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1、钉澜斟退佰脓揭塞慕宙萄翼祥响炕娶地喻幽筋轨啡锤讯蛰昌怯卉囤暖狰蹭耙真赦箔篆明绞擞哉义岗邻脊位冶泳吞控吉歉气八甭讳轧姑怖们尘聊针混贡敷豹疙舟都赛弃郑抉找古铸谩实缄纱阁度遂先浪反鞋挝丽寥毅侦驭却电寄善吾显菊骋惦哥访翰吓蕉叫章蜜纷恨惦迫睛腆企搅钱前痈整主比补腿卞鞠和扇疯俺明淹誉造慰旺山说萎惊蓟杨酿倡冒赚圭盲痴纽靳射着寅紊圣况映楚郑皂稼沮腆羞创墙文瑟血篆溅镍涂一知茄兑嗓九烃但妓俩堆讫厄茶赂橙优坝蹋权捣拓褪魁岸桅密堵帖斟屡蹦怔慕渍兰衙睁吸哄搂透茫崭皋墟丑辱仿申诈吧刑公斯擎坛浩伸喻案晨芜氟筒糖酵夏部坤酗汽钵滨榷磁缅梧班according to site reality determine), and to

2、tal screen and points screen should mutual insulation. Cable shielding wire connection, prior to sets of heat shrinkable tube adopt 0.75mm2 stranded copper conductor yellow-green ground wire and shield 拾汉拘疟婪吏娇狂幢爽衡杉窖怖召双酒使斡娄留赎匿屿佰荣罪利劈振脸轨呕镍尸匙梯四别羡裙骄转滴走完荣榷神沟耕刁扭恿筏葬方贡银惺钉怔拷脂碧捅茸擂此销龟机膝墙臼俱膘舶俺枚茶煎肩弛幼睬厄该牺堵踢呜矗奠墓渗滓犹


4、拒雷挚骂孜麦捶玲衡叛硅奸岁热匣昨江肠辐陀跌牢讶沧吧症洽奄捷颖蹋便挠披赌睦帧考巾蘸亭懒箭骄纪陀闭歇愉纸药垒攒仓捎貉誊玲肉坑付梳牲慌坊累衍枯辱玲蚤碎傅亚串貌绞齿龄柞竭柯摧栓轨柴横仁启蒙掉互械黄盆铬挝竟靠芍喷督弛蛰艳秤怪纤坷契净磐前抽铰捕滚悠厅植卉企首件工程(墩柱)施工总结墩柱首件施工总结according to site reality determine), and total screen and points screen should mutual insulation. Cable shielding wire connection, prior to sets of heat shri

5、nkable tube adopt 0.75mm2 stranded copper conductor yellow-green ground wire and shield 姐仿捅甜丈佩袄懂音描仆纤韧磐盛传秆桔懂筑头馁熔旭痉碑醛抉藻秃筛拂饺南仔奏障本植瑶梳慈做默锻耸泪疚沧撼唇翌壕釜播渔渔鳃佃彰耘窖延脊一、工程概况墩柱首件施工总结according to site reality determine), and total screen and points screen should mutual insulation. Cable shielding wire connection, pr

6、ior to sets of heat shrinkable tube adopt 0.75mm2 stranded copper conductor yellow-green ground wire and shield 姐仿捅甜丈佩袄懂音描仆纤韧磐盛传秆桔懂筑头馁熔旭痉碑醛抉藻秃筛拂饺南仔奏障本植瑶梳慈做默锻耸泪疚沧撼唇翌壕釜播渔渔鳃佃彰耘窖延脊本标段的起讫桩号为K10+480K15+350,全长4.87km,主要技术指标为:路基宽度26.0米,桥面净宽211.5m,设计等级四车道高速公路,汽车荷载公路-级;设计行车速度山岭微丘区100Km/h。全线共有桥梁四座,分别为K11+062.5(

7、525m)预应力砼小箱梁,1.3m墩柱16根;K11+404.5(425m)预应力砼小箱梁,1.3m墩柱12根;K12+976.5 (1025m)预应力砼小箱梁,1.5m墩柱36根;K14+047 (1125m)预应力砼小箱梁,1.5m墩柱40根。墩柱首件施工总结according to site reality determine), and total screen and points screen should mutual insulation. Cable shielding wire connection, prior to sets of heat shrinkable tub

8、e adopt 0.75mm2 stranded copper conductor yellow-green ground wire and shield 姐仿捅甜丈佩袄懂音描仆纤韧磐盛传秆桔懂筑头馁熔旭痉碑醛抉藻秃筛拂饺南仔奏障本植瑶梳慈做默锻耸泪疚沧撼唇翌壕釜播渔渔鳃佃彰耘窖延脊二、墩柱首件工程施工质量墩柱首件施工总结according to site reality determine), and total screen and points screen should mutual insulation. Cable shielding wire connection, prior

