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1、The “28th Han Suyin Youth Award Translation Contest”A Third Prize Version of the English-Chinese ArenaEditors Note: This is a comparison between the source-language text and the third-prize version contributed by the winner Ha Wenting, a Grade-2012 student of China Womens University (CWU). For more

2、information about the “28th Han Suyin Youth Award Translation Contest”, please refer to Notices and News dated Nov. 24, 2016 on this website: CWU Graduate Won Third Prize at 28th Han Suyin Award Contest.On Irritability谈易怒Translated by Ha WentingIrritability is the tendency to get upset for reasons t

3、hat seem to other people to be pretty minor. Your partner asks you how work went and the way they ask makes you feel intensely agitated. Your partner is putting knives and forks on the table before dinner and you mention (not for the first time) that the fork should go on the left hand side, not the

4、 right. They then immediately let out a huge sigh and sweep the cutlery onto the floor and tell you that you can xxxx-ing do it yourself if you know better. It was the most minor of criticisms and technically quite correct. And now theyve exploded.易怒是指在旁人看来鸡毛蒜皮的小事就可引发烦躁情绪的倾向。比如你的伴侣问你工作进行的如何?而问话的方式让你

5、觉得十分恼火。或者你的另一半在饭前摆放刀叉的时候,你提醒道(这已不是第一次了)该把叉子放在左手边而不是右手边,紧接着他们长吁一口气,然后一把把餐具横扫在地上,跟你说“你干得好你TM自己来!”这句提醒在以前是最轻微的批评了,严格的说还很在理,而现在他们已经爆发了。There is so much irritability around and it exacts a huge daily cost on our collective lives, so we deserve to get a lot more curious about it: what is really going on f

6、or the irritable person? Why, really, are they getting so agitated? And instead of blaming them for getting het up about “little things”, we should do them the honour of working out why, in fact, these things may not be so minor after all.易怒现象无处不在,而且它迫使我们在共同生活中付出巨大代价,所以我们需要搞清楚:易怒者到底是怎么回事?他们为何变得如此恼火?

7、与其指责他们容易因小事而发怒,还不如让我们冷静下来究其根本,况且,这毕竟不是小事。The journey begins by recognising the role of fear in irritability in couples. Behind most outbursts are cack-handed attempts to teach the other person something. There are things wed like to point out, flaws that we can discern, remarks we feel we really mus

8、t make, but our awareness of how to proceed is panicked and hasty. We give cack-handed, mean speeches, which bear no faith in the legitimacy (even the nobility) of the act of imparting advice. And when our partners are on the receiving end of these irritable “lessons”, they of course swiftly grow de

9、fensive and brittle in the face of suggestions which seem more like mean-minded and senseless assaults on their very natures rather than caring, gentle attempts to address troublesome aspects of joint life.我们首先要找到恐惧在夫妻的易怒情绪中所扮演的角色。大多数的爆发都源自于一方以蹩脚的方式“教导”对方。有些事情我们想要指出,有些缺点我们察觉到了,有些话让我们觉得必须要说,然而行动的方式却显

10、得恐慌且草率。我们措辞不当,说了伤人的话,以不合理(更谈不上体面)的方式给予建议。这似乎就是对他们的一种卑劣且毫无意义的人身攻击,而非出于关爱,以温柔的方式去解决彼此生活中的问题。而当我们的伴侣接受这些愤怒“教训”的时候,他们当然会迅速地对这些建议产生防御心理,变得易怒。The prerequisite of calm in a teacher is a degree of indifference as to the success or failure of the lesson. One naturally wants for things to go well, but if an o

11、bdurate pupil flunks trigonometry, it is at base their problem. Tempers can stay even because individual students do not have very much power over teachers lives. Fortunately, as not caring too much turns out to be a critical aspect of successful pedagogy.一个教师之所以能保持冷静是因为对课程的成败抱有漠视的态度。他们自然希望事情顺利,但是如果

12、一个差生在三角学上挂了科,从根本上说,那是他们自己的问题。教师之所以处之泰然,是因为学生个人在教师的生活中并不会有太大影响。庆幸的是,这种“不太关心”的处事方式,却成了教学成功的关键一面。 Yet this isnt an option open to the fearful, irritable lover. They feel ineluctably led to deliver their “lessons” in a cataclysmic, frenzied manner (the door slams very loudly indeed) not because they are

13、 insane or vile (though one could easily draw these conclusions) so much as because they are terrified; terrified of spoiling what remains of their years on the planet in the company of someone who it appears cannot in any way understand a pivotal point about conversation, or cutlery, or the right t

14、ime to order a taxi.但这种心态却不是恐惧、易怒伴侣的选项。他们觉得非得要以一种打击性大的、狂怒的方式来给对方“教训”(比如大声摔门),这倒不是因为他们疯了或者心存邪恶(虽然很容易就得出这样的结论),而是因为他们感到害怕,害怕自己生活在这个星球上的有生之年被毁掉,因为陪伴自己的竟是一个谈话都找不到重点,或是连餐具都摆放不当,抑或是连预约出租车都掌握不好时间的人。 One knows intuitively, when teaching a child, that only the utmost care and patience will ever work: one mus

15、t never shout, one has to use extraordinary tact, one has to make ten compliments for every one negative remark and one must leave oneself plenty of time人们都知道,教导一个小孩子的时候要保持最大限度的关爱与耐心:我们绝对不能吼,要运用非凡的智慧,每说出一句负面的话要用十句赞美去弥补,而且还必须给自己留有足够的时间去冷静 All this wisdom we reliably forget in loves classroom, sadly b

16、ecause increasing the level of threat seldom hastens development. We do not grow more reasonable, more accepting of responsibility and more accurate about our weaknesses when our pride has been wounded, our integrity is threatened and our self-esteem has been violated.所有这些智慧在爱的课堂里都被彻底遗忘。不幸的是,不断升级的威胁很少会有助于事情的解决。当我们的骄傲受到伤害,正直受到威胁,自尊遭到践踏,我们就会变得更加不可理喻,不愿意承担责任,不能看到自己的缺点。 The complaint against the irritable



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