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1、高二英语作文背诵高二英语作文背诵1我是家里唯一的孩子,我的父母给了我所想要的一切东西,我觉得自己没有缺什么东西。在桌子上吃饭,我的父母总是给我留下最好的菜。但是我不吃,我没有食欲。有一天,我的朋友邀请我到他家去吃晚餐。在她的家里,气氛很热闹,因为这个家庭有两个孩子。当他们吃饭的时候,我的朋友和她的妹妹争取食物,他们吃了很多,笑得很开心。我参加他们去争夺食物,我感到很开心,也吃了很多。我知道用餐气氛是非常重要的,当有人和你分享食物时,我们会吃得很开心。高二英语作文背诵2As a teacher, my duty is to teach my students with my knowledge,

2、 I will do my best to teach them, making them learn knowledge at the easiest way. At the same time, I also need to improve myself, so that I will keep pace with the world and refresh my knowledge, teaching my students with the newest information.高二英语作文背诵3世界上最幸福的女孩 The Happiest Girl In the WorldDavid

3、 Beckham perhaps is the most handsome and famous male athlete in the world, his wife Victoria is also very popular around the world, they are the beloved couple for the public. This couple has three boys, two year ago, they finally got their first daughter. People keep their eyes on the star family,

4、 they love to see their news, when the girl came to the family, not only David and Victoria were happy, but also the public, they love to see this cute girl, they call her the most happiest girl in the this world. This little girl has the handsome father and beautiful mother, whats more, she also ha

5、s three brothers, her destiny means to be perfect.大卫贝克汉姆或许是世上最帅和最知名的男运发动,他的妻子维多利亚在世上也广受欢送,群众很喜欢这对夫妇。这对夫妇有三个男孩子,就在两年前,他们终于迎来了第一个女儿。人们关注着这个明星家庭,他们喜欢看到有关他们的新文明,当这个女孩到来这个家庭,不仅仅是大卫和维多利亚快乐,群众也很快乐,他们喜欢看到这个得意的女孩子,叫她是这个世界上最幸福的女孩。这个小女孩有帅气的父亲和美丽的母亲,而且,她还有三个哥哥,她的命运注定很完美。高二英语作文背诵4跑男 Running MenRunning men is the

6、 hot show in Korea, in 20x, China has brought its copyright and starts to make Chinese running men. When the show first came to the audiences eyes, it became very popular, the participants have gained the fame and money. Because of its great success, I am so interested in the show, so I watched a fe

7、w colleges. The show is so funny, I laugh happily, I learn lesson at the same time. In the game, it needs to get allied to defeat others and win the game, so there is no way for one to win the game by his own. The cooperation is very important, it can help people get the win-win situation.跑男是韩国一档很火的

8、节目,早20x年,中国买进了它的版权,开场制作中国版的跑男。当这档节目第一次走进观众的视野,就受到了欢送,参与者名利双收。由于节目的宏大成功,我对它很感兴趣,因此我看了一些集锦。这个节目很有趣,我笑得很开心,同时我也学到了东西。在游戏里,人们需要联盟去打败别人,才能获得成功,没有一个人能单独赢得成功。合作是很重要的,它能让我们双赢。高二英语作文背诵5Today, when I read the newspaper, I saw the interesting news, it is said that the first rainbow tunnel has been built in our

9、 country. I have seen many tunnels when I went out by bus, every time when the bus went through the tunnel, it was so dark, I felt not good, it just like I went to another gloomy space. But the rainbow tunnel is very different, it is so colorful, it looks so fortable. It is so sweet for the workers

10、to build such lovely tunnel, it brings the travelers good mood, the workers are so considerate, they deserve the big praise. I think if more rainbow tunnels are built, the travelers will be less tired in their journey.今天,当我看报纸的时候,我看到了一条有趣的新闻,据说我过的第一条彩虹隧道已经建成。在我乘汽车外出的时候,我看到过很多隧道,每次汽车穿过隧道,里面很黑,我感到不舒适,就像到了另一个阴郁的空间。但是彩虹隧道很不一样,各种颜色,看起来很舒适。对于工人来说建这样得意的隧道是多么的贴心啊,给旅客带来了好心情,工人也很为人着想,他们只得受到大大的赞扬。我觉得假如建造更多的彩虹隧道,旅客会在他们的旅途中少些倦意。第 页 共 页



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