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1、AbstractWading through the modern history of America, people could savor the true meaning of life from the up-and-down life experience of eminent persons, the human spirit and stature reflected from them could give people a deeper understanding of the valuable life. Living such social background of

2、America, Helen Keller had created her own miracles from tragedy to triumph. This thesis attempts to analysis three great women in Three Days to See, the autobiography of Helen Keller with the aim to shed some light to people about how to make their life more colorful and meaningful. It also spurs on

3、 those people in trouble to strive for their own happiness.Key words: Three Days to See ; Helen Keller ; Anne Sullivan ; Kate Adams Heller海伦凯勒,美国一位伟大的盲聋女性以她顽强不屈的精神及作为作家和政治家、演讲家所取得的巨大的成就震惊了全世界。假设给我三天光明是海伦凯勒的早期自传著作,具有浓厚的自传文学特色。本文分析了假设给我三天光明中的三位女性:海伦凯勒,安妮沙利文,海伦凯勒的母亲。本文旨在通过对这三位女性研究来分析如何才能在困境中找寻到生命的光明。同时

4、也具有剧烈正处於困境中的人勇往直前的社会意义。关键词:假设给我三天光明 海伦凯勒 安妮沙利文 凯特亚当斯海勒 Analysis of Three Great Women in Three Days to See Introduction There are many famous persons influencing the world from generation to generation in the American history, one of who is Helen Keller. In the 19th and 20th century respectively, she

5、 created her own miracles through her permanent struggle against her misfortune, even today there are millions of people who have been influenced by her extraordinary life experience and the spirit reflected by their prominent achievement. Helen managed to overcome the double handicaps of blindness

6、and deafness and took an active part in the life of the world. The book Three Days to See is considered one of her representative works, which gives a general account of her mind and the call of the soul. Three Days to See reflects some aspects, which led to its success and made it benefited from ev

7、erlasting perseverance. Helen Keller is pursuing for a better and normal life, life means everlasting perseverance for her. Helen Keller managed to overcome all kinds of difficulties and grasped five different languages. The beginning step was extremely hard for her to make an articulate speech, but

8、 she screwed up her courage to practice much more diligently. It turned out that her successful career benefited from her speech. When discussing famous persons in the history, it can hardly be avoided to taking about their social background. In accordance with her autobiographies, readers can find

9、out that Helen Keller has some special aspects. All these can boil down to different social environment and personal beliefs. Together with Anne Sullivan, Helen had visited numerous famous people, who had overwhelming influence on her later life. Helens frequent speech and charitable career led to h

10、er optimistic attitude and open-minded characteristics. The distinctive life experiences had given Helen different natures and unique outlooks on the adversity, which had a good influence on her later life. To some extent, Helens life experience could be considered to be a gigantic treasure house. T

11、his thesis focuses on three main women in Three Days to See: Helen Keller, Anne Sullivan and Kate Heller. All of these women have some special shinning points, which deserve readers to learn from generation to generation. This thesis is made up of six parts: the first part is a brief introduction of

12、 Helen Keller and her novel Three Days to See. Then the second part is the analysis of Helen Keller from four aspects: her love for life, her persistence in learning new things and her devotion in charity activities. After that, the third part is about Helen Kellers private tutor Anne Sullivan, whic

13、h focuses on her qualities of dedicated and patient, professional and responsible. Then the next pat of this thesis is about Kate Hellers decisive and her positive attitude towards life. Based on the analysis of three main women in Three Days to See, the fourth part of this thesis is enlightenment f

14、rom them. Last but not least, the fifth part is the conclusion of the whole thesis. 1. Analysis of Helen 1.1. Love life Helen had created miracles based on her relentless struggle with adversity, she accepted the challenge of life and embraced the world with whole compassion and aspiration, and ther

15、efore she successfully composed the psalm of life. One could achieve nothing only having a dream without action. And the main reasons why Helen has been remembered are that she had successfully actualized her dreams into action and cherished her once-only life experience. Life is so valuable that it

16、 needs people take full advantage of the life sometimes at cost of their life. Only such a way could they compose the psalm of life. In the novel of Three Days to See, Helen said How was it possible, I asked myself, to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note I who cannot see find hundreds of things to interest


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