牛津英语 模块一 第一单元 单元检测题 (精选可编辑).docx

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《牛津英语 模块一 第一单元 单元检测题 (精选可编辑).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津英语 模块一 第一单元 单元检测题 (精选可编辑).docx(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第一单元 单元检测题总分 100 分 时间100 分钟一、 根据首字母或中文提示用本单元所学单词完成下列句子(101分=10分)。1. When did the young man take c_ of the famous company?2. It rained at last! It was very e_ for us to stand in the rain, enjoying the cool and breeze!3. Our new school is well equipped. We can use the computer lab to E-mail our friend

2、s for _ (免费的).4. The new student was late for school at the first day, as no one _ (通知)him of the class time the day before.5. For some students, it is really a s_ to remember so many English words.6. When we enter the bookshop, we found there were many kinds of interesting books for people to _ (选择

3、) from.7. Before I entered this senior middle school, I was told that study in senior high schools is c_ .8. Of the two books, I prefer the f_. The latter is not easy to understand.9. The national heros _ (演讲) was cheered by audience everywhere he did it.10. The famous businessman for Hong Kong has

4、_ (捐赠) lots of money to colleges and high schools for their buildings.二、 用所给短语的正确形式填空(101分=10分)。be fond of develop an interest in earn respect graduate from be happy withon hearing introduceto more than than usual make preparations for 1. Our English teacher is kind to us all. He is _ our teacher. H

5、e is also our friend.2. I _ quite _ with your words. I hope you can turn your words into action.3. Today, many young students _ clothes from foreign countries.4. After _ university, he didnt seek a job like other people, but opened a small flower shop near a hospital.5. Xiao Bao, a famous little boy

6、, _ Hip Hop(街舞) when he was very young.6. _ dancing music, the little dog will move as if it was dancing happily.7. When the boy _ his mother _ his Math teacher, he was very nervous.8. This morning it rained heavily. So I had to get up earlier _ because it would take me longer time to go to school.9

7、. The naughty boy has never _enough _ his exams.10. As students, we should _ from our teachers by working hard.三、 根据提示完成下列句子(52分=10分)。1. 那个白衣服男子是昨天刚到我们学校的。会不会是我们的老师呢?(定语从句)The man _ arrived at our school yesterday. Can he be our teacher?2. 大学一毕业,小王就到西部去寻找创业的机会了。(on)_, Xiao Wang hurried to Western Ch

8、ina to seek business chances.3. 读完了这本书,我才发现它没有我一开始以为的那样有趣。(not asas)After finishing the book, I found it was _ at the beginning.4. 英语老师经常告诉我们,学英语不仅仅是背单词。(more than)Our English teacher often tells us that _ .5. 离开家乡之前,那位老人把自己大部分的书都捐给了自己的母校。(donateto)Before leaving his hometown, the old man _ his form

9、er school.四、 单项选择(201分=20分)。1. The work for me is too difficult. Please dont give me any _ work. A. formerB. recentC. extraD. average2. My father told me he went to his hometown last week. He found it is not what it _ .A. used toB. used to beingC. uses toD. used to be3. -Why is Jack so sad? -_ . A.

10、Losing his valuable penB. Because he lost his valuable pen C. Because of his valuable penD. He has won the first prize4. _his arrival _ the airport, he received a warm welcome from teachers. A. On; atB. At; ofC. On; ofD. At; on5. Our new school reading club _ by the students for the school and nearl

11、y everybody is allowed _ their activities. A. is run; to attendB. are worked; to attend C. is run; attendingD. are managed; attending6. Could I speak to is in charge of International Sales please?(09海南;24)A. who B. what C. whoever D. whatever7. I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, a city name will

12、create a picture of beautiful trees and green grass in our mind. (09湖南;26)A. which B. of which C. that D. whose8. The first mobile phone _ he bought last year was stolen yesterday. A. whatB. that C. whoseD. it9. Which of the following two cows _ you keep produces more milk? A. thatB. whomC. whoD. wh

13、at10. Bruce, I really appreciate your handwriting. Ks5u . Ks5(0(09福建;21)A. I practice every day B. Thank you very much Ks5u C. No, I dont think so D. Well, its not good enough11. My _ friend who was sitting _ to the back door _ it. A. close; closed; closedB. closely; close; closed C. close; close; closedD. closely; closely; close12. The prize will go to the writer _ story shows the most imagination. A. thatB. whichC. whoseD. what13. _, they produce 300 trucks every month which is below the average in this country. A. On averageB. At averageC. In aver


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