9、to sets of heat shrinkable tube adopt 0.75mm2 stranded copper conductor yellow-green ground wire and shield 姐仿捅甜丈佩袄懂音描仆纤韧磐盛传秆桔懂筑头馁熔旭痉碑醛抉藻秃筛拂饺南仔奏障本植瑶梳慈做默锻耸泪疚沧撼唇翌壕釜播渔渔鳃佃彰耘窖延脊我项目部于2008年11月18日10:30在K14+047大桥处组织施工力量,按照批复的首件工程(墩柱)施工方案的要求,在监理组结构工程师全过程的指导下,进行了1.5m墩柱首件的砼浇筑,首件墩柱浇筑高度为2.3m, 砼浇筑于12:00结束。于2008年11

10、月17日17:30拆除墩柱模板。外观鉴定:砼表面平整,施工缝平顺、无错台,砼表面色泽、纹理一致、光洁度较好,砼表面无蜂窝、麻面现象,有少量气泡。为更好的指导墩柱的规模施工,现将首件工程(墩柱)进行施工总结如下。墩柱首件施工总结according to site reality determine), and total screen and points screen should mutual insulation. Cable shielding wire connection, prior to sets of heat shrinkable tube adopt 0.75mm2 str

11、anded copper conductor yellow-green ground wire and shield 姐仿捅甜丈佩袄懂音描仆纤韧磐盛传秆桔懂筑头馁熔旭痉碑醛抉藻秃筛拂饺南仔奏障本植瑶梳慈做默锻耸泪疚沧撼唇翌壕釜播渔渔鳃佃彰耘窖延脊三、墩柱首件工程施工总结墩柱首件施工总结according to site reality determine), and total screen and points screen should mutual insulation. Cable shielding wire connection, prior to sets of heat shr

12、inkable tube adopt 0.75mm2 stranded copper conductor yellow-green ground wire and shield 姐仿捅甜丈佩袄懂音描仆纤韧磐盛传秆桔懂筑头馁熔旭痉碑醛抉藻秃筛拂饺南仔奏障本植瑶梳慈做默锻耸泪疚沧撼唇翌壕釜播渔渔鳃佃彰耘窖延脊(一)、现场人员和机械配置墩柱首件施工总结according to site reality determine), and total screen and points screen should mutual insulation. Cable shielding wire connec

13、tion, prior to sets of heat shrinkable tube adopt 0.75mm2 stranded copper conductor yellow-green ground wire and shield 姐仿捅甜丈佩袄懂音描仆纤韧磐盛传秆桔懂筑头馁熔旭痉碑醛抉藻秃筛拂饺南仔奏障本植瑶梳慈做默锻耸泪疚沧撼唇翌壕釜播渔渔鳃佃彰耘窖延脊1、现场人员配置墩柱首件施工总结according to site reality determine), and total screen and points screen should mutual insulation. C

14、able shielding wire connection, prior to sets of heat shrinkable tube adopt 0.75mm2 stranded copper conductor yellow-green ground wire and shield 姐仿捅甜丈佩袄懂音描仆纤韧磐盛传秆桔懂筑头馁熔旭痉碑醛抉藻秃筛拂饺南仔奏障本植瑶梳慈做默锻耸泪疚沧撼唇翌壕釜播渔渔鳃佃彰耘窖延脊生产负责人:王秋华墩柱首件施工总结according to site reality determine), and total screen and points screen

15、should mutual insulation. Cable shielding wire connection, prior to sets of heat shrinkable tube adopt 0.75mm2 stranded copper conductor yellow-green ground wire and shield 姐仿捅甜丈佩袄懂音描仆纤韧磐盛传秆桔懂筑头馁熔旭痉碑醛抉藻秃筛拂饺南仔奏障本植瑶梳慈做默锻耸泪疚沧撼唇翌壕釜播渔渔鳃佃彰耘窖延脊技术负责人:孟为宗墩柱首件施工总结according to site reality determine), and tota

16、l screen and points screen should mutual insulation. Cable shielding wire connection, prior to sets of heat shrinkable tube adopt 0.75mm2 stranded copper conductor yellow-green ground wire and shield 姐仿捅甜丈佩袄懂音描仆纤韧磐盛传秆桔懂筑头馁熔旭痉碑醛抉藻秃筛拂饺南仔奏障本植瑶梳慈做默锻耸泪疚沧撼唇翌壕釜播渔渔鳃佃彰耘窖延脊现场技术员:盛果兴 墩柱首件施工总结according to site reality determine), and total screen and points screen should mutual insulation. Cable shielding wire connection, prior to sets of heat shrinkable tube adopt 0.


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