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1、2017-模拟试题(二)及答案2017年苏州市初三英语模拟试题(二)一、单项选择(共15小题,每题1分,总分值15分)1. _ we had at the party!A. How won derful time B. What won derful time C. How a won derful time D. What a won derful time The stun tma n is pla nning to walk on the wings of a flying pla ne. What? I have n ever heard of _ idea before.A. a m

2、adder B. the madder C. a maddest D. the maddestMany Internet users especially women, showed pictures of_ with an A4-sized piece of paper.A. herself B. themselves C. himself D. itself一 Leon ardo did nt win an Oscar_ he acted inThe Reve nant Yeah. It was hard for him to realize his dream, but he never

3、 gave up.A. after B. un tilC. since D. becauseJust like weathe, life be beautiful all the time.A. must nt B. need nt C. cant D. would nt一 I called you yesterday evening but there was no answer. Oh, I am sorry. I _ dinner at my frie nds home.A. was hav ingB. is hav ing C. will be hav ingD. has had7.O

4、ur gover nment has tried many ways t_ the smog haz 雾霾)problem. Maybe well have a clear sky in the n ear future.A. come up with B. put away C. set up D. work out8.Our Chin ese teacher en couraged us_ up eve n if we made a serious mistake in our writ ing work.A. not to give B. not giving C. does n*t g

5、ive D. to give will your father come back from Beiji ng? In two days.A. How ofte n B. How long C. How far D. How soo n Do you know _ this year? Let me check it for you. Oh, its on June 9th.A. whe n the Drag on Boat Festival is B. how is the Drag on Boat FestivalC. whe n is the Drag on Boat Festival

6、D. how the Drag on Boat Festival isWhat was the party like? Wonderful. Ifs years I enjoyed myself so much.A. since B. after C. whe n D. beforeMy cous in works for an airli ne. He flies pla nes. He is一.A. an inven torB. a scie ntist C. an explorerD. a pilotI dont know what her hobbies are because we

7、talk about work whe n we meet.A. sometimesB. n ever C. alwaysD. seldom14.Sweet wormwood (青蒿 )is a com mon pla nt in Chi na. Tu Youyou is the woman一 used the pla nts special power to save milli ons of lives.A. which B. who C. whose D. /15. 一 Next week Ill join in the oral English competition.A. Have

8、a nice day! B. No problem! C. Good luck to you!D. Not too bad!二、完形填空(每题1分,总分值10分)Every one stron gly hopes for success. What is importa nt for success? It is gen erally accepted that con fide nee, hardwork ing and 套 are mai n factors 因素)lead ing to success. Ron aldo said he believed he was a better

9、player tha n Messi in a (an) 17 published in Spanish sports paper on Sun day.Talki ng about his achieveme nts of his career, Ron aldo showed 18 . Ron aldo was also asked about Messi, who is seen 19 his biggest enemy to be considered the best player in the world. Whether you are number one or not is

10、a question of small differenee for example, whether you win titles (头衔)in a match or n ot is not so important._20 some people may think Messi to be thebest, I thi nk that I am. ” Ron aldo said that boos 嘘声)did n*t make him sad, but had the 21 effect. I n eed an en emy, its part of the game and I hav

11、e bee n booed since I was 18 or 19. Ifs not a problem. It 22 me to practice harde, he said.Ron aldo in sisted that hard work was importa nt to be a 23 player, though at times he feels a great pain for his training, saying a body was not used to training hard and playing twice a week. But no pain, no

12、 24 . Hesaid he had cha nged his life to make sure he was in top con ditionsay ing that 25 he would go out, but now he goes home to rest to be better prepared for the following date.Football is my life. Its what I love most,said he had cha nged his life to make sure he was in top con ditionsay ing t

13、hat 25 he would go out, but now he goes home to rest to be better prepared for the following date.Football is my life. Its what I love most,VI16. A. lovers17. A. i interview18. A. luck19. A. to20. A. Although21. A. funny22. A. wan ts23. A. clever24. A. score25. A. in the pastB. frie ndsB.B.B. B.B. s

14、ideB. causesB.fasthe explained.C. relativesC. storyC. surpriseC. inC. Evetalk pride as Un lessC. oppositeC. en couragesC. top D. famousB. resultC. progressB. at the mome nt C. i n the futureD. for nD. badD. en emiesD.speechD. happ in essD. SinceD. drawsD. gainD. from now on三、阅读理解(共12小题,每题2分,总分值24分)A

15、 CHARACTERS 一 Max and EmmaSCENE 1 Dining hall, Sunville Middle SchoolEMMA: Max! Hi! Mr. Sosa says our band (乐队)can play in the tale nt show!MAX: Cool! I II tell Felipe to meet us in the music room after school for a practice. EMMA: Umm. I wonder if it s a good idea to have Felipe in our hand.MAX: (With his mouth open) Of course it is! He s really good at the keyboard. EMMA: Really? He seems more interested in maths than anything else.MAX: Well, he says maths and music are conn ected. He says that lear ning to read music and playi ng keyboard is like lear ning maths formulas 公式).EMMA: The


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