【精校版】高一英语人教版必修1练习:1.2Warming UpReadingⅡ — Language Points Word版含解析

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《【精校版】高一英语人教版必修1练习:1.2Warming UpReadingⅡ — Language Points Word版含解析》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【精校版】高一英语人教版必修1练习:1.2Warming UpReadingⅡ — Language Points Word版含解析(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、人教版精品英语资料(精校版)Section Warming Up & Reading() Language Points姓名:_测试时间:45分钟本卷总分:50分自评或老师评分:_基础训练.根据括号内提示或首字母完成单词1She was _(心烦意乱的) about her bad result of the exam.2Look, his friends were playing o_.3The little boy hid himself behind the _(窗帘) and looked out through the window.4Her husband made a sugge

2、stion but she i_ it.5There is only one way to _(解决) the dispute.6I didnt know it _(entire) that he will go abroad.7It is beyond my _(权利) to help them.8Today, my p_ hasnt come yet, so I must finish the task myself.9At _(黄昏),they usually play at the seaside.10He is in bad mood for his fathers death.We

3、 should try our best to c_ him down.答案:1upset2.outdoors3.curtain4.ignored5.settle6.entirely7.power8.partner9.dusk10calm.短语填空1. There has been _ car accidents at the crossing.2. Its getting dark. I _ be off now.3. Most teachers _ greatly _ the growth of their students.4. Im sorry. I didnt do it _.5.

4、Please _ what he said on this paper.6. He does _ work here _.7. The thief _ in a friends house for several weeks after the robbery.8. This old soldier _ a lot of wars.9. The street lights come on _ and go off at dawn.10. I found myself _ with her in the market, so I couldnt get away.答案:1a series of2

5、.have got to 3.are;concerned about4.on purpose5.set down6.not;any longer7.hid away8.went through9.at dusk10.face to face.语法填空How do learning habits influence learning results?Its useful and necessary to discuss learning habits.There is a famous _1_(say)“Good habits lead to good endings”, which shows

6、 the importance of habits.“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” also _2_(show) a healthy everyday habit helps to build up our body.Thus, good learning habits can help us gain great learning results, high scores and rich knowledge _3_(include). At first, learning habits form our ways of thinking and

7、 attitudes _4_ the content of our learning._5_(obvious), a good habit can help us to speed up to reach our destinations(目的地)As we can see, developing a good habit is so important that I would like to introduce one kind of good learning habitkeeping _6_ learning diary every day.We can start the habit

8、 by _7_(write) a learning summary and remembering to record something meaningful.Keep it in mind,_8_ gradually we will gain this good learning habit and benefit from it.Whats _9_(much),I find that I still have some bad learning habits _10_ well.I can only concentrate(聚精会神) on spending more efforts o

9、n concentration practice.I believe that through my efforts,I can gain good learning results by having good habits.答案:学习习惯会影响学习效果,本文就如何培养良好的学习习惯给我们提出了建议。1解析:考查名词。由空后引号内的内容可知,此处应填saying“格言,谚语”。答案:saying2解析:考查动词的时态和主谓一致。根据本段的时态可知,应用一般现在时;句子的主语为“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”,故谓语动词用单数。答案:shows3解析

10、:考查过去分词。“high scores and rich knowledge”和include之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词。答案:included4解析:考查介词。attitude to/towards.表示“对的态度”。答案:to/towards5解析:考查副词。根据语境可知,此处应用副词作状语,修饰句子。答案:Obviously6解析:考查冠词。diary为可数名词,且learning的发音以辅音音素开头,故应用不定冠词a,表示泛指。答案:a7解析:考查非谓语动词。by为介词,后接动词ing形式。答案:writing8解析:考查固定句型。这是固定句型“祈使句and陈述句”,用来叙

11、述肯定的条件。答案:and9解析:考查固定短语。whats more意为“而且”。答案:more10解析:考查固定短语。“我”发现“我”仍然有一些不好的学习习惯。as well意为“也”。答案:as语篇提能阅读理解AOne of the most important things in the world is friendship. In order to have friends, you have to be a good friend. But how can you be a good friend at school?ListenListen when they are talki

12、ng. Dont say anything unless they ask you a question. Sometimes its not necessary for you to have anything to say; they just need someone to talk to about their feelings.Help themIf your friend is ever in need of something, be there to help them. You should try to put them first, but make sure you d

13、ont do everything they want you to do. Try to take an extra pencil or pen with you to class in case they forget one. Have a little extra money in your pocket in case they forget something they need.Be there for themBe there for your friends to help make them feel better in hard times. Marilyn Monroe

14、, a famous US actor, once said, “I often make mistakes. Sometimes I am out of control, but if you cant stay with me at my worst, you are sure not to deserve (应受,该得) to be with me at my best.” Always remember this! If you dont want to stay with your friends when theyre in hard times, then you dont de

15、serve to be with them when theyre having a good time!Make plansTry to make plans with your friends. Go shopping, go for ice cream, have a party, go to a movie and so on. Take time to know each other even better by doing something you both enjoy. By planning things together, you both can have a good time. And youll remember these things when youre all old!1W


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