刚毕业面试自我介绍 .doc

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1、 刚毕业面试自我介绍 dear sir: thank you for giving me the chance to interview and it is my pleasure to introduce myself to you. my name is., born in 1980, .city, .province. i major in and i will graduate from the. medical university in july, 2015. hope a chance to work and develop in your department. during

2、the past three years, under the strict guidance of my tutor, professor in college of , i have learned systematically the theory of profession and got the basic manipulative skills about . with the help of my supervisor, i have successfully finished the subject “ ” and grasped some experimental skill

3、 , such as cell culture, dna extraction and other molecular biology technique; abstraction, separation, . . i passed the cet band 6 test in2002, after that, i tried my best to learn medical english and mastered a lot of professional vocabulary. i am good at listening, speaking, reading and writing.

4、i can manipulate computer proficiently and master microsoft office software, also be familiar with spss and photoshop, etc. during three-year study in research, i studied hard and strived for excellence in our field. i benefit from working together with excellent colleague. i developed quality of di

5、ligence, responsibility, kindness and honesty. my internship in college of . could qualify me for this job, and i believe i can be fit for the position quickly. i am looking forward to working in your department. if i am admitted, i will be thankful and try my best to work for you. thank you very mu

6、ch. 各位老师: 早上好! 非常荣幸能参加这次面试,我是号考生,报考的职位是,希望通过这次面试能向各位老师学到更多东西。 我来自美丽的海滨城市,今年24岁,是大学专业本科的应届毕业生。闽南的山水哺育我长大,我的血液里流淌着闽南人特有活泼开朗的性格和爱拼才会赢的打拼精神。带着这种精神,在校期间我刻苦学习,不负众望分别获得0102年度二等奖学金,0304年度和0405年度三等奖学金,用实际努力报答父母和师长的养育之恩。 除了学习之外,我还积极参加各种社会实践活动。我曾担任班级的宣传委员,组织了几次班级和学院的公益活动:如青年志愿者助残活动,向孤儿院儿童献爱心活动等。组织这些活动以及和活动中和成员

7、的相处让我学到了很多东西,对培养自己的能力和人际关系的处理有很大的好处,为我更快的走向社会提供了良好的平台。 此外,计算机和篮球是我业余最大的爱好,我计算机过了国家2级,除熟悉日常电脑操作和维护外,还自学了网站设计等,并自己设计了个人主页。我是班级的篮球队主力,我觉的篮球不仅可以强身健体还可以培养一个人的团队精神。 回顾自己大学四年的工作学习生活,感触很深,但觉的收获还是颇丰的。掌握了专业知识,培养了自己各方面的能力,这些对今后的工作都将产生重要的帮助。除此之外,也应该看到我的一些缺点,如有时候做事情比较急于求成,在工作中实际经验不足等等。但“金无足赤,人无完人”每个人都不可避免的存在他的缺点

8、,有缺点并不可怕,关键的是如何看待自己的缺点,只有正视它的存在,通过不断的努力学习才能改正自己的缺点。今后我将更严格要求自己,努力工作,刻苦学习,发扬优点,改正缺点,开拓前进。 这次我选择这个职位除了专业对口以外,我觉的我也十分喜欢这个职位,相信它能让我充分实现我的社会理想和体现自身的价值。我认为我有能力也有信心做好这份工作希望大家能够认可我,给我这个机会! 以上是我最真诚的求职面试自我介绍,谢谢各位老师! 尊敬的公司领导: 您好! 我叫魏学樟,现年xx岁,来自福建省,是xx学校xx专业xx届毕业生。今天我是怀着平静而又激动的心情呈上这份自荐书的。之所以平静,我的知识和能力不会让你们失望,将无

9、愧于您的选择;之所以激动,我决定以无悔的青春走到你们中间,实现共同的辉煌 ,我不能向您出示任何有权威人士的推荐书来为我谋得职业,也拿不出一摞摞的获奖证书来做为我的筹码,而只能赁自己十几年来刻苦学习的结果和吃苦耐劳的本性来做为我的奠基石,如果说我有什么优点的话,那就是我年轻。 器必试而先知其利钝,马必骑而后知其良驽。”我深信:只要我找到一个支点,就能撬起整个地球,只要给我一片土壤,我会用年轻的生命云耕耘,您不仅能看到我的成功,而且能够收获整个秋天。这就是我的自信和能力的承诺。 剑鸣厘中,期之以声。热切期望我这拳拳寸草心、浓浓赤诚情能与您同呼吸、共命运、同发展、求进步。请各位领导给我一个机会,我会

10、用行动来证明自己。 最后,衷心祝愿贵公司事业发达、蒸蒸日上。 good morning ! everyone! it is my great honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself. and i hope i could make a good performance today, eventually become a member of bmw. now let me introduce myself please. my major is ie,and i wil graduate from sie next year . i

11、 am anoutgoing boy named jinchi sha ,22 years old , from benxi.liaoning province . after nearly 4 years hard study. on one hand i have made outstanding achievement in the various subjects,so i was awarded minor awards. i believe if i have the honor to join bmw i could adapt to the new environment an

12、d learn the job duty quickly. on the other hand ,i was the monitor and served as chairman of the student union. i could get along very well with my classmates and roommate. is the bridge betwee n the teacher and the student. I am also very passionate in taking part in all kind of activities on and o

13、ut of campus.And I was honored to be a member of MINGYI GUO loving team. It is not only a chance but also an honer to join BMW. I know that there will be many challenges waiting for me, but I am confident that I have the ability to take on the burden.I believe that nothing in the world can take place of persistence. 1 / 1


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