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1、U1Successful Language LearnersIf we take a close look at successful language learners we may discover a few techniques which make language learning easier for them. First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. They do not depend on books or teachers; they discover their own w

2、ay to learn the language. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain everything, they try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves. They are good guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusions.Successful language learning is active learning. Therefore, successful learners do

3、not wait for a chance to use the language; they look for such a chance. They find people who speak the language and ask these people to correct them when they make a mistake. They will try anything to communicate. When communication is difficult, they can accept information that is inexact or incomp

4、lete. It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word. Finally, successful language learners are learners with a purpose. They want to learn a language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary for

5、them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them.1 What is the purpose of this passage? A. To explain the importance of language learning. B.To teach people to speak English. C.To introduce some useful techniques of language learning. D.To compare language

6、learning with language teaching.答案:C 短文第一自然段清楚地说明了要介绍 a few techniques。2 Which one of the following statements is true about successful language learners according to the passage? A.They are more intelligent than others. B.They use special techniques. C.They have good teachers and good books. D.They

7、 spend much more time learning than others.答案:B选项A.C.D里的信息不符合短文内容。窗体顶端3 According to the passage, when successful language learners meet some new words, they usually. A.pay no attention to them B.look them up in tile dictionary at once C.ask their teachers D.try to guess their meanings答案:D从短文中的They

8、are good guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusions.这句话可以看出D应该是正确答案。4Successful language learning is active, so successful learners. A. look for a chance to use the language B.wait for a chance to use the language C.try to avoid using the language D.only use the language in class答案:A

9、 短文第三自然段有明确的句子说明A是正确答案。5Successful language learners want to learn the language because. A.they have to pass the examination B.they have interest in the language C.they think its very easy to learn the language D.they want to find better jobs答案:B见短文最后一自然段。U2How to Present Business CardsBusiness card

10、s are less important in American culture than they are in Asian culture. But knowing the right way to handle business cards is a useful skill wherever you are.Requesting someones business card is a straightforward process. You need only say: Do you have a business card? or May I have your business c

11、ard?When you want to present your own card, you can say, Heres my card. Feel free to call me if you have any other questions. Or, you might say, Please send the information to this address. I look forward to hearing from you soon.Its not polite to directly refuse a request from someone for your busi

12、ness card. Instead, you can say, Sorry, but Im afraid Im all out at the moment. or l forgot to bring them with me.When you do receive a card, say Thank you and examine it briefly before putting it away.1 In America,_ A.one does not use business cards B.one uses business cards everywhere C.one uses b

13、usiness cards but not as often as one does in Asia D.one uses business cards much more often than one does in Asia答案:C 参见短文第一句话 Business cards are less important in American culture than they are in Asian culture. 2 If you know how to handle business cards, you will A.be absolutely successful B.get

14、help from others C.make everybody happy D.find the knowledge helpful答案:D参见短文第一自然段第二句话 knowing the right way to handle business cards is a useful skill wherever you are。窗体顶端3 To politely refuse a request for business cards, you may say the following except. A.Sorry, but I cant satisfy you. B.Sorry, but Im afraid Im all out at the moment. C.I forgot to bring them with me. D.Sorry, but I dont have a business card.答案:A参见短文第三自然段。4From the passage we can infer that. A.business cards are the key to success B.business c


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