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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。. 单项选择1、China is Asian country. It lies in east of AsiaAan, theBan, anCthe, theDthe, an2、There are a lot of colorful flowers on sides of the street.AeachBbothCeitherDall

2、3、- Did you buy the book A brief history of time by Stephen William Hawking?- Yes. I _ it since I entered the college. This is a best-seller.Ahave bought Bhave given Chave had Dhave borrowed4、Hurry up, _ you will be late for class.AandBorCbutDso5、- He may be in the classroom ,I think.- No, he _ be i

3、n the classroom ,I saw him go home just now.AneedntBmustntCcantDshouldnt6、The little pet dog was so lovely. It _ the heart of the lady.AofferedBheldCexpectedDwon7、I am very interested in this maths problem. Can you show me_?Awhat to work it outBwhat to work out itChow to work it outDhow to work out

4、it8、-_do you think it is since he left for Shenzhen?-No more than half a month.AHow longBHow soonCHow oftenDHow far9、- I knew you lived on the 17th floor just now. And I live on the 19th floor.- Really? Just two floors _ me?AbelowBonCunderDabove10、 _ have you been skating? Ive been skating since I w

5、as seven years old.AHow longBHow oftenCHow manyDHow much. 完形填空11、Yesterday my husband and I walked into a “ What a Burger” for lunch. As we were sitting waiting for our 1 to come, I noticed an older man in a wheelchair roll himself over to a table.He was all by himself and he 2 there for a few minut

6、es, looking around , smiling all the time. No one seemed to notice him 3 me. I got up and went over to his 4 and asked if I could get him something to 5 .He smiled and said , “ Oh yes! And thank you kindly. Id like some beer please.”When I brought him his beer , I told him my 6 and ask him to 7 if h

7、e needed anything else.We were in the “What a Burger” for a good hour. The man just 8 smiling at everyone and looking around the restaurant as he 9 ate his hamburger and fries.As we were getting ready to 10 , I wanted to refill our glasses and , as I walked by the mans table, I asked if he would lik

8、e a refill 11 we left.Again , with a big 12 , he said,” Yes, please!”When I brought it back to him, he told me that he just loved beer and the hamburgers here. I told him I did too. He told me I had made him 13 by coming over, talking to him, and 14 him out. I gave him a hug and told him he had made

9、 my day too! As I was turning to leave ,he told me to have a blessed day. I smiled and said I would and wished him to have 15 ,too.I hope he made his way back home safely.1Aticket Bchange Corder Dpicture2Asat Bstood Clay Drested3Alike Bbut Cas Dwith4Acar Broom Ctable Dgrade5Awatch Bfollow Cdrink Dre

10、ad6Aplan Bhouse Cplace Dname7Awave Bstop Cstay Dshout8Aforgot Bkept Cfinished Dremembered9Acarefully Bseriously Cquietly Dfinally10Aleave Banswer Crefuse Dreturn11Aafter Buntil Cbefore Dwhile12Asmile Bthought Cvoice Dstyle13Anervous Bhappy Cpeaceful Dsad14Ataking Bsending Chelping Dbringing15Athat B

11、it Cthis Done. 语法填空12、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的适当形式。请务必将50-59小题的答案写在答题卡的相应位置!We all know that a mobile app(short for “application”) is a computer software program which is made to run on mobile phones. There are many thousands 1 kinds of apps which are related to our life, study, work and s

12、o on.Word Easy is a fantastic English learning app with 2(word) exercises of different levels. Only when you pass a test of certain level can you go on to learn words of a higher level. Himalayas Reading 3(have) millions of books including poems, short stories, novels and even fairy tales for childr

13、en. Whats great about it is that you can use it 4(listen) to book recordings. Rall friend can 5(be) the best helper when you feel it hard to buy the train or airline tickets. You can buy tickets anywhere 6 any time.Vocabulary Hero may help you learn more English words 7 you are playing games. So if

14、you have problems 8(remember) the new words when you learn English, use it!Fooducate can provide people with much information about that food if they scan bar codes(条形码) on food. It is a free app that 9(use) on mobile phones. It can tell users what is in 10(they) food, with simple information about calories, sugar, salt and fat.What great apps can you think of that would improve your life?. 阅读理解A13、 Happiness is important for everyone. Most people want to be happy, but few


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