CAABD 11-15 BACDD 16-20 CACDD21-25 CCABA 26-30 BAAAB 31-35 DACBA 36-40 DDBCD41-45 ABDCA 46-50 CDCAB1.Id like to take _D_ of this opportunity to thank all of you for yourefforts.A. profitB. benefitC. occasi

3、onD. advantage2.In copying this paper, be careful not to leave _A_ any words.A. outB. aloneC. offD. behind3.When doing the wash, it is important to _B_ white and coloredclothing.A. compareB. separateC. establishD. contrast4.We finally _A_ an agreement after a lot of hard argument.A. reachedB. didC.

4、arrivedD. drove5.It is desirable that the airplane _C_ as light as possible.A. isB. wereC. beD. had been6.We came finally _C_ the conclusion that she had been tellinglies all the time.A. ofB. intoC. toD. at7.I am not used to speaking _A_ public.A. inB. atC. onD. to8.He didnt live up to _A_ had been

5、expected of him.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. all9.She did not feel _B_ going out, as she had a slightheadache.A. aboutB. likeC. afterD. for10.The price of gold rose again, partly _D_ news about the war.A. result inB. go withC. becauseD. due to11.Responsibilities _B_ becoming a father.A. charge forB. go

6、withC. save forD. go through12.If you _A_ in your payment for the house again, you may getthrown out.A. fall behindB. account forC. charged forD. come to13.The country has _C_ too many wars in the past fewdecades; its people are longing for peace so much.A. prevented fromB. resulted inC. gone throug

7、hD. gone with14.She wouldnt even take a short rest there, _D_ stay for thenight.A. much moreB. much fewC. much lesserD. much less15.The president has _D_ his political advisors over the slowpace of economic change.A. prevented fromB. charged forC. accounted forD. clashed with16.Unless we get more mo

8、ney, well be _C_ finishing this project.A. separated fromB. recovered fromC. prevented fromD. charged from17.The painter lived more than a decade in Europe, _A_ he couldbe in close contact with other cubists (坐体派艺术家).A. whereB. in whichC. thatD. in that18._C_ Tom is supposed to make an appointment w

9、ith the dentist, hesays he is too busy.A. HoweverB. WhoeverC. WheneverD. Whatever19.I wont make a _ _D_ mistake next time.A. likeB. sameC. nearD. similar20.Life insurance (保险), _D_ available only to young, healthypersons, can now be obtained for old people.A. beforeB. afterC. formerD. previously21.H

10、e _C_ lives in the house where he was born.A. alreadyB. yetC. stillD. ever22.Are you going to the football game?No. The tickets are _C_ expensive for me.A. very muchB. so muchC. far tooD. highly23.For tonights homework, do pages forty and forty-one in the workbook.Professor Hones, I think that is _A

11、_ work.A. far too muchB. much the moreC. too hardD. the hardest24.The officials in the _B_ at the London Heathrow Airport were verypolite.A. CustomB. CustomsC. customD. customs25.There _A_ a lot of _ on the roads yesterday.A. was. trafficB. were. trafficsC. was. trafficsD. were. traffic26.When peopl

12、e admire his _B_ achievements, they seldom think ofthe frustration he has experienced.A. singleB. singularC. smallD. easy27.Everyone is amazed at the _A_ growth of this city; it has been sodifferent from what it was five years ago.A. explosiveB. expandingC. expensiveD. excessive28.Jack is a strong _

13、A_, but you could beat him if you perform atyour highest level.A. opponentB. partnerC. friendD. mate29.Though he didnt answer my questions quickly, the look on his face_A_ that he was satisfied with me.B. inputC. increasedD. interacted30.Having lost his job and his family, Jerry felt himself _B_ bya

14、nger and sadness.A. experiencedB. overcomeC. experienceD. overcame31.In the geography class, the teacher explained wind and water mightcause soil _D_.A. pollutionB. excellenceC. explosionD. erosion32.The _A_ of this recipe (烹调法) was made public one year afterit was put into the market.B. formC. flavorD. frown33.Lot


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