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1、高一英语导学案(第一学期)Unit One Good Friends The Second Period Reading (I)设计人:林万春 审核人:黎贵德 编写时间:2011.8.8Teaching aims :1. Develop the students comprehension of explorative passages, especially their ability of analyzing the structure of such kind of articles.2. Offer the students chances of self-culture by wor

2、king in groups and seeking information about the film out-side the class.3. Infuse the students with basic knowledge about the friend and friendship4. Learn some words and useful expressions from the text.Teaching important point: Try to get a better understanding of the text by reading.Teaching dif

3、ficult point: How to improve their reading skills.Teaching method: individual work; group work; class workTeaching procedures:Step 1: Duty Report(个体展示)Check up the students whether they recite the text which they were told to.Step 2: Lead-in(合作探究,分组展示)Imagine that three people are in a plane that is

4、 going to crash. One is a doctor, one is a teacher, and one is a scientist. There is only one parachute. Decide who should get the parachute and explain why.S1: I think the doctor should get the parachute. If he or she were saved, he or she could save others lives. S2: I think the teacher should get

5、 the parachute. If he or she were saved, he or she would tell the others about accident and teach many students knowledge and culture. S3: I think the teacher should get the parachute. If he or she were saved, he or she could make a study about the plane, make a type of the safest plane. Step3: Read

6、 the text carefully and finish the following and choose the best answers. (自主完成,合作探究,分组展示。)1. Chuck survives the crash and lands on a deserted island. “Survives” here means _.A. dies B. wounds C. is lucky D. goes on living 2. How long did Chuck stay in the island?A. 6 years B. 5 years C. all his lif

7、e D. several days3. Which of the proverbs best expresses the main of the passage? A. Where there is a will, there is a way. B. A friend in need is a friend indeed. C. No pains, no gains D. Dead men have no friend4. If Chuck is rescued and returns to his normal life, he will _ . A. work even harder t

8、han he used to doB. shut himself up at home C. play volleyball every day D. spend more time with his friends5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A. Though busy, Chuck often spends time with his friends.B. Chuck manages his company quite well.C. Chuck plays volleyball in order to k

9、eep fit.D. Chuck believes he has always been a good friend.答案:D B D D BStep 4: Read the passage again and join the main ideas of each paragraph. (自主完成,合作探究,分组展示。)Para 1( )Chuck has to learn to how to survive on the island. Para 2( )Chuck learns a lot about himself when he is alone on the island. Par

10、a 3( )Chuck has made an unusual friend on the island.Para 4( )Chucks plane lands on a deserted island. 答案:(2) (3) (4) (1)Step 5: Summarize the main ideas by fill in the blanks.(自主完成,合作探究,分组展示。)Chuck is a( 1 )businessman who lands on a( 2 )island after a plane crash. Chuck has to learn some( 3 )skill

11、s on the island. ( 4 ) cope with his lonely life, Chuck ( 5 ) a friendship with a volleyball that is called Wilson. Five yearslife on the island ( 6 ) Chuck how good friends are ( 7 ) in our life. Friendship ( 8 ) us understand who we are, we ( 9 ) each other and ( 10 ) we can do for each other in t

12、he world. 1. A. succeedB. successfulC. successfullyD. success2. A. desertedB. interestedC. excitedD. surprised3. A. survivingB. survivedC. survivalD. survive4. A. So as toB. So thatC. In order toD. In order that5. A. developsB. developingC. developD. developed6. A. provesB. makesC. teachesD. tells7.

13、 A. importantB. importanceC. importantlyD. unimportant8. A. showsB. allowsC. getsD. helps9. A. askB. needC. requireD. hope10. A. whoB. whomC. whatD. which答案:1-5 BACCA 6-10 CADBCStep 6: Recite the main idea. (个体、分组展示。).Step 7. Homework1. Finish the exercises by assigned by the teacher.2. Predict the content in the next period 2


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