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《Word list 2.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Word list 2.docx(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Word list 2Word list 21.By the end of the year he had abdicate d.2.They abduct ed the little kid in order to demand money from his parents.3.He is abetted in these illegal activities by his wife.4.She abhor red all forms of racial and sexual discrimination.5.We had to abide by the judges decision.6.

2、He is bilingual in Chinese and English.7.There are plenty of biographies for him to browse through.8.The marriage between the two stars was as bizarre as it was short-lived.9.All members of the cabal will be prosecuted for treason.10.The circus experienced a calamity when the tigers escaped from the

3、ir cages.11.Mary calculated her monthly expenses.12.It became apparent that we could never get the caliber of people we wanted.13.Even the most callous observer would be moved by the news report about the war.14.He called for a national campaign against underage drinking.15.Tony wiped the counter wi

4、th a damp rag.16.The boys sat on the edge of the pool; and dangled their bare feet in the water.17.Never before have they been so inspired and so daring as at present.(从来没有看见他们像现在这样精神振奋,意气风发。)18.A hit-and-run driver is a dastardly person.19.The driver recovered slowly from her daze after the acciden

5、t.20.He has an eclectic taste in music.21.The destruction of these big forests could have serious ecological consequences.22.If he is right, it would be possible once more to manage the economy in the old way.23.The discovery has fasten ed public attention on the possibilities of DNA analysis for re

6、solvingmysteries.24.“Articulate ?t?kjule?t your words, dont gabble.” Said the mother.25.He kept on teaching in a small college, though he knew this job was not gainful.26.The umpire ?mpa?(r) gave his decision with an air admitting of no gainsay.27.Few countries have as rich a diversity of habitat as

7、 South Africa.28.The housewife haggled over the price with the vendor for half an hour.29.In geology, igneous rocks were once hot liquid.30.A smoldering(焖烧)cigarette ignite d the newspapers.31.Because Barbara had been ill, she was ignorant of the change in the final examination date.32.Two businessm

8、en have been kidnap ped by terrorists.33.These poems have helped kindle the imagination of generations of children.34.Dont let your son lag behind in the class.35.He lament ed that four years of his life had gone down the drain because of an injury to hisgroin(腹股沟).36.The minister was viciously lamp

9、oon ed by cartoonists.37.The machinery requires constant maintenance.38.The remaining years of Henry Fieldings life were not given to literature, but rather to hisduties as magistrate.39.Theyve linked her to various men, including magnate Donald Trump.40.Human beings have learned out how to make mag

10、net of cast iron(人类已经学会了如何把生铁制成磁铁).41.The singers magnificent performance deserved enthusiastic applause.42.Young, na?ve and trusting as I was, I believed every lying word he said.43.The story is well narrate d.44.Be tactful when you tell him because he has a very nasty temper.45.He was naturalized

11、after living in China for many years.46.The rough boat ride gave me an attack of nausea.47.The purpose of the visit was to navigate into an ice-filled fiord(=fjourd峡湾(峭壁间的狭长的海湾)(这次航行的目的是为了航行到冰封的海湾。)48.As soon as the necessity for action is over, the troops must be withdraw.49.She is optimistic about

12、 her chances of winning a gold medal.50.Visitors from Europe are amazed at the opulence ?pj?l?ns (富裕;丰富)of this country.51.I passed the written part but then failed the oral section hopelessly.52.There will be some variations in your heart rate as you encounter uphill stretches or increaseyour pace

13、on downhill sections.53.In ten days, the emperor arrived in Spain, where he soon pacified the tumultstju?m?lt (骚乱;嘈杂声;烦乱)which had arisen in his absence.(appease, placate)54.Most of the books had been pack ed into an enormous trunk and the remainder piled on top ofit.55.The two countries made a non-

14、aggression pact.56.We paddled the canoe slowly upstream.57.This book is the result of painstaking efforts on the part of the research staff.58.Food in the college cafeteria is palatable, but not fancy.59.When she saw Morris she went pale, then blushed.60.His heart quail ed.61.That mountain village i

15、s known for its quaint shops and boutique s.62.He remained for some years avowedly radical in his political outlook.63.He says the opposition will radicalize its demands if these conditions arent met.64.They searched within a radius of one mile from the school.65.The raft gathered speed as the curre

16、nt dragged it toward the falls.66.My father was in a rage last night.67.The hikers ramble d through the forest.68.She alleged that there was rampant drug use among the male members of the group.69.She wore her sable stole(女长袍;(女用)披肩;基督教会圣带).70.The destruction of our computer files was an act of sabotage s?b?t?



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