四年级下册英语期中测试卷-外研社(一起)(含答案)(DOC 7页)

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1、四年级下册英语期中测试卷一、判断所给词的画线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“”。( ) 1. A. factory B. bag( ) 2. A. touch B. machine( ) 3. A. cheap B. feed ( ) 4. A. there B. thank ( ) 5. A. mouse B. house二、选择填空。( ) 1. Dad bought _ computer for me yesterday.A. a B. an C. the( ) 2. Look, these _ make crisps.A. books B. tables C. machine

2、s( ) 3. Look at the sign, “Dont touch! Its _!”A. beautiful B. dangerous C. warm( ) 4. Ive got a computer. I can send _ to you now.A. postcards B. flowers C. email( ) 5. I want to _ a new pen. Its only twenty yuan.A. make B. buy C. touch( ) 6. Please _ your little brother. He is naughty.A. put up B.

3、look after C. point to( ) 7. Do you want to listen to Chinese music?_A. Here you are. B. Yes, please. C. Thank you.( ) 8. Amy played the piano well. Everyone _.A. laughed B. shouted C. clapped( ) 9. _Sam is playing the drum.A. Whats your name? B. Whats happening now? C. Whats this?( ) 10. _ Be quiet

4、, please!A. Sing a song! B. Can you sing a song? C. Dont sing now!三、根据句子提示用所给的词的恰当形式填空。1. Look! This machine _ (washes; washed) the potatoes.I _ (washes; washed) a lot of clothes yesterday.2. Some children _ (play; are playing) ball games on the street. Its dangerous.Dont _ (play; are playing) ball

5、games on the street.3. Dont _ (write; wrote) in the books!I _ (write; wrote) three emails yesterday.4. Can you _ (run; ran) fast?The people _ (run; ran) up the hill. There was no wolf.5. Dont _ (eat; ate) too much. Its bad for you.The wolf _ (eat; ate) all the sheep. Then it ran away.四、根据短文内容,将所给的词的

6、恰当形式填入填在横线上。Yesterday my parents and I went shopping. In the store, we (1) _ (see) a lot of clothes. We (2) _ (buy) some clothes. After that, we (3) _ (have) lunch at Acasia, a Chinese fast food restaurant. There (4) _ (be) a lot of people at lunchtime. Then we went to watch a film. Dad (5) _ (be) t

7、ired, but mum and I were very happy.五、阅读短文,将所给的词填入文中恰当的位置,使文章完整通顺。looked at happy food give cameOnce upon a time, there was a dog. He guarded (看守) houses for a family.He had food every day. He was (1) _. One day, a wolf (2) _. “Im hungry. I cant find (3) _,” said the wolf. “Come and help me,” said t

8、he dog. “Help me, and the owner (主人) will (4) _ you food every day.”The wolf (5) _ the dog. He said, “I wont go with you. Because I like freedom (自由).”六、补全对话。A. Is it big? B. Great!C. Now I can send emails to you, too. D. What colour is it?Amy: Hello, Grandma!Grandma: Hello, Amy!Amy: Dad bought a co

9、mputer for me yesterday.Grandma: (1) _ Is it expensive?Amy: No, its cheap, but its beautiful.Grandma: (2) _Amy: Its pink. Have you got a computer?Grandma: Yes, I bought one last year.Amy: (3) _Grandma: Yes, it is. I can send emails to you.Amy: (4) _七、阅读理解。Jack and Ben are good friends. One day, they

10、 took a walk in the forest. Suddenly, they heard a sound.“Oh! Bear! Look! A bear!” Jack said and climbed up a tall tree. Ben tried to climb up the tree, but he couldnt.Ben lay (躺) down and held his breath (屏住呼吸). The bear looked at Ben and smelt (闻) him. Then it went away.Jack climbed down the tree

11、and asked Ben, “What did the bear say to you?” “It said a friend in need is a friend indeed.” said Ben.( ) (1) Jack and Ben had a walk _.A. in the park B. in the forest C. by the lake( ) (2) _ climbed up the tree.A. Jack B. Ben C. The bear( ) (3) The bear looked at the man and _.A. ate him B. smelt

12、him C. played with him( ) (4) “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” means _A.友谊地久天长。 B. 患难见真情。 C. 多个朋友多条路。八、连词成句。1. the, machine, potatoes, this, cuts, (.)_2. play, here, ball, dont, games, (!)_3. pen, yuan, this, costs, nineteen, (.)_4. people, hill, the, up, the, ran, (.)_5. it, music, Chinese, was, (?)_九、汉译英。1. 这台机器把薯片放到袋子里。This machine _ _ _ _ the bag.2. 你们每个人可以吃一包薯片。You can each other have _ _ _ _.3. Lily害怕,然后跑掉了。Lily was scared and _ _.4. 这支笔花了一百八十元。This pen cost _ _ _ _ yuan.5. 那个男孩接受教训了。The boy _ _ _.十、书面表达。大明昨天


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