课堂设计2015-2016学年高中英语 Unit6 Period4 Lesson 2 Great Buildings学案 北师大版必修2

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1、Period 4Lesson 2 Great Buildings.用适当的介词填空1The post office is _ the right.2_ a sunny morning,he arrived at the city.3I hope you answer the paper _ ink,not with a pencil.4_ food,the restaurant also serves bottled drinks.5He studied law in the beginning and then his interest changed _ art.6Lost _ thoug

2、ht,he didnt catch what I was saying.7When he was young,he showed great interest _ Peking Opera.8He lives _ 15 Oxford Street.9They sold the picture _ 5,000 dollars.10He saw Sue across the room.He pushed his way _ the crowd of people to get to her.完成句子1他有时会来拜访这位科学家。_,he came to visit the scientist.2过了

3、一年,他终于习惯了每天早起。After a year,he finally _ getting up early every day.3请尽快给我答复。Please give me reply _.4昨晚,麦克直到11点才到家。 Mike _ arrive home _ 11 oclock last night.5为了节省一些钱,她每天早上步行去上班。She walks to work every day _.选择括号中的介词填空1The women are going _ (on/into) the shop.2Our house is _ (between/beside) two vill

4、ages.3The boats are going _ (over/under) the bridge.4Walk _ (through/across) the woods and youll see a very beautiful lake.5Children ask for a treat of candies _ (on/at) the day of Halloween.选词填空1Youll easily have a car accident _.2_ some green _ the picture,and it will be better.3_,he offered help

5、to many poor persons.4Who is the girl _ beside the picture?5Look! Can you _ Kitty _ on stage?1feature n特色;特点,特征;容貌;v.以为特色归纳feature in.在起重要作用,占重要地位运用(1)_团队合作是这项训练计划的一个重要特点。(2)Impatience in everything is _ (他的一个特点)(3)Does the new job _ your future plan?新的工作是你未来计划中重要的一部分吗?(4)Her mouth is her worst _.Aa

6、spect BcharacteristicCfeature Dfeather2Its located on a small island.它位于一座小岛上。归纳locate vt.确定的位置;使坐落于location n位置,地点;场所be located in/on坐落于,位于运用(1)用locate的适当形式填空The building _ in the centre of the town is a hospital.The _ of the airport is not proper.(2)We _ the school near the airport.The students ar

7、e often disturbed by the great noise of the planes.Ashouldnt have locatedBshouldnt have siteCshouldnt locateDshouldnt stand3It_is_useful_to_think_about how difficult the exercises were for you.考虑一下这些练习对你来说有多难是很有用的。归纳(1)it在此句中作形式主语,真正的主语为其后的不定式to think.,how difficult the exercises were for you为宾语从句,作

8、介词about的宾语。(2)it作形式主语时,其真正的主语可以是不定式、动名词,也可以是从句。(3)it也可用作形式宾语,常用于think,consider,make,find,feel等后。运用(1)_ the skills of computers.对于我们来说掌握计算机技能是十分重要的。(2)_ dozens of children died in the accident.据报道许多儿童在这场事故中丧生。(3)The fact that she was foreign made_difficult for her to get a job in that country.Aso Bmu

9、chCthat Dit(4)The doctor thought_would be good for you to have a holiday.Athis BthatCone Dit4Its got a huge garden in front with a sort of thing where water comes out,and there are.在它前面是一个大花园,而且还有一些东西,比如水从其中流出,有归纳sort n种类;vt.分类,整理a sort of一种,一类;近似于某物all sorts of各种各样的sort of有几分地of this/that sort这/那一类

10、sort out整理,分类运用(1)I feel _ cold.我感到有点冷。(2)I usually _ the emails according to whether they have been answered or not.我通常将电子邮件按是否已回复进行分类。(3)There are all sorts of newspapers on the table.Newspapers _ _ _ are on the table.(4)用be的适当形式填空Animals of this sort _ very rare.This sort of animal _ very rare.Pe

11、riod 4Lesson 2 Great Buildings课前准备区.1.on2.On3.in4.Besides5.to6.in7.in8at9.for10.through.1.At times2.got used to3.as soon as possible4didnt;until5.so that she can save some money.1.into2.between3.under4.through5.on.1.at this speed2.Add;to 3.During his lifetime4deep in thought5.see;dancing课堂活动区1(1)Tea

12、mwork is a key feature of the training programme.(2)a feature of him(3)feature in(4)Cfeature在此表示“人的面容的一部分(指眼或嘴、鼻等)外形,外貌”。句意为:嘴是她五官中最难看的。2(1)locatedlocation(2)A句意为:我们本不该把学校设在机场附近,学生经常被飞机的巨大噪音所干扰。 shouldnt have done本不该做某事(而做了),符合句意。3(1)It is important for us to master(2)It was reported that(3)D句意为:她是外国人这一事实使她在那个国家中很难找到一份工作。句中it作形式宾语,代替真正的宾语“to get a job in that country”。difficult为宾语补足语。so,much和that均不能作形式宾语,故只有D项正确。(4)D句意为:医生认为去度假对你有好处。it在宾语从句中作形式主语,真正的主语是to have a holiday。this,that,one都不可用作形式主语。4(1)sort of(2)sort out(3)of;all;sorts(4)areis3


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