《新概念英语》第二册学习笔记88 87课.docx

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1、新概念英语第二册学习笔记88 87课第88课 Trapped in a mine1、.rescue operations areprovingdifficult.prove v. 证明例句:This information hasproveduseful to a great many people.2、Theyintendto bring the men up in a special capsule.intend v. 打算做什么,计划做什么例句:This is my job and Iintendto do it.3、As it is, they have been drilling f

2、or sixteen hours and they still have a long way to go.as it is 事实上,实际上,类似的表达还有 as it turned out, as things stand.例句:To create a new market the magazine had to be brilliant.As it turned out, it wasnt.As things stand, the rural areas bear the cost of raising children to working age.My friend was knock

3、ed down and could have been killed.As it was, he sufferedsevere back injuries.4、Meanwhile, a microphone.hasenabledthe men tokeep in touch withtheirclosest relatives.enable sb. to do sth. 使得某人得以做某事例句:This wouldenableme to go to Canada.keep in touch with sb. 保持联系例句:Please drop in when you can, Id like

4、 tokeep in touch.5、Though they arerunning out offood and drink, the men are cheerful.run out of sth. 用完某物例句:We were rapidlyrunning out of money.6、if 引导的状语从句,如下两个句子从句都是一般现在时,主句呢,一个用了情态动词 may,另一个是一般将来时,这两句if 表示的都是对可能出现的情况的一种预测。Ifthey are not brought to the surface soon theymaylose their lives.Ifexplos

5、ives are used, vibrationswill causethe roof of the mine to collapse.第87课 A perfect alibi1、My employer willconfirmthat I was thereon time.confirm 动词,确认,证实例句:She asked me if it was my car and Iconfirmedthat it was.on time 准时例句:We all caught the train and we all got hereon time.2、And you didnt noticean

6、ything unusual?形容词 unusual 修饰名词 anything, 与一般修饰名词的形容词不同,unusual 出现在它所修饰的名词 anything 的后面,不仅anything 有这种特点,另外,something, somebody, anybody等不确定的名词,修饰它们的形容词都必须出现在后面。例句:Hes gotsomething importantto tell us.3、.onthe morning of the murdermorning 前通常用介词 in, 但要是特指某一个早晨,就要用介词 on,这个规则同样适用于afternoon, evening, n

7、ight, day。例句:She usually starts off at 7.00 in the morning, butonthe morning of thatexamination, she left half an hour earlier.4、Itbroke downat Ferngreen station and was taken off the line.break down 的不同意思:(1)机器坏了,不能用了例句:Garages never seemed to be open when the carbroke down.(2)系统出现故障,计划中断,谈话受到阻碍例句:

8、The talksbroke downover differences on doctrine.5、At the time the murder was committed, I was traveling on the 8 oclock train to London, said the man.句子中引号的部分是直接引用他人的话,不加任何改动,因此被称为直接引语,如果做如下改动,就变成了间接引语,是间接地转述他人的话。The man said that at the time the murder was committed, he was traveling on the8 oclock

9、 train to London.直接引语是陈述句时,变成间接引语通常用连词 that 引导,但在口语中 that 通常可以省略,在that 从句中注意根据情况,对人称、时态以及某些时间、地点状语做相应的调整。例句:Ann said, I will get back next week.Ann said that she would get back the next week.直接引语如果是一般问句,变成间接引语时,需要由whether 或者 if 来引导。直接引语如果是特殊问句,变成间接引语时,需要由疑问词来做引导,从句中的语序也应该按陈述句的语序做相应的调整。例句:She said, Are you busy, John?She asked Johnwhetherhe was busy.He asked me, Where did you buy this Chinese-English dictionary?He asked mewhereI had bought that Chinese-English dictionary.


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