《新概念英语》第二册知识点汇总及原创小作文96-17 16.docx

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1、新概念英语第二册知识点汇总及原创小作文96-17 16Lesson 17 Always young1、 in a bright red dress 介词in 表示穿着2、 grown up 成熟的,成人的3、 情态动词must常用来表示不可逃避的义务,这种义务在说话人看来是没有选择余地的。(1)可以用have to 或have got to 来代替must, 一般可以互换,而have to 可以与更多的时态连用。例句:I must leave now.I have to leave now.(2)在过去时的句子里,要用have to 表示必须例句:She had to go shopping

2、yesterday.(3)must 用来表示推测例句:He must be a fool.4、as 的几种用法:(1)I can not comeasI am busy. (因为)(2)AsI was leaving the house, the postman brought a letter. (当时候)(3)Doasyou are told. (按照)(4)He worksasan engineer. (作为)5、 dress, suit, costume的区别dress 一般指连衣裙例句:My sister bought a new dress yesterday.suit 一般指成套

3、的衣服例句:My brother never wears ready-made suits.costume 演出服例句:All the actors wore fifteenth-century costumes.6、 grow 和grow up的区别:grow 生长,成长例句:Children grow quickly. The grass has grown very high.grow up 长大成人,成熟例句:Some people never grow up.7、按要求回答问题,组成不超过50个单词的段落。My aunt Jennifer is an actress. She is

4、over thirty years old. She often appears on the stage as a young girl. Jennifer will act the part of a girl of seventeen in a new play soon. She never tell anyone how old she really is.8、根据课文内容及知识点,试着自己写个小作文。This text described that the writers aunt is an actress. Though she is more than thirty year

5、s old, she still acts a young girl on the stage. And she doesnt like others to ask her age.The idea that age is privacy is come from the Western. After reforming and opening up we begin to avoid to ask age each other, especially not to ask the age of womens.Now the standard of our living is getting

6、more and more improved. Making lives is easier than before. Everybody wishes to live longer and dont like to be older.Especially women, they spent most of money to buy varieties of cosmetics and health care products. Hope to delay aging and extend lifetime.All of us wish to become older elegantly. B

7、ut it is the law of nature to grow up and become older. You can not be graceful when youre so old that your ability not equal to your thinking. It is disquieting to think about it.Lesson 16 A polite request1、 let someone go 放开2、 police 是集合名词,后面要用复数动词例句:The police are looking for him. They have not f

8、ound him.There were police everywhere.3、 street signs 交通标志4、pay attention to, care, take care of, look after 这几个词组容易混淆,下面通过例句看看它们的区别和用法:例句:Pleasepay attention tothe blackboard. (注意)I dontcareif he breaks his neck! (在乎)Dont worry about the garden. Illtake care of / look afterit while you are on holid

9、ay. (照顾)Pleasetake care of / look afterthe children for me when I am out. (照看)5、remind 和remember的区别:remind v. 提醒例句:I reminded him to post my letter.Remember v. 记住例句:I remembered to post your letter.6、注意英语中的第二人称代词you 跟汉语中“你“的用法类似,可以表示任何人。例句:You must never tell lies.7、在主要是用来询问或谈论十分可能的事情的条件句中,If从句用现在时,

10、主句用将来时 (will).例句:If he is out, Ill call tomorrow.8、按要求回答问题,组成不超过55个单词的段落。Traffic police usually give you a ticket if you park your car in the wrong place. During a holiday the writer found a police note on his car. The traffic police wanted him to pay attention to their street signs. Anyone can not

11、fail to obey a request like this.9、根据课文内容及知识点,试着自己写个小作文。This text described that the writer received a special ticket from the local traffic police during his holiday in Sweden, for he did not pay attention to the street signs and parked his car in wrong place. The police did not punish him directly

12、 but gave him a very warm reminder only.You are not lucky in our real life. Generally, you will get a ticket when you stop your car in wrong place unless no traffic police noticed it.It is wronged to receive a ticket due to pay no attention to street signs or you dont know the traffic rules when you arrived in a strange area.It will not be forgiven if someone parks his car in wrong place deliberately. They park their cars on the fire or emergency exits so that the fire fighting truck and ambulance could not pass.It is not only immoral but illegal as well.


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