2020年冀教版七年级上册 Lessons 3132特色培优专项训练含解析

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1、2020年精编冀教版英语资料培优专项训练十六 Lessons 31-32I. 连词成句1. lost, they, to, bookstore, the, get, on, way, the_.2. me, to, can, library, you, way, tell, the, the_?3.Li,buy,fresh,to,Mrs,wants,vegetables,some_.4. would, a, like, I, buy, T-shirt, to, buy_.II. A) 从方框中选择适当的句子完成下列对话。A.Go down the street and turn right.B

2、.Thanks a lot.C.Can you help me?D.Is it far?E.Do you have a map?A:1_ Where is the movie theatre?B:2_A:Yes, here it is.B:OK! 3 _ Then you can see the movie theatre.A:4_B:No. Its near. You can walk there.A:5_B:Youre welcome.B)根据情景完成下列对话。A:6_?B:Yes! I want to buy a coat for my mother. Where are the coa

3、ts?A:7_. This way, please. Here they are!B:Oh, thank you!A:8_?B:My mother likes purple.A:What size does your mother wear?B:Size L.A:What about this coat?B:Oh, I like it. 9_.A:Two hundred yuan.B:Ill take it. Heres money, thank you.A:10_.III. 任务型阅读 I have a good friend. His name is Yu Xiao long. Today

4、 he looks funny(滑稽的). He is wearing a black hat, a green sweater, a pair of big white shoes and a pair of red socks. He is also wearing a blue skirt. Its so big. All the things are not dear(贵的). The hat is only ¥2. The shoes are ¥6 and the skirt is ¥5. The sweater is ¥5, and the socks are only ¥1.根据

5、短文内容,完成下面表格。ClothesColourPrice(价格)hat1._¥22._green¥5socksred3._4._white¥6skirt5._¥5IV. 下面的一段对话顺序全部被打乱了,请你重新排列成一段意思连贯的对话。A. Thank you very much.B. Please go this way, and then you can see it.C. Yes. Its there.D. Yes, its behind our school.E. You can take bus NO. 3. You can walk there, too.F. Is that

6、over there?G. Im new here. Where can I find the right bus?H. Youre welcome.I. Excuse me, can you tell me where the Peoples Park is?J. How can I get there on foot?正确的顺序是_培优专项训练十六Lessons 31-32I. 1. They get lost on the way to the bookstore2. Can you tell me the way to the library3. Mrs. Li wants to buy some fresh vegetables4. I would like to buy a T-shirt 6. Can I help you 7. Follow me 8. What colour does your mother like 9. How much is it 10. Youre welcomeIII.1. black 2. sweater 3. ¥1 4. shoes 5. blueIV.I D G E J B F C A H


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