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1、阅读强化训练(二)学生用书P142(单独成册)(建议用时:25分钟) 阅读理解Sweetest Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in October as a day to make someone happy. It is an occasion which offers all of us an opportunity to remember not only the sick, the aged, and children who have lost their parents, but also friends, workmates, r

2、elatives and neighbors whose helpfulness and kindness we have enjoyed.Over 60 years ago, when a Cleveland man noticed that some people, such as children who lost their parents and patients who lay in bed, too often felt forgotten and neglected(忽视), he developed in his mind the idea of showing them t

3、hat they were remembered. He did this by giving them small gifts. With the help of his friends and neighbors, he gave those people small gifts on a Saturday in October. During the years that followed, other Clevelanders began to take part in the celebration, which came to be called “Sweetest Day”. O

4、ver time, the Sweetest Day idea of spreading cheer to the poor, the sick and children who had lost their parents was broadened to include everyone, and became an occasion for remembering others with a kind act or a small gift. Soon the idea spreaded to other cities all over the USA.Sweetest Day is n

5、ot based on any single groups religious beliefs or on a family relationship. It is a reminder that a thoughtful word or deed enriches life and gives it meaning.Because for many people remembering takes the form of gift giving, Sweetest Day offers us the opportunity to show others that we care, in a

6、positive(积极的) way.【解题导语】文章介绍了美国的一个特别的节日(Sweetest Day)的由来,鼓励人们向周围的人展示自己的爱心。1What can we learn from the first paragraph?ASweetest Day is a day to make others happy.BSweetest Day is just an occasion to care about disabled people.CSweetest Day is an occasion for lovers to express love.DSweetest Day is c

7、elebrated on the third Sunday in October.A解析:细节理解题。由第一段第一句可知,Sweetest Day就是让他人高兴的一天。2Which of the following has little relationship to Sweetest Day?AVisiting sick people in hospital.BVisiting children who have lost their parents.CGiving friends small gifts.DGiving flowers to sweethearts.D解析:推理判断题。由整

8、篇文章的叙述可知,在Sweetest Day这一天,人们要关心病人、老人、孤儿、朋友、同事、家人和邻居,因此A、B、C三项的叙述符合文意,而D项(给爱人送花)并没有提及。3What is Cleveland?AAn island.BA country.CA village in England.DA city in America.D解析:推理判断题。第二段第一句提到了a Cleveland man,第二段最后一句提到了the idea spreaded to other cities all over the USA,由此推出克里夫兰(Cleveland)是美国的一个城市。4What do

9、most people usually do to show their care to others according to the passage?AThey give money.BThey give gifts.CThey send regards. DThey offer help.B解析:细节理解题。由第一段和第二段的叙述可知,大多数人在Sweetest Day主要通过送礼物来表达对他人的关心。 完形填空At first I was overwhelmed(打击) by the large amounts of German I didnt understand._1_, spe

10、aking German in Germany is very different from in the classroom! I_2_looking up new words but by the end of the day I had _3_most of them already. It was so _4_. After a month of worrying that I would never be able to improve my_5_, I went to a shop and bought a _6_notebook which easily fits into my

11、 handbag or even into my back pocket! I set myself the goal of_7_five new words or phrases a day. And_8_enough, it became one of my most valuable langugelearning_9_I dont have any_10_about which words I write down. Most days I write down words that I learn from my colleagues at work, words that I ha

12、ve learned from_11_them in the context(环境). For example, I have learned the_12_of many fruits from looking at their labels(标签) in the supermarket. I_13_have learned many words that I have heard on TV. It doest even_14_whether I know how to spell a new word straight away. If I hear a word _15_ I dont

13、 know how to spell it, I write down how I think it_16_and look it up later.Setting this small daily_17_has made me feel much more in control of my language learning and I am already seeing a(n)_18_. This makes me feel confident. I will_19_ to use it for the rest of my stay in Germany and also_20_I r

14、eturn to my university at home.【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。刚到德国,作者对德语感到一筹莫展,是一本小小的随手记帮作者解决了这个问题。1A.FinallyBStrangelyCObviously DGraduallyC解析:联系首句的意思可知,很明显,在德国讲德语和在教室里讲德语不同。2A.enjoyed Bgave upCsuggested Dkept onD解析:作者不断地查阅生词。3A.understood BforgottenCguessed DlearnedB解析:根据上文.but by the end of the day.可知,作者学习语言的效

15、果并不好,到天黑的时候就差不多把所学的东西都忘掉了。4A.discouraging BsurprisingCinteresting DfrighteningA解析:根据下文After a month of worrying that.可知,这种情况使得作者感到很忧心。5A.experience BhealthClanguage DserviceC解析:作者担心自己无法提高自己的语言。6A.modern BsmallCcheap DlargeB解析:根据下文.which easily fits into my handbag or even into my back pocket可知,这个本子比较小。7A.writing BspeakingCfinding DreadingA解析:根据下文.which words I write down可知,作者给自己定了目标,每天写五个新单词或者词组。8A.hard BluckilyCsure DsoonD解析:不久之后,这就变成作者最有价值的语言学习工具之一。9A.secrets BtoolsCsteps DreasonsB解析:参考上题解析。10A.rules Bq


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